Big ass spoiler for TVD finale!!!

Apr 03, 2011 11:35

I mean it ! Do not click! You know who you are!

oh, what now? )

books, spoilers, vampire diaries, somerhalder, bad writing

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Comments 9

ellensmithee April 3 2011, 11:16:54 UTC
brightstarmara April 3 2011, 11:38:41 UTC
:( I just hate the thought that they might, you know? But there are a lot of possibilities. Hopefully they are just teaser...

Alaric and Caroline are on my do not kill list!

Oh and thank you so much for the writingadvise you posted! I'm putting up a writers and a readers post soon at the comm ;)


ellensmithee April 3 2011, 11:50:40 UTC
brightstarmara April 3 2011, 12:15:33 UTC
Gosh, I hope that they don't turn Alaric. I like the vampireslayer kinda thing...

I dunno. Patience; I do not has it.


x5vale April 3 2011, 12:55:50 UTC
Do you really think they are gpoing to kill the most insteresting and popular character of teh show?

It would be like killing Dean in SPN. SPn had to be the Sam show and look at it after 6 seasons.

Ian said that the script for the fianle is awesome, let's wait and see..maybe Damon will die or will vanish and then come back...or it won't be Damon at all :)


brightstarmara April 3 2011, 13:07:34 UTC
They might. I mean, you and I both feel that Damon is the most interesting. But... you never know.

It might still be that they turn Elena. Maybe they will just kill of Bonnie or Jeremy. WHo knows. On the one hand it's fun to speculate, on the other.... gggrrrr.


x5vale April 4 2011, 07:00:46 UTC
I just hope they won't kill Alaric...


waltzmatildah April 4 2011, 02:03:44 UTC
I clicked so I could say ARGH!!!! But I didn't actually read the spoiler! Haha!!

Still spoiler freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!


brightstarmara April 4 2011, 13:39:10 UTC
Good job you. It's all over the place though...


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