Price Peterson!

Dec 01, 2012 12:13

This was so on point. It pretty much nails it. The Vampire Diaries is an inkblot test and you get out of it whatever you want from it. That explains why there are so many interpretations of one single thing.

Obviously Caroline is a Stelena shipper and always has been, but I think this episode should've pointed out that Caroline spent a lot of ( Read more... )

humor, the vampire diaries

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Comments 2

nicenicegirl December 1 2012, 19:06:39 UTC
see when i watched last night, it seemed to me like Elena was just being her whiny bitchy self while Caroline was trying to explain to her "hey this guy isn't exactly the nicest one to be hooking up with" but i guess everyone else saw it as her being "the bad guy"?? idk this show has jumped ship so much at this point i wonder if they'll ever get reeled back in.

on another note, i'm still excited about Jeremy's storyline!


brightstarmara December 1 2012, 19:38:29 UTC
Elena responding to Caroline by saying "thank you for making this even harder" (or something)... How about telling your 'friend' that you understand why she's worried or that you get that she's angry?

Elena. Best friend in the world. At least in the books she knew she was selfcentered.


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