My First L.J. Anniversary

Jul 20, 2006 18:28

Today is the first anniversary of the day I started lurking on Live Journal.

I met sirhc-warrior at VTRF last year, and we exchanged e-mail addresses on the last day. In her first e-mail she sent me a link to a journal entry about VTRF. Looking back over the entry, it amuses me that there is no mention of me, but there are several mentions of Dave. He is cracking Chris's back, breaking into her car, and dispensing Crazy Uncle in the evenings. At any rate, for whatever reason (curiosity, the fact that I liked her writing style and admired her bravery at being so open about what was going on in her life) I started reading Chris's journal on a semi-regular basis. And occasionally, when I recognized faces or names in the comments, I might go poke around in other folks' journals too.

I really started reading Live Journal on a regular basis in August when Katrina hit and prowler1971 posted a link over on the VoyForums New England message board to marrus's Live Journal. I started checking Marrus's newsworthy, inspirational, artistic, and entertaining entries and Jay's (briefer, but equally newsworthy) entries daily to see what was happening in NOLA.

It only took me until mid August to create an account because I wanted to post a comment somewhere. It took me until October to get started posting my own entries. In just one year I've got bookmarks for around 100 different journals, some of which I read regularly and some as the mood strikes me. Just cause you're not on my friends list doesn't mean that I may not be lurking your L.J.

Yeah, I know. I SO need to get a life. =P
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