Big ass spoiler for TVD finale!!!

Apr 03, 2011 11:35

I mean it ! Do not click! You know who you are!

Ian twittered the name of the last epi...As I lay dying Like I said. How much like the CW would it be to have Damon sacrifice himself for Elena while Stefan stands there and looks tragic?

THis sinking feeling that they are going to follow the books. As much as I love the fact that these writers have shocked everybody so many times... I also know that the writers want Elena with Stefan. ANd they don't take Damon seriously at all. Look at the writing lately. So one fell swoop and rid yourself of that pesky SOmerhalder... I read somewhere that maybe they didn't really want to do anything with the character at all. But then Somerhalder happened and it got awesome.

THis is going to be a strange summer on so many levels. They better not take this distraction away from me because I will need it this summer!

books, spoilers, vampire diaries, somerhalder, bad writing

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