В статье
""Chechen Terrorists" or the North Caucasus Resistance 101 for Plastic Brains" продолжается
обсуждение нашими "заокеанскими коллегами (врагами)" темы ИГИЛ на Северном Кавказе. Теперь они выяснили, что я не с Кавказа ;)
2. "For the last three weeks, Russian siloviki have been conducting a counter-terrorist operation in six adjoining regions of Daghestan: Buynaksk, Novolak, Kazbek, Khasavyurt, and Kizilyurt, areas that include not only highland rural areas but the cities of Buynaksk, Kizilyurt and Khasavyurt as well.”
"...declaring a new counter-terrorism operation against an area of 4,500 square kilometers with some 368,000 people show that Dagestan has become “the northern front” of the Islamic State, according to Anton Bredikhin."
“In a study on the Kavkazoved portal”
Anton Bredikhin is not from the Caucasus. He is a
political scientist and PhD fellow at the Department of Foreign Post-Soviet Countries of Russian State University for the Humanities. Furthermore, regarding the study that is being cited as a source in the article, “in a study on the
Kavkazoved portal”, the Kavkazoved portal is a Kremlin media portal.
There are no "counter-terrorism operations" happening in Dagestan unless you want to call ethnic cleansing campaigns of the local population “counter terrorism operations”. The report “Dagestan: The Invisible Ethnic Cleansing Happening in North Caucasus” clearly describes (6) how homes and lives are being destroyed by Russian Security Forces (FSB) in the remote mountain village of Vremenny, Dagestan. What is happening now is what happened in September, October and November of last year (2014).
A worker for the Human Rights organization Memorial in Russia had reported about this operation in Russian and Novaya Gazeta published the article the same day The Interpreter published their article on Dagestan. The Interpreter clearly chose to ignore both the story and the report.