1. What are your preferences in HP fic? 2. What kind of music do you like (and dislike)? 3. Do you cook, and if so, what sort of things? 4. What makes you wish you could just throttle someone? 5. What question does no one ever ask you that you wish they would (and what's the answer)?
1. What (besides Goblet of Fire and Doctor Who) is essential viewing for appreciating the Davids? 2. If you could write and publish an authorized sequel/prequel/AU/installment to any book or other intellectual property of your choice, which would it be and why? 3. What is your strategy when shopping for clothes? 4. What's great about where you live, and/or where would you rather live instead? 5. What question does no one ever ask you that you wish they would (and what's the answer)?
Comments 5
Interview me! I love this meme so much.
2. What kind of music do you like (and dislike)?
3. Do you cook, and if so, what sort of things?
4. What makes you wish you could just throttle someone?
5. What question does no one ever ask you that you wish they would (and what's the answer)?
2. If you could write and publish an authorized sequel/prequel/AU/installment to any book or other intellectual property of your choice, which would it be and why?
3. What is your strategy when shopping for clothes?
4. What's great about where you live, and/or where would you rather live instead?
5. What question does no one ever ask you that you wish they would (and what's the answer)?
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