Recently in FK on my LJ Friends List and DW Reading Page:
- On 07/27, someone posted under lock with reflections on the Lacroix character.
- On 07/22, PJ1228 mused on two common fanfiction concepts about the properties of FK vampire saliva that are neither supported nor voided by canon.
Comments 8
Did I miss some posts? As far as I know, there weren't any FK-related posts on my LJ Friends List or DW Reading Page between 06/10 (the latest listed on the previous "Recently" post) and 06/16 (the earliest listed on the current "Recently" post).
I do usually post this round-up much nearer the start of the month, though it's not on any specific schedule, and if I posted it more often, it wouldn't get so long. My apologies for any inconvenience.
>"And do we get a BrightKnightie recommendation this month?"
I may have to backdate at this rate (hopefully not), but yes, one way or another, there will be a new recommendation for July! And then one for August on its heels. :-) Thank you for asking.
In the final post, I said that all of my short fkficfest stories were now on my website. Done pretty with graphics. You can access them at
Attachments is simply too complicated to post on FKFIC-L. Apart from anything else it would have to suffer the death of a thousand cuts to be sliced up into small enough pieces. At this point, though, I have HTMLed the story (which even so, is going to have to be subdivided, since it's over 1MB); but I want to re-read it, and maybe revise it a little. I'll tell you when it's up.
There are two distinct kinds of posts that I usually make monthly.
I regret any confusion I have caused with these posts.
This is amazingly fantastically good news! Except for the part where there's no possible way I can swing Stratford this year.
There was a "what would you like to see the actors do?" discussion on FORKNI-L circa 1995, and this was at the top of my list. No lie. I would give a LOT just to hear him do the "Resolution" monologue at the close of Act I.
I'm sorry for the confusion; I should have bracketed that bullet point off from the others. It came from the same person's blog, but all the other points are about 2010 plays, and only that one line is about 2011.
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