Price Peterson!

Dec 01, 2012 12:13

This was so on point. It pretty much nails it. The Vampire Diaries is an inkblot test and you get out of it whatever you want from it. That explains why there are so many interpretations of one single thing.

Obviously Caroline is a Stelena shipper and always has been, but I think this episode should've pointed out that Caroline spent a lot of Season 1 as Damon's perpetual rape victim? I know that sounds like harsh language but vampire compulsion is basically roofies, you guys, and Damon treated Caroline very badly for many months (which she of course remembered after turning). So this episode in a weird way tried to paint Caroline as a villain in this debate when she was actually totally justified. On the other hand, don't try and tell Elena who to love? That's like friendship 101. Anyway, I was kind of tired of seeing Caroline lose her temper (because who cares what Elena does) so I wanted both of them to hush.

Damon was at the very least abusive. But Elena choses to not ever acknowledge that (nor does the show). And still, Caroline came off looking bad to a lot of people. Could it be that Caroline is worried about Elena?

The whole recap and source of the text

humor, the vampire diaries

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