[Log] Our Doing, Pt. 2

Dec 12, 2004 21:00

Who: Bele, Bresis, Daraven/D'ven, Daxmer/D'mer, Jendaya, Killian/K'lian, K'rien, Myriana, Sh'drian, Sinet, Winter, Yosri
When: Day 6, Month 7, Turn 1, 11th Pass
Where: Hatching Sands, Ierne Weyr
What: Eadranth and Alaemyth's eggs hatch.
Notes: Find Pt. 1 here.

Putting to words the anticipatory humming that echoes throughout the hatching cavern, onlookers continue to coax new life from the beautiful eggs. For the Honor egg, previously still, now begins to rock softly. A sudden jolt from within sends the egg over sideways where it shimmies in the heated sand and thin cracks spread swiftly over its surface. Heat waves play across the starburst of colors erupting amidst the egg's bedrock colored shell, animating it as the hatchling within battles to come forth. Once more it falls still, remaining elegant and surreal before the transformation is complete and with a spray of glittering fragments, the young dragon bursts forth, green hide glinting with sticky newness.

Ornamented Guardian Green
     Nacreous alexandrite courses with spectral energy, threatening to burst free of the determined duty which enfolds the insipid green hide of this hatchling much like a filigree bound gemstone. Crystalline headknobs of exquisite celadonite crown her head while prismatic traces of emerald and tourmaline create the priceless cuts of her delicate jaw and eyeridges. Arched, aventurine neck is bejeweled with a glassy row of peridot ridges which parade proudly to her back and along an elegant tail of forked indicolite. The girth of her belly is polished beryl spread with copious accents of pale aquamarine that end before elegantly displayed claws of wrought ivory. Powerful pinions reveal lucid wingsails of opalescent viridian, delicate in appearance while strong in structure.

Killian bounces a bit on his toes as Regale Impresses, waving at her to express his happiness for his fellow candidate. The young man looks back to the sands themselves, gaze flitting over the eggs. He spots the recent green to hatch and laughs to himself, "There /are/ a lot of greens, aren't there? Has there been a bronze yet, do you know?" This seems to be directed largely at Myriana.

"And yet another green," Sh'drian mutters darkly. "Another green and another greenrider -- moody, proddy, and everything that goes along with that." Eadranth, though, seems thrilled with his latest progeny, rumbling happily.

Yosri calls her congratulations after the departing Regale, looking fit to burst with joy. "Everyone's Impressing! I can't believe it!" Well, someone had to Impress the dragonets, but Yosri doesn't seem to care for logic at the height of her enthusiasm. "Ooh! Another one!" Perhaps Yosr isn't quite in her element, but at least she's warming up to the occasion.

Myriana watches Regale walk off after Impressing the green and smiles. Then she turns back as another green hatches. "Yep. Lots of greens. As for bronze, I don't remember seeing any. All I remember seeing, other than the greens, are a couple of blues and that brown that Solaren Impressed."

Bele looks back to the sands again and frowns a bit. The frown slips away as yet another green emerges and the girl finds her damp hair itching with the cold. As she scratches it, the hair poofs out further on that side than the other, a lopsided nest. "This is good, greens are good for a weyr, there's a lot."

Up on the ledges, a small Waveskimmer greenrider shelters in the lee of the body of a burly Night Storm bluerider. She puts a hand over her eyes to try to keep the snow from coming that way too, but that doesn't stop it from falling farther in front of her face. "Wow, visibility is as poor as at a lot of those Southern Hatchings, isn't it?" she remarks to her windblocker, who just grunts in reply.

Winter sighs softly at all the greens. "I was hoping for a few bronzes, myself," she says, but tries to keep her voice down, eyes sliding over to Sh'drian for a moment surreptitiously.

Daxmer sees another green burst from shell and arches a brow, "Bresis, is it just me or is this clutch have a lot of greens? Maybe they're just coming out first..." he suggests and then shrugs his shoulders.

Jendaya frowns a bit as another green appears. "Is there always this many greens in a clutch." She asked. "I though we would have at least another brown in it."
Sh'drian throws his hands up in the classic 'stop' gesture, shaking his head at Winter. "Don't blame us," he defends himself and Eadranth. "Shards, it's not our fault. Talk to yours over there." And, ever helpful, he points at Alaemyth.

Daraven shivers, moving from one foot to the other for a moment. Settling back down, the man grins over at his closest fellows. "If we get many more greens a day won't go by without a flight."

Sinet keeps eyes out for approaches by mauling dragons and nods at Bele, "Lots of greens for sure. But most hatchings are usually half green or more anyways." He gives Bele's hand another squeeze, trying not to laugh at her poofy hair.

Alaemyth lowers her head and /stares/ at Sh'drian for his impertinence.

Protecting Star egg seems to be indecisive over hatching. Its blue-white star is all too suddenly pierced by a glinting black claw and then by a bright green foreleg. Then, crack! And then, a whole and lovely dragonet. Her neon green hide is nice and sandy by the time she finishes sand-rolling--seems this one already has an affinity for nice, warm sand. Anyways. She doesn't bother shaking off, opting to trundle over to one of the cool white figures standing over there, and her faceted eyes widen in surprise. A young girl from Seminole is chosen in a hail of tears and grins.

Bresis ceases the jog once beads of sweat fuse on her olive-colored forehead, the endeavor clearly a success. "Oh great. Now I'll chill with all this moisture." Shoulders push back while Bresis discards her eggshell in favor of a fistful of sand. The grainy substance is then oddly rubbed along her biceps to absorb the sweat. "Aw, how nice." The recent green to hatch earns much cooing. "Nice hatching - the blues and greens'll give the Wings much more speed in the sky. You're observant." Is chortled in humor to Daxx and Jendaya.

Sh'drian offers Alaemyth his most charming smile, slipping closer to Eadranth in the meantime.

Eternal Spring Green Hatchling stalks the sands, staring about this way and that and letting out a few indignant huffs. She pauses momentarily to crane her head waaaaay back to look up at her parents, but that lasts only a few seconds before she goes back to the hunt.

Alaemyth halts her glaring at Sh'drian and instead looks down to whuffle the small green looking up at her, giving a soft warbling sound. If the snow is bothering her, she doesn't show it, but she /does/ show pride in her offspring.

Ornamented Guardian Green Hatchling shakes her head a bit as she finally gets out of that stubborn egg. Once some of that stray goo is off of the green's head, she lifts it up and flaps her wings a bit to dry them off. With a look back at the large gold that is her mother, she gives a croon, but not one of confusion or being lost, but of greetings almost, and thanks. Once it's taken care of, she turns her head to the white things, the ones not falling. There is one there, one that can help her in her noble quest, and thus she begins to seek.

Daxmer chuckles lightly at Bresis, "You have a point there Bre." he says , wrapping his arms around himself to keep his upper half warm, and juggles himself from foot to foot to keep that cool. "Plenty of proddy to keep the weyr on its toes."

Bele bobs her head up and down, "I know, I just remembered there being more other colors last time." She glances over just a moment then looks off to the green elsewhere, watching close. "I was in a hatching back .. well, then."

Inspired Illumination Egg suddenly begins rocking with increasing fervor. Cracks appear on the shell like someone had thrown a rock at it, but no rock is evident, only the eggs and remains of other eggs nearby.

Vorpal Bunny egg shreds itself violently, a fierce-looking blue dragon left sitting in the wreckage. He doesn't wait for the candidates to get any closer, launching himself toward the nearest cluster. As they scatter, he catches one of the redheads with a glancing cut down her back. While Orielle lets out a scream of pain, the blue moves on like a juggernaut through the candidates, discarding them one by one, some without even a glance. Passing beyond them, he approaches the railless galleries, nearest two former candidates. Linnae stands up, her eyes wide, bandages shifting under her dress, a hopeful expression on her face. The blue ignores her and instead focuses his attention on her sullen companion, Venra. The candidate who had gotten kicked out for mouthing off to a senior rider steps onto the sands, a hand reaching out to the blue, whispering his name to herself. On the sands itself, Orielle steadfastly refuses to leave, focusing her attention on the rest of the hatching, her teeth gritted against the fire of her injury. In the stands, Linnae's hopeful look crumples, and she begins crying with disappointment.

One foot, two foot, this foot, that foot. Killian seems unable to stay still. He looks to Myriana, grins briefly, then back out to the sands. He looks to the two greens, but is soon waylaid by the murderous blue ripping through. He flinches at who the dragonet chooses. "I dunno, but I don't think that bodes well," he mutters, "hopefully he's just hungry, right?" and with a look back to the eggs, he looks at those beginning to hatch themselves.

Jendaya shurgs and gives a slight chuckle to Daxmer. "You mean plenty of proddy to keep the male dragons in line." Then she turns to Bre. "I am almost glad I haven't impress one of the few males so far."

Sh'drian, looking mildly relieved as Alaemyth is distracted, turns back to the sands and eyes the latest green to wander the cavern with a resigned sigh. The violent blue pulls him out of his funk, however. "I /like/ that one," he comments as it first mauls Orielle and then discards the other candidates in favor of Venra, in the stands. "I don't like that one too much, though," adds the man, frowning at the new weyrling. "Wonder why it didn't want any of these down here? Ah, well. Guess there was a reason she was searched in the first place."

Yosri grins at Daxmer and gestures toward where she thinks the most recent egg has cracked. "And here I thought this was plenty to keep us on our toes," she says, with a wince at the reminder of her frying feet

Winter peers at that blue, and a word that is definitely not for public use erupts out of the Weyrwoman. "L'YAN!" she bellows loudly. "LOOK!" And she points. "Who let her into the galleries?!?" the suddenly grumpy Weyrwoman demands. "Shad, why didn't you make sure she stayed away?"

Bele pulls back just a bit, paling beneath her tanned face as her eyes widen. "I hate that.. I forget how much." The girl whispers the last, and her hands must get sweaty as she wipes the free one on her robe.

Daraven winces as Orielle is mauled, his expression changing to one of surprise as Venra Impresses. Turning his attention back to matters on the sands, he jumps slightly as Winter erupts.

Sinet turns his head back to watch the blue impress, before answering Bele, "Perhaps they'll all hatch at once at the end?" He grins, eyes drifting from one hatchling to the other.

Myriana watches the blue as well and gives a slight shake of her head. "You might be right there, Killian. L'yan's gona have a handful with her."

Daxmer smirks at Yosri and Jendaya, shrugging as his shivers alternate with hisses for feet burning even with the well made sandals strapped to them, "Well yes, to all of that. But we're going to be the ones that have to avoid the proddy riders," he prods with a shake of his head and then looks to Orielle as she's standing again after being mauled. He actually winces.

Eternal Spring Green Hatchling is covered with a sudden flurry of snowflakes as a fierce gust of wind blows in her face. She snorts and shakes her head, blinking her jewel-like eyes rapidly. This attack on her by the weather causes her step to falter momentarily, but she quickly gets back to her search once she has cleared her vision again.

The Eternal Spring Forest Green marches around the sands almost imperiously. She stops to stare at a brown-haired girl, then with a warble of disgust, turns her back and tries to walk away, only to trip over her long legs. Despite this mishap, she pushes herself to her feet again, only to trip again moments later, this time at the feet of a long, blond haired, aqua-eyed candidate. She stares up into the human's eyes and seems to have no further need to move for the moment.

K'rien jumps as Winter yells then heads over towards the impresee from the sands. There's no congratulations for this one as he leads her off. "This way to food. I'm sure he's hungry." The greenrider gets the pair off then risks a quick look over to the unhappy Weyrwoman.

Bresis owes it to her fleeting attention span to chase after snowflakes with her mouth wide open. "A girl's got to eat /something/." Becomes the witty explanation for the random act. The attempt is far from fruitful because the flurries end up melting as they near the heart of the chamber. "Seashells, what the - ?" The cries of candidates feeling from the war path of a recent blue hatchling snare the woman's attention. "I'm glad we decided to stay here." An oblique look is shared with Yozz, Jen and Dax.

Sh'drian gives Winter his best wide-eyed innocent look, brows arching. "What am I supposed to do? He wanted her. Like I said, don't blame me. I'm not getting in that one's way." He gives the mauling blue another, still wary look. "Shards."

A slight shudder, a little shake then finally the Clouds of Empathy egg stirs on the winds to fall on its side. A zig and a zag appear along the stitching of clouds, brilliant cobalt blue against the autumn like night. His head follows from the other side and he croons with delight over his bright new world. He's ready for it and parades across the sands right for a red-haired boy from the Ierne caverns that Weyrleader Sh'drian had asked to stand. He tilts his head and trills at the boy, rubbing his damp blue head against the white robe.

Where once there were lapping waves across the shell of Strains of Music egg there are now ripples of activity that end in a resounding *crack* and half the casing falling to shatter. From the intact half steps the figure of a marine blue hatchling, jewel eyes surveying everyone and everything as he strides forward. Singling out one candidate from the masses, the little blue adjusts his course and places himself at the Ierne infirmary aide's feet. The new weyrling gently escorts his blue from the sands, radiantly beaming.

D'mer chuckles softly at something, and then blinks as a green hatching tumbles over her feet several times and upon looking down his eyes widen. "Xyrinth?" he says and then stares at her, "Yes, yes of course...hungry..."

Sinet doesn't seem to notice how sweaty Bele's hand has gotten, as he clings to it as a safety line. He hrms, "Another blue, and another green." and looks, "Oh! Daxmer impressed, I knew he would!"

Jendaya frowns in disapproval as the blue choose that rotten girl Venra. "Why did he choose that one? She had the most unsuitable temperament for a rider."

Ornamented Guardian Green Hatchling makes her way carefully through the falling snow over to the semi-stationary white things along the edges of the warm Sand. The green holds herself up fairly high, like she holds some sort of standard for herself, even at this very young age. With that type of vision on herself, she might have a higher one for that particular person she is seeking for. As she does start down the line, she pauses before each candidate, sometimes snorting in disgust. No, that one has no honor, not even close in that one, maybe, but not quite. Seems this is going to be a long day by the way she's going.

Winter gives Sh'drian a deep glare, and she really looks about ready to take a swing at him. "Stop being such a jerk, and that's an order, Weyrleader," she growls.

"Daxmer!" Daraven calls out his congratulations, beaming over at the new pair. He nods to Sinet. "And such a pretty green, too." Even as he says this, one eye is roaming over the dragons currently prowling the sands.

K'rien turns back in time to see the green impress. The smile is back on his face as he makes his way over to D'mer's side. "Congratulations! Hungry is she? We've got food for her just this way." He says motioning off the stands and making sure the new pair get there.

As Dax speaks the name of the green, Killian grins broadly and looks towards Myri again: "I could've guessed /that/ Impression." He's almost laughing, but there's still a level of seriousness to him. Seems he found someone good to stand near in the end. The young man briefly crouches, as if trying to drink up warmth from them. However, he's soon upon his feet again; better point of view up there.

"Oh, look. One of ours," Sh'drian says blandly, turning from Winter to eye the most recent blue and his chosen rider. "Yes, you wanted him," he reminds Eadranth, who in turn looks more proud. "And--Oh, Faranth. Not /him/. If I should've stopped that one in the galleries, couldn't you have stopped that green?" he whines -- under his breath, however. He's taking her last words to heart.

Yosri's grin vanishes at the sight of the violent blue, and she unwittingly takes a step backward. "Ah, jeez. Oh, wow," is all she can say as she shakes her head in sympathy. "Yes, I think I'm glad I did too....Oh!" She takes a giant step backward and her eyes widen as Daxmer Impresses right in front of her. "Bre /look/!"

D'mer nods again to his new lifemate and can only put a hand on her side and leads her off to the corner with the other weyrlings.

Bele looks quickly in that direction and breaks a nervous laugh. "Dax? Where? I missed it! Ooooh. That's beautiful!" She waves, hopping up and down, but doesn't look long enough to know if she was seen. she scoots around to see if that sound behind her was something to dodge.

Inspired Illumination Egg decides that the others are having too much fun, and thus its movements become jerky, almost manic, hopping quickly, spinning, anything to be free of the prison it has become to the new life within.

Xyrinth croons in response to D'mer's, /her/ human's, words. She then butts at his knees again and follows him out of the sands.

Is that a shudder? Did the Inspired Illumination Egg just move? With some of its drab colors blending into the sands, it's hard to tell. Then it jerks again, moving so that the intricate twining reds, yellows, and whites take the forefront. The egg moves one more, a crack forming in the shell, the line haphazardly moving through the maze of the egg. With one final blow from within, the egg shatters, fragments littering the sands around the Stormy Dusk Blue Hatchling.

Stormy Dusk Blue Hatchling
     Thick, heavy, steel blue fog swirls and obscures the last traces of bright light and the more prevalent twilight shadows, muddling and mixing the warmth and the gloom of this small blue hatchling's hide. A monotonous drizzle lends little freshness or life to the hues, merely adding to the weary dankness. Drips thin and splotch his formerly pastose crown, neck, and shoulders; royal blue rivulets leading down to pool at wingtips, limbs, and tail damascene his otherwise languid sides. Here and there, the hatchling's gloomy mist-like cover breaks or thins, revealing a glimpse of delicate moonlight periwinkle at his muzzle, a trail of dusk-darkened peacock along the faint ridges on his tail, and swaths of bold nighttime iron blue on the finger sails of his wings.

New life is soon to emerge from the Layers of Time egg as it wobbles gently back and forth. Without much else in the way of wobbly-ness, the egg deposits a fluttering little green onto Pern. She blinks unhappily through egg-stuff, and creels softly. Her first triumphant step ends in tragedy as she finds her forested snout in the sand. Cue the chirping! But, she soon rights herself and stumbles--with many a snout-dousing--over to the odd white-robed creatures. After a few moments, she tumbles smack into a short Harper boy--and Impression is made.

Myriana chuckles at Killians words as she notices Dax Impress. "Yea. That was one I had no doubt about." she says, grinning and waving towards Daxmer. "Congrats Dax." she calls to him before turning back to the other hatchlings and remaining eggs.

Jendaya almost seems hopeful as the green walks towards there little group, however the green choose Dax and that little bit of hope disappears. "Congrats, Dax." she manages to say with a bit of joy for the boy.

Bresis all but strains her jaw muscles from looking so agape at Daxmer. "But, now /she's/ your best friend." Faking a piqued look, arms are crossed and an eyebrow is raised towards Daxmer, now another name entirely. Smugness and fierce pride are two emotions regarding the exiting pair. Bresis says nothing as it's likely to make her tear up and there's no way she'd let /that/ happen in public.

Boundaries of Truth Egg twitches slightly, then stops. One might have missed the slight movement, if it wasn't for the egg having shifted it's position, and the sand pushed to one side. Then, unexpectedly, it starts to rock more urgently, managing to tip itself onto its side. It rolls forward, a little, then twitches impatiently once more. Finally, it stills again.

Winter gets distracted from her anger by more impressions, and an unreadable expression appears on her face when Daxmer... D'mer... impresses, and her gaze shoots over to L'yan briefly.

Instrument Crafter's Subtlety egg is indeed subtle in the way of dispersing its contents. A small figure manages to slip away from unknown horrors as he hides behind a large bit of shell. It doesn't cover all of him, but it will do. Fingers are pointed, for he is bronze and therefore to be gasped at. But the poor thing merely wiggles away from these noises and straight into a young weyrbrat--Zerlien, now Z'lien, as terrified eyes meet equally terrified. A puzzle is finally complete for two, and the young man looks quite pleased as he is led off of the sands.

Myriana points and nudges Killian. "Look. A bronze. It's about time." she says to Killian, then watches as the bronze makes a beeline for Zerlien. She waves in congratulations to the new bronzerider.

Sh'drian beams. "Finally! A bronze!" he remarks excitedly, sharing a beaming look with Eadranth.

Bele concentrates on a green farther down the sands, her eyes watching it with care until it leaves the sands with a candidate. She then looks further to teh sands and points. "Hey, it's finally a different color. Oooooh..." She hops up and down again getting more excited, forgetting she's on the sands as well, with those whom are finding lifemates.

Stormy Dusk Blue Hatchling remains rather quiet as he looks around, peering through the snow toward the sea of white, white, and sort of grey, the snow on the sands changing the black grains to the lighter grey in places. Suddenly, he bats at an actual splatter of snow in front of him, slamming it down deeper into the sands with his forepaw. Then he pulls his forepaw back and sniffs at it curiously, his red eyes whirling.

Winter snorts mildly, her eyes tracking back from where she last saw the Weyrlingmaster to her Weyrleader. "Yes, be all proud of yourselves," she mutters softly, discontentedly.

There's a laugh, from Killian, as the bronze Impresses, his attention focusing on it as it moves. He seems rather happy with this development; a bit of change to the blues and greens that have been Hatching. As the dragonet Impresses, he waves the new rider off the sands along with the others, before looking back forward. "Well... lots of shards now, huh?"

The dark lines webbing Orange Pebbled egg seem to warp as the shell shudders, the cracks fissuring its surface following these lines almost exactly. Eventually the cracks meet and the ovoid falls apart, a granite brown dragonet left blinking amid the shards. Untangling wings from tail, the young brown staggers sideways, colliding with an older candidate from Xanadu Weyr rejected by several clutches at his home. He gasps, then bursts into tears, all stoicism vanishing as he Impresses.

Sinet grins at Bele's antics, "Look a bronze, impressed Zerlien it looks! And that blue doesn't look happy." He shifts from foot to foot in the ever popular hatching dance.

"The first bronze." Daraven smiles to those closest to him. "That's got to be a good sign of some sort, since I was told we need more of them." His eyes are now on the rather unsettled looking blue.

Jendaya eyes widen as the first bronze appears from the bundle of eggs that are left. "Oh look we have a bronze. Winter will be happy. She wanted some bronzes." Shifting left and right, she tries to get a look at who the bronze choose. When it happens, she jumps up and down excited. "Congratulations, Z'lien."

Boundaries of Truth Egg remains still for a while longer, as if conserving energy. Then, suddenly, with a considerable amount of violence and urgency, it twists and rocks in place, the hatchling inside desperately trying to escape. Twitch, /twitch/, and then it jerks backwards, yet the egg seems as solid and as unbreakable as ever.

Sh'drian is quite proud of himself, or at least smugly pleased with Eadranth, and the bronze mirrors his rider's reaction, both heedless of Winter's disapproval. "Maybe there's some more coming, too," Sh'drian remarks. "They were just waiting to make a fashionable entrance." A sage nod, as though he knows anything about what he's talking about.

Darkness erupts as the Boundaries of Truth egg jerks itself this way and that, finally settling its disturbing black and green side up. As day follows night, though, the sickly half begins to break and crumble, fading away as a brilliant bronze snout breaks its way through. A few more shakes and the egg collapses into countless shards around the hatchling, revealing the Sunset Fortress Bronze in all his glory.

Sunset Fortress Bronze Hatchling
     Burnished ramparts reach heavenward, their craggy surfaces transformed to carnelian on this bronze hatchling. Sparkling windows wink from his flanks, glazed a fire agate by the last rays of the day. Neckridges march up his neck like enstatite parapets to the andalusite bulwark of his headknobs. The arch of his neck and head is that of a filigreed buttress brushed with jasper, springing up from the sturdy topaz foundation of his body. The canopy of his wings has a quality that is quartz-like in its translucence, but with the deep fiery color of tigereye. Brassy columns in the form of legs support this stronghold above sandstone feet tipped with tarnished caliginous claws. The long ramp of the rusty tail ends in the banner of the tailforks, imbued with sunstone.

Yosri's gaze is drawn to the bronze as well, but she can't make out who it Impresses to and so turns back to avoiding disasters in her own area.

Myriana nods to Killian and smiles as a brown, then another bronze hatches. "Ooh. Another brown and another bronze. Looks like there are more than just green and blue in these eggs." she comments with a grin.

Winter starts smiling in a bit of a calculated manner as not one, but two bronzes seem to hatch at the same time, or nearly enough. "Good," she says, indeed looking more pleased. "Good enough. More would be splendid." And again, a coy look over at Sh'drian.

Stone Donut egg bulges slightly around the midsection, shards flying outward as a bronze head appears. The rest of the dragon soon follows, taking a few experimental steps as he peers around cautiously. This sets the tone for the rest of his movements, all of them marked by that same sense of cautious exploration. Stumbling, he finds himself facing a pair of feet that belong to an older candidate from Starsmith Hall. His gaze travels up, and meets the one traveling down. The new weyrlings are led from the sands, tears streaming down the previously stoic face of the young man.

Bele pulls on that hand as she swivels enough to see the newest bronze on the field. "Oh my... that's a ... looks like a big ol' shiney rock." She grins a little then breathes just a bit. "I miss... no." She looks up at the seating area with a little frown. All this movement at least is keeping her feet cooler.

As certain dragons up on the ledges lift their wings to cover much of the aerial exit to the bowl, the changing winds create a sort of hollow sound that reverberates through the hatching grounds, becoming at times even louder than the humming of the dragons. A harper being far too clever starts trying to create the perfect sound, asking one young blue's rider to get the dragon to move just slightly. After a few moments of the rising sound, that single note pitched to drown out even the noise of the hatching for a few seconds, the wind decides it doesn't want to play anymore and changes directions, the humming of the dragons once more taking precedence.

Sinet looks as Bele pulls his hand, "Oh, he's a prertty one." and turns to watch the starsmith impress, tugging at Bele's hand in turn to point out the impression.

Switching from futilely chasing snowflakes to chasing the heat away with a fanning hand, Bresis draws closer to her dwindling 'posse.' "A bronze hatched?" Her head rotates to see if she can catch the talked-about duo. "Oh I missed it." Not entirely too concerned, the flippant girl will not go away without a consolation prize. Another hatchings. "/Hello/. If there was ever a time I wish I were the other gender, it'd be now." An unyielding stare watches the fine-looking bronze.

"That," Sh'drian informs Winter, gesturing to the trio of bronzes in quick succession, "is our doing." Eadranth rumbles his agreement, and Sh'drian snickers. "Eadranth seems to think he's quite virile," explains the man.

"Another bronze." Daraven murmurs. "And another." He adds in quick succession, watching as the latest hatches. "And so handsome, too."

Jendaya hmmms "Do they normal hatch in groups like that?" She asked unsure as another brown and then bronze hatch. "I know what you mean. I wonder if they all talk to each other before they hatch and plan theses little groups to tease us."

Cracks begin to slowly spread over Elven Filigree egg, eventually causing the egg to fall away like a curtain. Oozing grace and charm, insofar as a newly hatched dragonet can be graceful, the shining queen daintily takes a few experimental steps. Spreading her wings out to dry, she takes her time to inspect the Candidates as she does so. Stalking from person to person, she suddenly stops. All haughtiness flees her as the young gold dragon stares adoringly up into the eyes of a girl with curly red hair that's bound in an unusual style, her new lifemate Orielle. The girl stares raptly at the dragon, her injury from earlier totally forgotten, then she finds her voice. "She says her name is Nenyaeth!" Orielle cries out, her usual slow and languid tones inflected with surprise and sheer joy.

Sunset Fortress Bronze Hatchling doesn't waste a moment, kicking off the remnants of his shell and setting forth across the sands. The white-clad creatures catch his attention immediately, and he starts to turn to head in their direction, but somehow, an unruly wing gets in his way. He stumbles, but manages to remain on his feet - barely. He stands there a moment, to steady himself, before the hunger and curiosity become too much, and he moves off in the direction of the candidates once more.

Bele hops again and spies that starsmith kid. "Oh hoh! I told them, I swear it.." with that she launches into another hop then quite suddenly hugs Sinet with an uncharacteristic squeak. When her mind clicks, she immediately breaks the hug and goes back to 'Bele, I didn't do that' on the sands.

Winter's expression shifts from mild annoyance at Sh'drian's comment, but then, her eyes widen, and her breath hisses in sharply. "Alaemyth!" she says joyfully, her eyes suddenly brimming with tears? "Okay, THAT we can be happy about," she says to Shad, going so far as to try to snug and smooch him in public.

"Two, actually," Yosri murmurs appreciately. "Or maybe three. I can't see at thing." She wipes a hand across her eyes as if to prove her point. "I think I'm still cheering for the greens," she says with a smirk at Bre's last comment.

Sinet looks rather surprised as Bele hugs him, he turns to make a comment, but the new queen's arrival and impression catch his attention. He tugs once more on the hand, "Bele! Look!"

Bele points as her attention is pulled to it. "That's the one I put a bet on as being gold. Guess it was... " She grins just a bit and nods her head. "Looks like I get double desert for a sevenday."

Sh'drian's brow arch. "And... that one might be Alaemyth's doing," he tells Winter charitably, "but Eadranth certainly helped. Isn't that the one--Yes, it is. The one that blue got. Imagine that." Sh'drian lets out a low whistle of amazement, then takes a quick step backward to brace himself as Winter flings herself at him. Always amenable to a smooch or two, he takes full advantage of her enthusiasm. "Shards. You /are/ happy," he marvels afterward.

Jendaya watches with wide eyes the gold appearing and then impressing so quickly. "Oh wow, that was fast. She sure knew who she wanted."

Stormy Dusk Blue Hatchling shakes his head once as he decides the squished bit of snow isn't fun anymore. Thus, he clumsily hauls himself forward, tottering toward the candidates, sniffing at the nearest one as if he expects the small girl to bite /him/. A soft warbling sound comes out of him, but that's all.

Bresis sidles a leer towards those candidates remaining, suggesting a wicked connotation. "You know, there are a few eggs left. Care to make a wager on what colors they'll yield or who they'll Impress to? C'mon, a Hatching is a perfect time to gain a little weight in the purse pocket." The charm is turned on.

"A gold!" Daraven sounds rather amazed, watching as the new pair are led from the sands. Ignoring Bresis's suggestion, his eyes go back to the bronze and blue currently wandering.

As Lightning on a Quantum String egg shudders to a standstill, the egg merely falls in half, leaving a very forlorn and lost looking brown in its place. With a look to his dam and sire, he sets forth on the long road home, in search of something that's just out of his reach...or is it? With a flash of a myriad of colors that collected themselves upon his hide, the hatchling sets out on his journey that has him standing with eyes fixed attentively on a gangly man from Great Bay Hold that's standing there on the sands with female candidates clinging to him in fear of the hatchlings roaming the sands.

Killian stares, more or less, as the gold hatches. And the bronze, as well. "They're so beautiful," he hisses to Myriana. "So... shiny." He grins to her, then looks to follow the bronze, though the blue catches his glimpse as well after a moment, a sigh escaping his lips.

Sunset Fortress Bronze Hatchling moves with confidence, now, one foot ahead of the other. With that sorted, the skinny hatchling can concentrate on more important things. He passes by a huddled group of candidates, ignoring them as if they didn't exist. The next candidate, however, warrants more attention, and he is eyed for a moment, before being ignored as completely as the first bunch.

Yosri is only aware of the quick passing of the gold because of the gasps and murmurs of others. She tries desperately to see, bu it must be her vantage point is a tad low. "I don't have any marks to bet, Bre! But I definitely think we have more blues coming."

It's a wherry, it's a..wher..it's a ..CLAW? Aha! Behold, Floating Islands egg seems to have decided that it is time to hatch. Following that claw is a murky green nose, and blinking orange-yellow eyes. *squeakchirpsquawk!*, and the little green finds her way out. There is no hesitation in her path as she stumbles over to a girl from somewhere on the Northern continent. The girl blinks and lowers herself down to level with the little green, quietly surveying her new friend. They both wander off of the sands, friends for life.

Sunset Fortress Bronze Hatchling increases his speed, and he passes even more candidates by. After a moment, he freezes, limbs paused in mid-stride. His head turns, examining the white ranks, before he sets off again. His stride turns into an impatient pace, and he heads in the direction of the opposite end of the sands, since there's clearly nobody of interest down here. One candidate warrants a distant sniff, but the others are easily ignored.

Myriana's attention is caught by the gold's appearance. "She's a beauty." she says and watches the Impression with a smile as she nods to Killian. Then her attention is drawn away from the new weyrling pair as another green hatches and Impresses.

Round and round the Sunset Fortress Bronze goes. He paces his way from one side of the sands to the other, stopping occasionally to briefly stare at this candidate or that, but none seem to meet his approval. Finally, he pauses dramatically in roughly the center of the sands before making a direct path towards a tall, black haired young man. Once he reaches the candidate, he quite deliberately nudges the man's knees and then looks up into brown eyes.

Ornamented Guardian Green Hatchling has been taking her time to stare at each and every candidate along the line to make sure they weren't the one that she want. She needs an apprentice, someone to teach, one with the right stuff inside of them in order to learn how to hold themselves with great nobility and have honor within themselves. There is one here, there has to be one, somewhere down here, not up there with the others, but here. Where are you? Wait... yes, there they are.

Swaying with the force of an unseen breeze, Trouble With the Trees egg seems to whisper softly as where once was an egg now stands a regal green with her head held high in the air. Closer inspection is given to long supple wings before she quickly moves out over the burning sands from which she hatched. Time and time again she paces up and down the line, inspecting this candidate and that. One small group of boys catches her attention, and with quickening steps she hurtles herself into the body of a stocky lad from Uppsala Hold.

Shuffling her wings and lifting her head proudly, Ornamented Guardian Green strides forward in a purposeful manner. Dainty steps at a slow pace carry her over the sands with few stumbles and her tail swings for balance as she walks nearly on tip toe. Carefully, ever so carefully, she approaches the ring of Candidates. Pride and knowledge play on her young face as she makes a careful study, pausing now and again. The little green reaches out now, is this the one? She snorts, shoving the young man that is reaching toward her firmly with her muzzle so that it lands her rump first in the sand. With a creel, she rises in a determined manner and rushes forward now, not stopping until she bumps her head into the stomach of a girl with pale green eyes and hair of ashy blonde.

Snowflakes dance on the wind, swirled helplessly this way and that. Some settle on the riders and dignitaries in the galleries, others zip away to settle into the hair of various candidates or camouflage themselves on the white robes worn by those on the sands. Still others try to settle on whatever surface lends itself only to be flung back into the air by another wild gust of wind.

Bresis follows the points and gasps at the emergence of a queen. "That'll sure put a feather in their hats." A complacent glance cannot help but shoot towards Winter and Sh'drian. "I didn't know her." A little hollow in the voice, Bresis observes Orielle before turning away to witness the hatching of an emerald-spattered brown.

Stormy Dusk Blue Hatchling can't seem to find the one he's looking for, and this time, a disgruntled squawk emerges from him. The ones in the galleries are ignored, he knows his lifemate is here on the sands. Turning back to the candidates, he starts sneaking up on one that's struck his fancy.

A crack appears in Back from the Grave egg, from the top halfway down the center. With no more warning than that, the egg yawns open to reveal a bronze dragonet. His movements are quick and precise as he pounces from spot to spot, searching for the one he can sense but not see. Candidates are forced to leap out of the way or thrown aside. Suddenly he halts, whirling eyes pinning a handsome young man from Seminole Hold to the spot, and Impression is made.

Daraven glances down into big whirling eyes as his knees are nudged. "Trenoth..." The man whispers, sinking to his knees to embrace his new lifemate. "I...you..." He seems overcome with emotion, and unable to speak. Then he feels the sharp pang of hunger. "Of course I'll feed you!" He laughs happily, rising once more to call out the bronze's name more loudly.

Red Hot Lava Tunic egg splits down the middle after rocking back and forth several times. The green who is exposed is still half-curled in a ball, apparently a little shy. Slowly stretching out, this one is diminutive even for a green. Seeming to get over her shyness, the small green begins to move quickly among the Candidates. Flitting from one to another, she can't seem to settle on the one that's right for her. Pausing in mid flit, she turns to face a crafter girl with medium brown hair who she was about to pass over. After a pause both rush towards the other, meeting in the middle, never to be separated.

Sinet's eyes open wide as Daraven impresses right next to him, "Daraven! You did it! I knew you could, even if you didn't want to!" He tugs at Bele's hand, making sure she sees the obvious.

Jendaya watches as the bronze carefully looks over what is left of the male candidates. However, the blue gets her attention. "Oh, he hasn't found his yet. I wonder who he is going to choose." She watches the blue with a hopeful expression.

K'rien smiles and heads over as the bronze finally makes his choice. "Congratulations, Daraven, or what new name I'm sure he'll give you. If you'll head just that way, they've got food and oil ready. I'm sure he's hungry, huh?" K'rien says with a smile as he starts to show them the way off. "Trenoth, nice name."

It's a flicker of eyes in the right direction that causes Killian to catch his brother Impressing to the bronze. The man's lips quirk a bit, then draw into a thin line. "Cooulda predicted that one, too," he all-but mutters to Myriana. He shifts his stance a bit, looking decidedly towards those still hatching; such as the most recent bronze, the green, and that rather indecisive blue.

"Sh...Shelqueth?" Yosri pronounces in a bewildered voice and sinks to her knees, breathless for various reasons. "Well, yes, of course," she reassures the green and reaches to stroke the soft headknobs as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Sh'drian eyes the latest bronze appraisingly. "How many does that make? Four?" he remarks to Winter idly, smirking. "And that one to Daraven, too. Hmm." He shares a contemplative glance with Eadranth, then shakes his head slowly. "Yes, I remember. He was one of ours, too," he murmurs.

The blue dragonet that emerges from Multicolored Scarf egg looks almost as multicolored as the egg itself. Many different shades of blue run together across his hide, glistening under the light. As he moves towards the candidates, he almost looks like a slightly different dragon each time the light catches him. One thing is always the same, though. The determined way he heads towards one of the candidates, a tall boy with blond hair that seems to stick out in all directions, whose parents are Ierne riders. The bond is made, and the two are led off to start their new life together.

Bele bounces up and down some more. "Daraven! Whooohooo!" she swings that captured hand up and down just as much as it's tugged. Suddenly a flush crosses her face and she settles down abruptly. "Well, it's good. It never woulda worked."

Trenoth warbles proudly, nudging his new lifemate again. /His/! His very own D'ven! His head is tilted upwards, listening intently to the words spoken by his lifemate, before he nudges him once more.

"It's D'ven." The new Weyrling tells K'rien with a bright smile, one hand balanced protectively on the bronze. At the nudge, he laughs and leads his lifemate from the sands.

The gently bluegreen shading of Deep Sea Mottled egg abruptly becomes a mess of seaspray shards strewn in all directions as it bursts without warning. There's nothing at all serene about the tiny sylvan green hatchling left at the explosion's center. One candidate, then another is rejected, a disgusted snort issuing from her as she tromps down the line. In the end, only the very last candidate in the row will do, and a soft-spoken Baker apprentice finds his lifemate.

K'rien turns from Daraven and the bronze to head over towards the newly impressed green dodging out of the way of the candidates and baby dragons between him and the new pair. "Congratulations, Yosri. She's beautiful! Just this way to food. I'm sure she'll let you know she's hungry soon if she hasn't already." He says showing the new pair off.

The predominant sky blue of A Flight of Heroes egg wasn't far from the hue of the dragonet inside, so says the sapphire blue hatchling stepping from the neat halves of his shell. Hatching scarlet eyes glow in contrast to his hide as he walks purposefully down the candidate line, passing a number of hopefuls by and pausing only when he reaches an arrogant young man from Ista Weyr, the loudmouth struck speechless by the gentle blue gazing adoringly upward.

Shelqueth nudges her Yosri a bit. Food, yes, lessons later, but food and love and attention now.

The Stormy Dusk Blue hatchling continues his search. He looks from face to face, but unlike many of his siblings, he remains silent as he stumbles about the sands. Finally, though, purpose overcomes his being. His walk becomes a bit more steady and with his goal in sight, he even lets out a tiny croon. Then he butts his head against the knees of a tall, thin candidate with dark brown hair and grey-blue eyes and Impression is made!

Not even the dragons on the sands are spared the effects of the gusting winds and the weather. A zephyr laden with snow, shaped almost like a clump of Threadfall, swirls through the exit to the bowl, down the stairs, and across the sands, ruffling through the candidates. Skimming the eggs, it twists around and around, finally twisting around the two draconic parents, most of the flurry landing squarely on Eadranth's nose like a smooch from his rider.

Rainbow Prism egg takes a while in hatching, shimmying from side to side, its antics amusing, before it lands too hard after a bounce, and *crack* it goes. A glossy, redwort brown dragonet tumbles out with a creel. His large frame is helped back up by long hindlegs as he glances about. Faceted eyes widen as he spots the full spectrum of a crowd, but there is only one that he soon focuses on. He stumbles over to a young man who had been an apprentice Harper, crooning anxiously, and he's got a friend for life. And then suddenly, the sands are almost disturbingly empty, no more eggs cracking shell, the detritus of the hatching eerily silent, only the errant snow flurry swirling around to give motion to the scene.

Bresis rubs her left eye in a sleepy fashion, the stimuli proving to be too much for her senses to bear. When Shelqueth comes a'walkin' to Yosri, Bre instinctively backs away to witness this one personally. "Oh. My." Words apparently escape the girl who uses them so frequently and hands are clasped to her breast excitedly. The cold sensation goes unheeded.

Perhaps his brother upping him once more had him distracted. Perhaps it's just the blinding snow and the mix of hot and cold. But at long last, it's the headbutt that causes Killian to fall onto his knees that brings his attention again. There's a brief choking in his throat as tears well up and he falls forward, arms wrapping about the blue's neck securely. "Oh, Twylaeth, of /course/ I'll talk to you. Anytime you want and forever and always." Then, through the tears, there's a broad smile as he wipes his eyes, getting to his feet. "I'm hungry too, Twylaeth..." And then he murmurs the name to himself: "Twylaeth, Twylaeth... Thank you."

Sinet grins, "I see Daraven's brother Killian impressed! And Yosri! It happens so fast." Eyes whirling with excitiment.

Jendaya frowns as the blue she was watching impresses someone else. However, she perks up with dignity so that the disappointment wouldn't be read on her face. "Twylaeth. That is a beautiful name."

Eadranth emits a startled rumble as the flurry of snow comes to rest on his nose. Shaking his head, he dislodges the rapidly melting pile -- most of it onto his rider. Sh'drian splutters and shakes and shivers, trying to get the stuff out of his collar and off his hair. "Shard it."

Bele quirks a little grin and nods. "It runs in the family.. most of the time. They'll be able to argue a long time now." She waves with her free hand in their direction then she settles for a shiver. "It's getting colder."

Myriana looks down as the blue approaches and a big smile appears on her face. "Congratulations, Killian. He's a beauty." she congratulates Killian as she steps away from the new pair.

In the silence left by the last hatchings and impressions, Winter stirs. She looks a bit uncomfortable as she searches for the right words. Stepping away from Alaemyth, she approaches the remaining candidates, fighting for a sympathetic expressions. "Candidates, over here, please," she says, beckoning to those left behind. "Alaemyth, a bit of a windbreak, please?" And thus, the young Ierne queen moves to block the worst of the winds.

K'rien leaves Yosri's side to go right to Killian. "Keeping us hopping." He says softly to himself before smiling to Killian and Twylaeth. "Congratulations Killian!" The greenrider says sincerely. "We've got food for Twylaeth, was it? Just follow me over here, and we'll get you set up."

With a look to K'rien, still blinking away the tears, K'lian nods. "It's... it's K'lian now. And yes, Twylaeth. /My/ Twylaeth." With a hand still lingering on the blue, as if unable to believe it, the young rider follows K'rien.

Myriana smiles again at Killian, then turns back to the sands. A surprised look appears on her face as she realizes that all the eggs have hatched and it's over. As the Weyrwoman beckons them, she turns to look at the remaining candidates before making her way towards the weyrwoman and the gold.

Sh'drian continues muttering curses as he gets the last of the unmelted snow off himself, though quite a bit has soaked his hair and down his back. Grimacing at the chill, he takes a few steps over to stand nearer Winter, scanning those left behind impassively. He seems to want to let Winter do all the talking.

Bresis is brought to attention by Winter, after zoning out for a brief period of time while looking at a spot on the wall. "C'mon, let's go so we can get out of here!" That of course is for Jendaya as the candidate sprints towards the Weyrwoman. The wreckage of shells are zigzagged and hopped over.

Bele squeezes that hand one more time then tugs the owner along with her to join Winter and her windbreak on the sands. "C'mon... sooner done, sooner warm."

Jendaya sighs a bit as all the dragons have found there lifemates. "Well that is over." She then walks to Winter to see what the weyrwoman has to say.

Sinet grins at Bele, spirits never down, and is tugged along behind Bele.

Winter waits until most of the remaining candidates have approached. Glancing briefly at Sh'drian for a moment, fighting her traditional Weyrleader-scowl, she focuses on the ones whose lifemates weren't here today. "I won't lie to you," she admits up front. "I honestly do not know how you feel right now, so I won't insult you and say that I do." Faltering briefly, she finds a few more words and forges on. "But I must ask that you do not do anything foolish, like jump off the docks or a ledge, or anything. I am sure that you have all learned a great deal with us here at Ierne, and I hope you will all stay and hopefully stand again. Take a day or so and revel in the fact that you no longer have chores as a candidate, and those who /did/ impress now have at least twice as many chores as you had... and if you choose to seek your fortune elsewhere, I'll ensure a dragonrider will be available to convey you to your next destination. But for tonight, I want you to enjoy the fact that we have more food here than we have had in sevendays, and it's supposed to be /really/ good... so please help yourself. And if you need to talk or something, I and others will make ourselves available to you. And thank you for your contribution to Ierne as candidates." She then looks over her shoulder at Sh'drian. "You wanna say anything?"

Shoulders hunched against the wind, Sh'drian grabs his coat up and pulls it back on before turning back to the candidates. He gets that classic deer-in-the-headlights look as Winter puts him on the spot. "Um," he falters, rubbing the back of his damp neck. "Um. No reflection on you, dragon wasn't here today, blah, blah, blah, stay here if you like, find something useful for you?" he mumbles unhelpfully, his voice hardly audible. Even he knows he should probably keep his mouth shut for the moment.

Whereas before, she snogged Sh'drian in public. Now, her behavior shifts, and when Sh'drian gives that 'speech', Winter says a very rude and inappropriate word and tries to belt him one. "You're pathetic," she says in a very cranky tone to the Weyrleader, then gives the candidates an apologetic look. "Sorry about him," she offers hesitantly.

Jendaya nods to Winter and gives a little scowl at Sh'drian, but she doesn't say again thing.

Bele makes a face at Shad. "You don't need t'apologize for Eadranth's taste..."

Bresis itches the spot under her nose with a thumb, eyes playfully rolling at Sh'drian's blunt and tactless rejoinder. "No need for an explanation, Winter, it /is/ Sh'drian we're talking about here." An easy smile is granted. That is explanation enough and Bresis lifts up one foot. "Are we given clearance to go?"

Sinet lets go of Bele's hand, as he shoves both hands back into the warmth of his armpits. He bounces from foot to foot, hot feet, cold body, and waits for Winter and Sh'drian to speak their peace.

"What?" Sh'drian ineffectually defends himself, shifting awkward. "What am I supposed to say? I'm doing the best I can here. I could have--nevermind." Sulkily, he breaks off and shakes his head, glancing at the former candidates again and frowning unhappily.

Bele looks down at her empty hand then wipes it on her robe.

Winter turns her back on Sh'drian and nods gently to the remaining candidates. "Yes, you're excused," she replies to Bresis kindly. "Get in the living caverns as fast as you can. It's /cold/ out there."

Sinet grins at Bele, "I'll talk to you later I hope, I'm going to change they avoid the living cavern. All that food that I won't be able to eat will be too much torture." He grins at the weyrleaders and dragons, and turns to hurry off the sands. He stops by the galleries and starts talking to a brownrider from Southern Barrier, his father from the sound of it.

Bresis nods her head and immediately tugs the string off her braid, the same hand ruffling her tangled hair to break it free of the constraint. "Well done, all four of you." Aqua eyes shine at the Weyrleaders and each respective dragon as the Healer-once-more saunters back to the barracks to change garments.

Bele quirks up a little grin then shrugs up her shoulders. "Sure, if ya want. I'm gonna go get some of that food, specially since it's so cold. Seeya, all." She shuffles off, using the warmer layer she's closer to to stay warm.

Jendaya nods to Winter and follows the others out.

Sh'drian stuffs his hands in his pockets, still frowning at Winter's back. "Well," he falters. It was a good clutch, at any rate. Congratulations, I suppose." Not knowing what else to say to his Weyrwoman, he lingers a moment longer and turns, intending to make good his escape unless she sees fit to waylay him further.

Sinet's chin has dropped to his chest by the time his father has spoked, or perhaps yelled quietly, at him, and he turns to leave at a run.

Myriana nods to the Weyrwoman. "It was a wonderful time, Winter. Even some of the bad stuff." she says with a grin. "If I could get with you sometime, there is something I would like to ask you about, when you are free." she says to the weyrwoman. "In the meantime, I'm gona go change into something warmer and then grab a bite to eat."

Winter nods to Myriana. "Sure," she says gently, but she's still dealing with the whole post-hatching adrenaline crash. "Save some bubblies for me," she adds with a growing smile.

d'ven, shelqueth, yosri, winter, twylaeth, bele, sh'drian, sinet, d'mer, myriana, xyrinth, killian, k'rien, jendaya, bresis, trenoth, daraven, daxmer, k'lian

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