
Feb 16, 2007 15:39

I know a number of you have tried to call me today, unfortunately I spent 13 hours atthe hosital yesterday and then today had to go back, the long and short of it is that while UMC was unable to figure out what was unable to find out that there was in fact something wrong, a family pracitioner that Jess's dad hooked me up with was able to find out ( Read more... )

health, life

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Comments 11

smackalalala February 16 2007, 23:53:02 UTC
Oh, honey, I'm so sorry to hear that you're not feeling well! I hope you get better soon. *hugs and kisses*


brightillusions February 26 2007, 07:48:07 UTC
I'm so much better now. Thank you soooo much. =)



callmedirk February 17 2007, 01:04:25 UTC
You didn't bail. No worries. I'm worried about YOU, though. Call me if you need anything. I have Saturday off, and am 9-6 on Sunday. Call me if you need me.



dragonessasmith February 17 2007, 01:31:19 UTC
*careful hugs* I hope you feel better ridiculously quickly. *Love and even more hugs.* ^^


nyc_iby February 17 2007, 04:26:10 UTC
Oh, my darling! Oh, I wish I could be there with you. I wish I could buy you a new keyboard and snuggle you close.

Please don't think me stalkery...*HUGGGGGGGGLES*


Jane bullpenbrat22 February 17 2007, 05:01:57 UTC
Oh my goodness! *BIG HUGS...careful not to hurt you with the hugs*

I hope you'll be feeling better very soon...take it easy and rest up. Did the doc tell you to drink cranberry juice? I know that is good for flushing out the system, as is drinking water.

I may be going out to Brewers camp on Sunday and I will look for Counsell...he may or may not be there yet but if he is, I will take a ton of pix in your honor :)


Re: Jane brightillusions February 26 2007, 07:47:31 UTC
I hope if you made it to camp you got good shots. I thought I read in your LJ that you might not go. Thanks for thinking of me.

I drank enough cranberry juice to last me till Thanksiving...2010. =)

I feel so much better now.

Thanks love.


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