I want a mate!

Jul 11, 2009 23:03

Have you ever felt as if maybe your life was supposed to transpire in a fashion that isn't the norm? Like maybe the whole white picket fence idea really doesn't apply to your particular destiny ( Read more... )

concerts, sissy, mom, sal, harry potter, friends, atl, life

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brightillusions July 13 2009, 21:20:22 UTC
OMG I can't wait to see you too! Looking forward to it.

Thanks for all that. I think you're right on so many levels, I just don't know how to let go sometimes. I got the stubborness from my mother and my father so I'm cursed to be trouble.


estuaryscary July 14 2009, 05:08:39 UTC
Dude. After I left Coleman I had the same thought process. Then I came to the conclusion that no one is ever going to be like that again, and, if they are, they won't want me and love me that way again. Especially after dating Brian; that closeness and compatibility isn't exactly what it's all cracked up to be.

But then again, I guess that was my personal conclusion/destiny. I want a family and a man that loves me. I have that. And if Ron and I fight like dogs 50% of the time, then that's how it goes.

I don't know what I'm saying. lol. Like I said, after Coleman all sorts of realities started dissolving into mud.


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