FK Recently: What You Guys Have Been Up To (04/13/10-06/11/10)

Jun 11, 2010 20:48

Because of FKFicfest, it's been twice as long as usual between these round-ups.  My apologies!  Recently on my LJ Friends List and DW Reading Page:

FKFicFest.  The fkficfest game was wonderful!  Please check out the master list and community tags to find stories that you will enjoy reading!  (I won't recap every step of the game here; if you have questions, please ask.)

Ficathons and Fanfiction Communities (Besides FKFicFest)
  • On 06/03, the femme_fic mods asked about interest in a new round, announced mirroring LJ/DW, and alerted us to be on the lookout for a fandoms poll.  (This is the ficathon for celebrating female characters.  Please vote for FK to be included!)
  • On 06/03, innogen asked for volunteers to maintain fk_fanfiction and help set up prompt-claiming tables.
  • On 04/16, Oldschoolfic sent the assignments for their spring/summer ficathon event.  (This is the ficathon for celebrating canceled series.  FK is always eligible.)
  • On 04/13, Gnosticdiva mentioned Vampirebigbang, for which she's writing FK.  Sign-ups remain open through 06/20.  See her follow-up post on 05/17.

Fanfiction (Posted Elsewhere Than FKFicFest)
  • On 06/10, under lock, someone shared that Geraint Wyn Davies is participating in an open-to-the-public "Meet the Festival" session at Stratford on 07/07.
  • On 05/27, pj1228 reviewed Backbencher, a radio drama featuring Nigel Bennett (CBC podcasts).
  • On 04/14, abby82 shared that Blu Mankuma has a Facebook page, and that he posted spoilers there for his guest appearance on the 04/23 Smallville episode.

  • On 06/03, malinaldarose mentioned "Partners of the Month" as contributing to nightmares.
  • On 05/22, gnosticdiva had a brief panic as she lost (but then found!) two in-progress FK stories.
  • On 04/16, Wiliqueen mused on the music she used to listen to when FK was on the air.

Airings.  Chiller has scheduled their next FK marathon for 06/30 (9AM-5PM, mixed first and second season) and then another on 07/18 (8AM-2PM, first season only).  As a reminder, they're showing the CBS "Crimetime after Primetime" first-season cuts, which differ from what's on the DVDs; they're all shorter but, even so, some boast snippets of alternate/extra footage.

Comments on Dreamwidth:

fest:fkficfest, fest:vampirebigbang, fest:femmefic, foreverknight:airing, ficathons&fests, foreverknight:fkficfest, fanfic:who:byyou, foreverknight:actors, fest:oldschoolfic, foreverknight:recently

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