I need a stronger rage icon

Jan 08, 2009 07:53

Via clubjade.net, condescending jackass tells women we don't need more female superheroes because we'd rather watch Julia Roberts instead. I had a hard time deciding what to quote here, because it's all so horrifying, but this part is particularly relevant for us costumers:
Of course some women actually are interested in superheroes, just as there ( Read more... )

get off my planet, fandom

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Comments 20

julietvalcouer January 8 2009, 16:48:42 UTC
I don't need more female superheros. I need more movies with Hugh Jackman in black leather kicking ass and slashing people with adamantium claws, and I need more movies with a guy in a red flying robotic armor suit blowing shit up and being ironic about it. (Oh, wait, I'm getting that. Go me ( ... )


nmissi January 8 2009, 18:30:29 UTC
Hey, if I was a booth owner, I'd cheerfully pay a few guys to stand around dressed like Wolvie- if I could find enough Jackman lookalikes ( ... )


lyssie January 9 2009, 01:43:32 UTC
I don't need more female superheros.

That's nice. I do.


julietvalcouer January 9 2009, 02:38:43 UTC
Nice for you. I don't see why it's a girl thing, frankly. (Or wanting to watch women in spandex costumes, but that's not my thing, though it is for some people.) The real issue is not should they write more female superheros for women to identify with, it's why wouldn't a woman be able to identify with Peter Parker or Wolverine? (Though X-men is a bad example there as it's chock-full o' female superheros.) Why the assumption that women have to have a female protagonist or they won't get it?


tirianmal January 8 2009, 16:52:24 UTC
"Wow, you're an ignorant jackass" variety. And really, that's all the reaction I can muster up at this point.

Does he deserve any other reaction? I suspect he's doing this deliberately, because even stupidity has its limits.

I'll just go with the intarweb warning: Don't feed the trolls.


brightcupenny January 9 2009, 03:27:14 UTC
In the comments on Jezebel, someone who works for him is claiming, "They wanted to do a debate, and this was the side he took. It was an exercise, and I think the fact that it got people talking is great."

Debating: UR DOIN IT WRONG. Eleventh-grade speech class was awhile ago, but I'm pretty sure debating involved lots of facts on notecards and actually offering relevant rebuttals when your arguments were challenged, not dismissing them out of hand.

(Someone replied, "Was it an exercise in "debating an indefensible position"? 'Cause there are a lot of ways to play that one without coming off looking like a jerk, and he skipped 'em all." That pretty much sums up my thoughts, too.)


qui_gon_d January 9 2009, 16:40:03 UTC
"Debating: UR DOIN IT WRONG." Right on, Caitlin! I think he sounds like some jerk who was trolling for reactions -- nobody could be that stupid and ignorant, altho the capabilities of the human species never cease to amaze me. :-)


raykel January 8 2009, 20:30:15 UTC
Wow. Has he even BEEN to ComicCon? Apparently not.


brightcupenny January 9 2009, 03:28:30 UTC
Yeah, I thought the same thing! Apparently he's got some sort of selective blindness where he doesn't see the hordes of girls and women who are dressed up at SDCC...


valkyrie_kitten January 8 2009, 20:47:18 UTC
Wow, can we just mug him and beat him senseless? Oh, wait he already is. I think you would find more ladies dressed up as Wonderwoman, if we had a less body conscious society. I for one, miss my 20's when I could look like a character, and not a sausage packed in a costume!


brightcupenny January 9 2009, 03:30:09 UTC
and beat him senseless? Oh, wait he already is.


I love how he offers "hardly any women dress up as Wonder Woman" as if it actually proves anything (nevermind that it's not even true!).


scendan January 8 2009, 21:02:25 UTC

I wonder if one of his next comments will be that any women who want to be superheroes not simply to show skin are quite clearly dykes?


brightcupenny January 9 2009, 03:30:31 UTC
Ugh, it wouldn't surprise me. Grrrrr.


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