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Three's a Crowd, Right? - Polygamy - Michael/Adam/Lucifer synnerxx July 2 2011, 14:15:52 UTC
He's not entirely sure how this happened, but sometimes after Sam got pulled out of the Cage and Lucifer and Michael stopped fighting with each other, he ends up bonded to them both. In human terms, it's the equivalence of marriage. Basically, he's married to the Most Loyal Son Of Heaven and The Devil Himself ( ... )


Re: Three's a Crowd, Right? - Polygamy - Michael/Adam/Lucifer ladyknightanka July 2 2011, 17:47:51 UTC
Awww, that is the cutest thing ever! I love the archangels being so romantic with a flustered Adam! You're officially the best and I'm going to love you forever! ♥


Re: Three's a Crowd, Right? - Polygamy - Michael/Adam/Lucifer synnerxx July 3 2011, 02:55:47 UTC
Awwww, thanks. Glad you liked it! :D


Re: Three's a Crowd, Right? - Polygamy - Michael/Adam/Lucifer _bluebells July 3 2011, 05:19:44 UTC
I already told you so, but this ficlet is adorable and one of my favourite things about it is the little notes that Michael and Lucifer leave for him. The small gestures are the ones that speak the loudest. And their insistence to have the rest of the family around to witness the marriage fail is probably a source of much annoyance for Adam (please stay alive this time, kiddo). XD


Re: Three's a Crowd, Right? - Polygamy - Michael/Adam/Lucifer synnerxx July 3 2011, 05:33:03 UTC
Awww, thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D

Those were inspired by the ones my gf leaves me all the time. They will definitely be making an appearance in the full-length version with added detail. Lol.

He will stay alive this time. Sword of Heaven and Morningstar as husbands? Nothing is touching him. Lol.


Re: Three's a Crowd, Right? - Polygamy - Michael/Adam/Lucifer nights_fang July 3 2011, 15:09:25 UTC
OMG this is the cutest ever.


Re: Three's a Crowd, Right? - Polygamy - Michael/Adam/Lucifer synnerxx July 3 2011, 18:28:55 UTC
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. :)


Re: Three's a Crowd, Right? - Polygamy - Michael/Adam/Lucifer mulder200 July 5 2011, 19:27:38 UTC
Ah! How Sweet! And porny sequels are always good.


Re: Three's a Crowd, Right? - Polygamy - Michael/Adam/Lucifer synnerxx July 6 2011, 05:30:02 UTC
Thanks! Glad you liked it. :D


Re: Three's a Crowd, Right? - Polygamy - Michael/Adam/Lucifer eda1102 July 8 2011, 01:54:52 UTC
The first SPN fanfic I ever read.
Chloe, you have my virginity; the SPN-fanficy one.

It was really cute, not what I expected, somehow, when I saw the Mike/Adam/Lucy in your journal I thought it would be porn. I'm sorta glad it wasn't. That could be too much to handle for the fist fanfic read by me in this fandom.

"Random dates in the middle of the day [...] when they zap him out, unseen to anyone else." I'm getting jealous ;A; That sounds so perfect.


Re: Three's a Crowd, Right? - Polygamy - Michael/Adam/Lucifer synnerxx July 8 2011, 02:35:20 UTC
Yay! \o/ I feel very accomplished now. :D

Thanks, hun. I'm not all about the porn. Sometimes. XD

Doesn't it? :D


Re: Three's a Crowd, Right? - Polygamy - Michael/Adam/Lucifer eda1102 July 8 2011, 13:53:29 UTC
Nah, no need to feel accomplished. I most probably won't read anything again anytime soon. [I'm not really that kind of fanfic-reading/writing fan] c:

Hehe I know, I just somehow have this... thing, where I think all these LJ fanfic memes are kink memes, maybe cause I've never encountered different.

Yes, yes it does. That's what I loved about Cas the best, his sudden disappearances and arrivals, just zapping in and out.


Re: Three's a Crowd, Right? - Polygamy - Michael/Adam/Lucifer synnerxx July 9 2011, 12:15:50 UTC
Well, now I feel even more accomplished. :P

Most aren't specifically kink memes unless it's in the name, but yeah, I understand. :D

Right? :D Wish I could do that.


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