While commuting in to $Employer this morning, I heard an advertisement on the radio for cremation services, using environmentalism as the sales pitch. The "green solution" it was referred to, cheaper, more environmentally friendly, quicker to return to the Earth
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Comments 10
I would strongly prefer cremation myself. I fully expect my wishes to be ignored though. Not that the conversation comes up often, but I have mentioned my wishes on a couple occasions to family. It just goes in one ear and out the other.
The same goes for the religious stuff. They all know I'm atheist, but I fully expect they will give me the classic Roman Catholic funeral and burial. I don't even like going to funerals of relatives because I'd rather remember how they were rather than my final memory being some guy telling lies about how they're in some better place.
Though at some level I don't care too much. Funerals are for the survivors. It's not like I'm going to be spiteful and make a will donating everything to charity if my wishes aren't followed.
Now all I need is a worst enemy, but it can wait.
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