...Okay, so apparently my grades were good enough for Wes to quit keeping an eye on me, but I'm still stuck here. If I don't get out soon I think I'm going to go crazy. I never thought I'd actually miss school.
S'anyone gonna be in London that needs a tour guide or something?
[At the top of the page is a list of names and notes, including things along the lines as "take Larkin to a video arcade THE GUY'S NEVER BEEN TO ONE" to "tell Wes Black☆Star's coming over".]
You guys enjoy Stonehenge. 'Fraid I gotta go straight home, so I won't be joining you.
I got an owl saying my brother's gonna be home for half the summer. Puck,I hope you didn't organize any parties because they should be cancelled right now. Still okay for you guys to stay over of course, just thought I'd tell you about the extra company.