brendon mysterrr: strrraaaaaiiiit... i so wish i brought my F-ing notebook home damnit CRAP lol bc i hate having this feeling like i should be doing something altho its just a worksheet and i can easily do it in the morn i would feel so much better if it was done lol i think in a week i turned my self around from being hardcore procastinator into
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per1-algebra1 with freshmen (they fucked it up i think) per2-law with anderson per3-PE/health with P per4-photography with buys per5-english with bozeman per6-study per7-chemistry with neumon (what the fuck) per8-history with grotheer
I just wanna give a shout out to all the tests, quizzes, homework, shitty mornings, shitty weather, shitty moods, shitty nights, shitty days overall, and shitty teachers
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