[Log] Civil Conversations, Pt. 1

Dec 12, 2004 22:00

Who: Alina, Bele, Bresis, Dannah, D'mer, D'ven, Jaeni, Kelara, K'lian, K'rien, Liandra (NPC), Margan, Orielle (NPC), Remmi, Sh'drian, Sinet, Sl'ren, Tirya, Venra (NPC), Winter
When: Day 6, Month 7, Turn 1, 11th Pass.
Where: Living Cavern, Ierne Weyr
What: There's always something going on at Ierne: at the after-hatching banquet, Winter punches L'yan and Sh'drian runs Jaeni off when he and Tirya get along better than she'd like.
Notes: Find Pt. 2 here.

---| Living Cavern |-----------------------------------------| Ierne Weyr |---
     Every wall has been decorated, either by the elaborate colorful tapestries that are Ierne's trademark or the intricate carvings and architectural features, which have come from generations of Ierne candidates. Alcoves carry baskets of glows as well as colored glass bowls and other gifts to the Weyr from visiting dignitaries and Holders.
     The cavern's floor is covered in long wooden tables with equally large benches or high-backed chairs. There is no dais or separation of tables for rank, contributing to the relaxed, friendly atmosphere that characterizes Ierne. At the tall hearth opposite the main doors there is always a hot pitcher of Klah and a warm caldron of stew -- otherwise, food can be found at the sideboards.
     No less than three curving staircases, hewn out of the rock, climb the walls of this impressive room to allow access to other caverns, while one smooth ramp going only half as high dominates a corner of the room. Other entranceways include the irregular opening that leads to the kitchens.
     The winter afternoon drifts under a sky unencumbered by cloud.

Click, click, flurry. such is the sound of Lina's boots clicking against the stone of the living cavern floor as she enters, the flurry following as she shakes the accumulation of falling snow from her curls. "Oof, *cold* out there!" Liandra, nestled into a chair, doesn't seem to mind at all though her mother is shivering. "Ah well though, cold 'n' snowy but thirty and five *beautiful* dragons for Ierne, and that gold one! Shell shards but Xirri would've been proud!"

Tirya ambles into the cavern at a brick pace, rubbing her hands together. Even her riding gear failed to keep the slight frame of the Southern's Junior Weyrwoman warm on the ledges. "Brr," she murmurs through chattering teeth. Around her neck, a living warmer croons softly, lifting a brown head lazily and yawning. Both appear eager for something to eat by the looks on their faces.

Bele brushes the snow from her lopsided fluff of a head, she comes into the caverns. She shakes a little, pulling the wrap from around her and dropping it onto a spot near the hearth as she passes. "Snow.. and robes that should be called a sheet of cloth over a shoulder. We should stitch sleeves on those things." She shivers slightly and waggles her bottom at the hearth before she considers food.

Jaeni tosses her jacket onto an empty chair at a near empty table. "Alina, you going to come and sit with me? I have a seat here for you and your kid." Indeed she does as waves away a few potential sitters and puts a riding glove down on each chair. "Now, where is there something warm to eat or drink or?"

As he enters, Sh'drian pulls off his damp, snow-dusted coat and hat and tosses them haphazardly onto a table, smirking and bobbing his head vaguely at those offering him (or, more precisely, Eadranth) congratulations. He heads straight for the serving table to gather a meal and the most important part of said meal: a big bottle of wine.

Sniffles follow Kelara in as she walks blindly across the steps. She starts towards the drinks but seeing Bele she runs over to offer a hug. "Ohh, I was hoping for you so much. Them dragons don't know what they missing."

Alina picks her daughter out of the first seat, nestling her just as snugly into the second, then claiming the chair Jae had so neatly reserved for her and handing the matched set of riding gloves across to her sister as she removes the snowy jacket that had protected mother and child from the worst of the wind on the ledges. "'Course I am Jae, heyla. Oooh shells, what a day. Somethin' else hm--sharding wonderful clutch Sh'drian, a good day for Ierne." Hatchings make her civil.

Sinet isn't looking none to happy as he pulls his jacket tightly around him and makes his way directly for the hearth. He stands to it as close as possible, hands held forward to draw the heat from the flames.

Bele brightens just a bit and hugs Kelara. "Oh you made it! I couldn't see you for sure up there, but I'm pretty short. If I could see the stands, I couldn't see the sands." She grins a bit more and laughs. "Just the dragon for me isn't made yet. If it ain't there, it just ain't. You okay with all this cold?"

Bresis has resumed her second-hand garb once more and like Sh'drian, Bresis succumbs to the wine table like a moth to a flame. "I missed you, old friend." The entire bottle is selfishly hogged - like anyone could deny her of it - and within moments, joins Sinet at the hearth before other cordialities are sought. "Drink? I /might/ be able to share." Although smirking, she is not much more snarky than that.

Tirya pours herself a glass of wine and the turns, setting eyes on Sh'drian. Mumble scuffle. "Congratulations to you and Eadranth," she mutters, attempting to skirt him in favor of food. Ever fond of Sh'drian, Striad trills at him, clutching at Tirya's coat almost like a feline kneading. Tirya rolls her eyes at the little brown before fixing a helping of one of the warm selections.

Kelara nods as she steps back from the hug, cuddling in her riding cloak. "I have definetly felt warmer." She looks towards the drinks and then Bele. "I, I don't think I could take it as well as you seem to be. You feel like anything?" Motioning to the serving table.

Jaeni accepts her gloves and pushes them into one of her deep jacket pockets. "Happy I got these here today." Heading to the meal table, she passes by the wine for the moment and grabs a cup of hot klah. "Hm." Taking a long drink of the warm stuff, she crosses her arms. Sh'drian is hard to miss as people congratulate him and his dragon. "Good work out there on the sands." She says to him as she wonders up to the wine table.

Sinet looks at Bresis and shakes his head, "No thanks. Don't want to get into trouble now that the hatching is over by drinking." He turns his back to the fire to warm his backside and digs hands into his pockets, shuddering a bit, "Shards, it was cold out there."

"Of course," Sh'drian calls over his shoulder to Alina before ever placing the voice. "It /was/ Eadranth's, after all." Pause. "And Alaemyth's." He shakes his head and busily fills a plate before turning to eye the greenrider. "Should've known you'd show up," he remarks. "And--you." His eyes light upon Jaeni, and he quirks a small smirk. Until Tirya speaks. Immediately, he stiffens and glances over at her. "Ah, thank you," he says delicately. "And I, uh, heard Taminyth rose a while back. Perhaps her clutch will be as good." Shifting his weight, he glances back to Jaeni as she approaches and frowns. "Are you... going to join us for a meal, then. We've got room," he tells the goldrider beside him as he finishes with plate and wine bottle and takes a couple of sliding steps toward Jaeni's table.

Bele lifts up a shoulder. "I grew up in a weyr. I've seen some folks try four times then suddenly get bronze. Because it's not now doesn't mean never, and it does mean that I have freedom that *they* don't have now." She grins a bit more. "When weather clears, I can trail down to Seminole again, and maybe even as far as Southern if I get a good reason." She quirks up that grin and looks down at her feet. "I feel.. roasted beneath and frozen on top. Those sands are like standing with your bum too close to the hearth for far too long, except it's your feet doing the burning."

Remmi makes his way quickly into the living cavern and over towards the serving table. Getting himself a glass of something to drink, he moves to take a seat at the back of the hall away from everyone.

Tirya sneers slightly and rolls her shoulders. "It will be her first, so who knows what to expect. So long as they don't sound like their sire according to Taminyth," the woman replies. She scans Sh'drian and then peers at the table. "Oh, I have a seat, thanks," she murmurs. Taking a bowl of warm stew, she wanders toward the indicated table, sitting as near as she can to Alina and her daughter.

Bresis strains a bit with the stopper, but eventually her success resounds with a characteristic 'pop' of the cork. "Suit yourself." Her tone is light and teasing like he doesn't know what he's missing. "It was and it wasn't. We should consider ourselves lucky for surviving that temperature swing. Watch us all come down with colds..." A swig of the wine is taken as the bottle is pressed to her lips, satisfaction apparent by the droop of her eyelids.

Jaeni smiles initially when the bronzerider speaks to her, though it disappears as his appearance falters. Glancing over Sh'drian's shoulder, she spies Tirya and lets out a sigh. The cause of his behaviour in her sights. Regardless, she smiles at the goldrider. "Of course, come and take a seat with us. I think I left Alina guarding the table." Filling her klah cup up again, the watchful would notice she slips some wine into it as well before heading to take her seat.

Sinet grins for a moment at Bresis, "Well, if I get a cold, I'm not going to let you douse me with any of your foul healer brews." His grin quickly fades though, as he sighs in pleasure of the warmth, "So you heading back to the Hall ?"

Kelara giggles at Bele and then gets herself a glass of wine. "It hard to know which is better. A warm bum or a warm footsies." Her smile brightens even more at the possible visit. "Oh, that would be great if you came by. Seems like nobody comes by."

Sh'drian frowns at Tirya's back. "Right. Of course," he murmurs under his breath. When his eyes next find Jaeni, he looks more than a bit guilty, and quickly makes his way to the table. "Evening, Alina," he tells her. "And. Alina's kid. Li-Li--I always forget." Frowning, the man shrugs, almost apologetically, as he takes a large gulp of wine. Someone's a bit frazzled tonight.

Alina has been quiet enough, somewhere in there having gone to retrieve a glass of wine--not the whole skin, thanks. Not yet. "Liandra, Li-Li someone hm, oh that's me though." She's a good little table guard... yup, the table's still there.

Remmi sits in the back corner alone watching everyone quietly sipping something from a glass as he does.

"And why not? My 'foul' Healer brews could just save your life one day." Bresis harps Sinet before her scowl is drowned by another quaff from the skin. "Actually yes. I'm in no rush, but I've neglected my craft for far too long now and it's time I went back before I get there as dumb as any junior apprentice." A sleeve is pulled up and she asks inquisitively, "what about you?"

Bele bobs her head a bit. "Unlike if I got a dragon, I can come as early as I get put on the messenger rosters again. I even kept up my runner training." She grins a bit more. "Besides, I'm dying to hear about the Little Rock Hold lord. And a few others.. " She grins a bit more fully. "It gives me reason to get away from the echo of Shad's snoring over the bowl."

Dannah enters the cavern, dusting the snow off of herself. She eyes the serving tables, then gives in, collecting a cup of hot klah before she makes her way across the 'hall to the table where Alina and others sit. She pulls up a chair, but doesn't say anything just yet, just concentrating on warming herself with a sip of klah.

Tirya smiles appreciativly, or is that apologetically at Jaeni? "Thank you," she says, greeting the bluerider. "Come back to us, Alina. Off between, are we?" the slim girl asks as she settles into a chair, wrinkling her nose playfully at Liandra.

Sinet nods in agreement, "That's true, though I would hope I would get a journeyman healer in the least and not just an apprentice to heal me." He ponders, "I'll be here of course. I was a resident here when I was searched." and makes a face, "I definately have no desire to return to Southern Barrier, not after talking with my father."

Jaeni flips her seat backwards and sits down, plunking the mug of klah down on the table. "Liandra." She supplies Sh'drian, and frowns slightly when he looks guilty. Gesturing to a chair next to her and smiling at the man helpfully, "Take a seat." When turns that same small onto Tirya, "You're welcome." Nodding towards Alina, "She's always between. That's part of her charm." Her smile turns a bit broader when she looks over to her friend.

Kelara sips her wine, coughing slightly as she starts to giggle. "That poor bronze probably wishes he had his own weyr." She looks around for a place to sit, spotting someone alone in a corner she points to Remmi as she asks Bele, "Who is that?"

"Liandra. Like I said," Sh'drian agrees blandly with Alina and Jaeni, downing more wine and his first bite of real food after settling down next to Jaeni. He scans the room quickly, noting the former candidates with a slight frown. "So, ah... How old's she now?" he wonders, eyeing the little girl as he attempts small talk. "Three? Four?" He has no idea.

Alina chuckles over the rim of that glass, the first appreciative sip trailed by amused words. "Off between not really, off with those thirty and five hatchlings in there... I heard somebody up on the ledges say two of the boys were a set of brothers? I dunno, I knew maybe two of the people Impressed, one because K'rien introduced me to Dax--I mean D'mer? Is it? and the other seeing as she was from Southern. the one got that little green that--" off she goes into the wild shelled yonder, history too much for her to resist. "heyla Dannah, come to join us?"

Bele looks over in the direction pointed and tilts her head a little as she tries to see. "That? Oh.. Remmi. He was a candidate with us this time. Pretty nice guy, want me to introduce ya?" She steps from the warming fire, as if her bum really is getting warmer.

Alina adds, in an aside complete with quirked eyebrows to Sh'drian, "She be two, just had her second Turnday. You flatter us both.""

Remmi doesn't seem not notice people looking over in his dirrection and just seems to be staring off into space tiredly as he continues to sip his wine.

Kelara frowns at another candidate not making it. She then nods to Bele, "Sure." Following the girl over she glances at a few others in the room. When she gets near the table she starts to take her cloak off. "At least it warmer in here."

Dannah finally decides she's warm enough, and glancing up, she smiles at the others. "Greetings!" Not going to list everyone. She sips her klah again, grinning at Liandra. "She's so cute," she says. And then she nods at the candidates. "Oh, and Dar- I mean, D'ven got bronze. Who would have guessed?"

Tirya swirls her wine in a bored manner, staring at it instead of eating for now. Uncurling and all but slithering down her arm, Striad watches the goldrider, sidling up to her dish and scanning it quickly. Blue eyes shift to the dreaming Tirya and then he snags the largest chunk on the surface and takes off with it with a proud scree! Tirya snorts impatiently and then helps herself with a more dignified spoon. "Lousy 'lizard," she grumbles.

Bresis plops right down onto the floor with little regard to protocol, the wine placed by her side like her child. "That's right, you can resume your duties tomorrow if you wanted to. I /will/ come back here, I just haven't appropriately asked the right people yet. Officially that is..." Down goes another sip of the Tillek red with ease, more fire-staring ensuing.

Bele bobs her head a bit and takes off from the fire with her friend. "Almost anywhere, including the armpit of a dragon, would be warmer I think. I didn't know it got this cold here..." She slows at the table Remmi sits at. "Hey Remmi? You up for people?"

Sh'drian grumbles under his breath at mention of D'mer, shaking his head. "I think Daraven and Killian are, if I remember correctly. I know Daraven got a bronze, Faranth help us, but I'm not sure about the other one," he answers with a shrug. Then, to Alina, he notes, "Two. Oh. Seems like longer, I suppose. It's been a long few turns." A pause follows while he eats, eyes resettling upon Tirya. "Didn't I always say--?" he remarks, initial smirk fading slightly.

Jaeni takes a long swallow from her mug and seems to relax by several degrees, no matter what the atmosphere around her seems to be. "A few months over two." She answers and grins as Alina answers right after her. When the firelizard snags Tirya's food, she arches an eyebrow. "Heh. Reminds me of Arawn. He takes my food whenever he feels like it. Never even around enough to be a decent messenger." There's a roll of her eyes and she glances to the man by her side. "Are you alright?" She asks quietly, saying it more quietly and nearly trailing off as he speaks again.

Sinet nods at Bresis, "Yes, probably will too. Something to do, instead of lazying about doing nothing." He gives a shrug, watching the others in the cavern.

Remmi shrugs a bit as Bele speaks to him and motions her twards a chair, "I guess." nevery really having been one to speak much, "How are you doing Bele?" glancing over at Bele's companion as she approaches.

Tirya snickers to herself as she finishes her first mouthful. "Of course you did," she purrs at him condescendingly. "It is one of the few things you've been right about, I believe," she notes, taking her lips with the spoon before shrugging once more and then lifting her glass daintily to sip deeply from the chosen white wine.

Alina bites back a snicker at Striad as he becomes a sneaky (or not so sneaky) food snitch. "Oops, goofy lizard, Jezara does that too, she's so sharding fast I can't catch her. Hmm, dunno him," she murmurs of Daraven, "as for the others... I heard a Harpering master cursing that he lost two of his own, and somebody else but I couldn't see the knot."

Bele quirks up one of her regular smiles. "Well, warmer finally, but doing okay. I'm already planning my next message run. Remmi, this is Kelara. I met Kelara at Seminole hold a few weeks before I got dragged back here. Kelara, this is Remmi. He shared a few million chores with me." She grins a bit then says quietly, "do you need anything more, Remmi? I need to get some dinner in a moment."

Winter comes into the living caverns, looking rather neutral in expression, a hesitancy about her as she looks around, perhaps for someone in particular, but her eyes don't settle on anyone in particular just yet.

Sh'drian offers Jaeni a nod in answer, murmuring to her, "Fine, fine. Just... fine." That last 'fine' seems to have been a rapid change in wording, one that he glosses over hastily as he shoots a glance sideways at Tirya. Though looking troubled by her words, he doesn't comment, instead inquiring, "So how have you two been? I haven't had much... much excuse to talk to either of you later, even visiting Southern as... much as I have been of late." His back to the entrance, he misses Winter's entrance, and thus fails to hide.

Kelara drapes her cloak over the back of a seat. She wiggles her fingers at Remmi as she takes a seat. "Hello, My name is Kelara. I'm from Seminole Hold. Nice to meet you Remmi." She looks at Bele and grins, "Like she said."

"Bee, what have I told you about sitting on the floor?" An adult man's voice rings out from the behind the hearth loiterers, Bresis immediately spinning around. "Dad!" Feet scramble to get up and she launches herself at the tall Journeyman Beasthealer. The family reunion begins with a hug that threatens to break bones and Bresis proceeds to chat endlessly about every detail that's been going on for months. "This is my father," she imparts to Sinet with a dazzling smile.

Remmi smiels just a bit and says softly, "Its a pleasure to meet you Kelara." he offers her a hand and says, "From around here.." he motions about at the hall.

Jaeni glances quickly over to Alina, and since the greenrider is seemingly distracted by others she turns her attention back to Sh'drian. She doesn't say anything to the man either, other than. "Oh, alright." Pursing her lips, the bluerider sinks down on the chair, placing her chin on the chair top, she relaxes her stiffened shoulders.

Margan makes his way carefully down one of the staircases and saunters into the living cavern. The man tromps eavily up to hearth, retrieving a mug of klah. This is then spiked with the contents of his ever present canteen. For now, he stands there by the hearth, leaning against the wall with one hand and staring into the licking flames.

Sinet puts on his best smile for Bresis' father, and watches the two run off. He shakes his head in amusement and turns to face the fire once again, holding hands out once again to the warmth.

L'yan, sagging just a bit and looking rather tired, makes his way into the living caverns. New weyrlings have been making their way into the cavern singly and in pairs for a few minutes now, and he glances over the large room, trying to spot them through the crowd. Finally, he gives up and elbows his way into the crowd.

Tirya lifts a graceful brow and stirs her stew restlessly. "Are you talking to me?" she wonders and then takes another bite of the warm, meaty goodness. "I'm fine thank you," she adds a little coldly, seeming interested in getting out of talking with the Weyrleader.

Bele waves between the two. "I'm gonna go get some food. It's one of the few times we'll get all you can eat." She grins a bit. "I also wanna say hi to someone I haven't seen in a while. I'll be back, promise." She leaves her jacket on the chair there as that promise. "Can I get anything for either of you?"

D'mer, now changed back into clothing he feels more comfortable in, makes his way towards the food. It's duck and weave sort of thing, with the blond's head bobbing and letting out a tired "Excuse me ma'am or sir" without paying much attention to wither the person is one or the other.

Kelara shifts her glaass to the other hand and reaches over to offer her hand to Remmi. "A pleasure. I am originaly from Paradise River Hold. That place a lot warmer than here too." She grins a little before biting her lip, "Umm, sorry about the sands. But like Bele says, there is next time." She then looks up at Bele, "Oh, umm, a meatroll if there is any."

Sh'drian casts a quick sideways glance at Jaeni, brows knitting. "Are /you/?" he returns her question, equally quietly, as he takes to pushing his food around on his plate more than actually eating it. He offers Tirya a nod and an almost hurt look, lips pursed at her coldness in response to his overtures. "Good to hear," he responds, clenching his jaw and the fork in his hand. With a clatter, he sets the utensil down and takes a couple of big gulps of wine.

Remmi looks up to bele, "Could you get me another glass of wine?" he looks to Kelara and shrugs a bit, "You know I really didn't know what to expect out there. I am not sure I will do that again. I'll probalby just go back to being a hunter..."

Winter doesn't seem to be looking to punch Weyrleaders at the moment, but she seems pleased with the folks around and such. When weyrlings begin to arrive, she first spots Margan and then L'yan, and then she sort of shifts behind a much taller Weyr resident, trying to hide herself.

Bele bobs her head up and down then shifts position to meander toward other tables. "I thought I saw you, Alina! How is my absolute favorite greenrider?" She ducks around a chair and pulls up nearby. "You're looking well."

L'yan, if he sees the Weyrwoman before or after her attempt to hide, makes no sign of it. He makes his way to the serving table and takes advantage of the party atmosphere to get a reasonable amount of food. It's nothing like the plates he used to pile high back in the past at Southern, but it's certainly more than has been allowed recently. He then takes a few steps away and begins scanning the crowd again, this time trying to find an empty place to sit.

Jaeni makes a sound in the back of her throat and she smiles up at Sh'drian, "I'm fine. It's just... Not important right now." If she can get away with, she'll slip a hand onto his knee. If not she'll use that hand to take another swig of her drink. Sitting up a bit straighter, "So, what's the plan for the new group of weyrlings?" She asks, and pushes back some stray pieces of hair.

Focused and determined, D'mer looks from one side to the other before he snatches up a plate seconds after L'yan does and starts to load it up with utter abandon. Laden, and then snatching a mug of klah the small blond boy slithers off to find a place to park his bottom, sliding into a chair and starting to shovel as if he's never had food before in his life. A pause is given only to chew thoroughly and take the occasional mouth clearing sip of klah before the food starts to rapidly make its way into his gullet.

Sl'ren wanders in rubbing his arms and letting off a big yawn as he enters and heads for the serving tables and picks up some meatrolls and a huge mug of klah before looking around for an empty seat

K'rien makes his way in and scans the room for a moment before he heads over to collect a plate and his own reasonable amount of food and a mug of klah. He slips over towards Alina when the redhead is spotted and smiles down. "You know, I think one of the things I miss the most since coming forward is being able to eat as much as I want." He comments before snagging a seat for himself and glancing around the cavern. Got to keep an eye on the weyrlings.

Alina is more than slightly distracted, the former southern resident who earlier that day had Impressed her green having drifted near enough to chat with Li. That's enough to distract her, quickly in conversation.

Sh'drian catches a glimpse of Winter and looks more crushed. Just what he needed: another goldrider who doesn't like him. Frowning, he finishes his glass of wine and sloppily refills the glass. Jaeni's hand on his knee perks him back up marginally. "Oh. Later, then?" he surmises. "As for the weyrlings, you'd have to ask--L'yan. There he is now." He offers the weyrlingmaster a quick nod of recognition.

Kelara ohs at Remmi, "A hunter, really. They could probably use you here then. Finding some food. I know we could use some hunters at Seminole. Plenty of baked goods with the crafthall so close. But could use some more meat there."

Margan takes a sip of his klah and turns around, seeming to make some sort of decision as his jaw is set in a determined fashion. Throwing off his dark look, the man slowly forms a smile as he saunters up to the bustling table. Looking around, he spots a newly vacated seat and moves to help himself to it, joining the table near Jaeni, Alina, Tirya and unfortunately, Sh'd. "Evening, Ierne's duties. We're glad that so many have come to celebrate in our great day," he extends warmly, eyes lighting on Alina first and then shifting to Jaeni and offering his most gallant smile. He may not have a dragon, but he has his looks, right?

Bele chats for a few moments then turns to head back for the fire and the warmed food. Passing by she spies Sinet and gives him a little bit of a grin and an encouraging nod. "Hey..." she says as she gets near. "Hi."

Sinet shivers, "Much warmer over here. I have my winter jacket on and still feel cold to the bone. How are you doing? Getting warm?"

Remmi nods and says, "I will probalby go back to that now I guess." he shrugs and looks about, "I should probalby go get my stuff moved back to the residents barracks. So I can head out tommorow in the morning..."

Tirya glance at Sh'drian over her wine and sighs. "Oh don't look like such a kicked canine," she mutters softly to him and gives her head a shake of dissproval. The woman then smiles more good-naturedly, a hint of early rose appearing in her cheeks.

Winter pointedly waits until more people have at the serving tables, finally making her way to help herself to what's left, including even a bubbly pie. Then, she slinks toward a quiet corner to munch on her chosen meal, looking rather weary, but happy somehow. Sort of.

Jaeni raises an eyebrow at Sh'drian and a small laugh escapes her. "Well, that too. If you'd like." Looking in the direction of the brownrider, she gives him a quick wave over. "It's not so much me as Rajazad and Juniper. They like that weyrling stuff. Well, I think Raj gets a kick out of it. So." When a smile is bestowed on her from Margan, the blonde looks up at him and smiles back. Though it's not quite gallent. "Southern's duties," Eyes check quickly for a knot. "Steward." She finishes.

Kelara stops in mid sip and frowns, "They make you move out so quickly. Could at least give you till the morning. Well, I hope things go well for you Remmi."

Sl'ren gets up, his stomach rumbling loudly before heading over to load up his plate with a little bit of everything, "I feel like I'm eating for two now" as he heads back to his seat. "Anybody have the final color count? I sort of lost track very early on"

Sh'drian gives Margan a dirty look and then pointedly ignores the other man, even as he attempts to woo Jaeni. With another healthy swig of wine, he peers at the distracted Alina and Liandra and shrugs, glance directing itself at Tirya again. His frown is short-lived, replaced by a wan smile. "I don't," he insists. "I'm happy. Really. It's--it's been a good day. Mostly. I have the feeling I shouldn't be left alone with Winter for a few more days, but then, that's hardly what I'd call unusual." Smirk. "He's not the /real/ steward. Just an assistant," he hastily corrects Jaeni, without paying much attention.

"A gold and four bronzes, by the way," Sh'drian adds loudly to Sl'ren, smirking. "The rest isn't so important."

L'yan seems to be having a very hard time deciding where to sit. He just starts moving towards a table with a couple of empty spots when D'mer moves past him and settles into one of them. He stops abruptly and glances around. There might be one or two near Sh'drian as well, but the young weyrlingmaster shows absolutely no inclination to going there. Finally, he looks hopefully towards a corner he's retreated to before...only to see Winter there. The man finally sighs heavily and heads towards the lonely corner. "Ma'am," he says solemnly as he slides into a chair.

Remmi shakes his head, "They don't make us but..." he looks around at all the people and just shakes his head, "I just don't feel like I should be here right now. THis is supose to be a happy time and I don't feel so happy you know." as he begins to stand to makes for the exit. "I am sorry for this.." to Kelara.

K'rien grins as Alina is distracted and slips closer to Tirya after a quick look around to make sure no one is getting in trouble. "Good day." He says softly before Sh'drian gets a dirty look. "And quite a few nice blues and greens, plus four or five browns. I lost track quickly running around down there."

Winter looks up when she hears Shad say yet another politically incorrect comment. But then she's distracted by a Weyrlingmaster plopping nearby. "L'yan," she replies, stirring the bowl of soup she'd procured, but not seeming to be eating any of it. "The kids settled in all right, then?"

D'mer nearly chokes on a bite of food when the Weyrleader's words happen to drift over, causing the blond to cough a bit and direct an icy glare at him. However, the passing shadow of one of the Weyrling staff causes him to school his expression and simply glare down at the remaining contents of his plate.

Margan grins in a winning fashion as Jaeni returns his smile. "Ahh lady, it is only assistant," he notes humbly, stormy eyes sparkling with amusement now. The roguish gentleman rubs at his slightly bristled chin and then sips his klah. "Did you enjoy the hacthing?" he asks Jaeni with a lift of his expressive eyebrows.

Kelara sighs and gives a nod, waving to Remmi. "I understand." Sh'drian's last comment draws a look from her. "What a jerk." She says of the leader before taking a sip of her wine.

D'ven wanders in, still rather in a little world of his own. Smiling, he wanders through the assembled people, looking for any of the new Weyrlings or old Candidates.

Bele breathes out a little bit and glances out of the entry. even without seeing outside. "I'm warmer, yeah. I don't think I got it nearly as bad for some reason. More burned feelings on my feet than anything else. I'm getting some wine for Remmi and some food, want to come meet Kelara from Seminole?"

L'yan, in contrast, has quite a bit more appetite and begins to eat very, very quickly. He pauses in between bites to nod at the goldrider. "Ma'am, yes, ma'am. They've all been fed and have been or are in the process of being oiled. A lot of them are asleep and their lifemates are either asleep too or are here," he says distantly.

Tirya makes soft sounds of displeasure at Sh'drian's ever rude comments. "Well, Sh'd, at least you remain consistent," she tells him. "Though, this display of...moppiness is something new," she adds and offers him a soft smile. "Oh, K'rien!" she greets the greenrider warmly. "Well now, how are you holding up?" she asks, shifting her attention to him though her eyes flick back to Sh'drian once while she speaks before settling in on her new target.

Remmi nods to kelara and he moves to shift through the crowd, trying to make for the exit.

Winter says quite calmly to L'yan, "You call me 'ma'am' once more, L'yan, and I'll punch /you/ too." She still doesn't have a bite of her meal, just looking out over the living cavern.

Sl'ren frowns a little bit muttering under his breath at Sh'drian's comment, "My Isirith does too matter" before going back to his plate of food glancing around for people he knows

Sinet shakes his head at Bele, and says to her in a low voice, "No, I better not. My stomach grumbling would be embrassing." He gives a shrug, moving hands back towards the flame, turning and rotating them to get them as warm as possible.

Jaeni shrugs her shoulders, "I was close. Assistant or not, you still most do plenty of wandering around the place." She gestures vaguely to the living cavern. There's a tolerant role of her eyes and with the hand that's on Sh'drian's leg, she pats his knee and takes it away, reaching to get another sip of her drink. "I enjoyed it very much, especially calling down to one of Ierne's greenriders in the galleries. Amusing I don't believe I caught your name?" She asks politely, equipped with an easy smile. "I'm Jaeni, rider of blue Czanth. Starflame Wingleader and all that."

Sh'drian nods to K'rien. "Right. Green and blues," he agrees. "We're overflowing with them now." He gives his head a somewhat disappointed shake, missing in the process Winter's gaze. In fact, he's largely ignorant of the unpleasant looks everyone's giving him in light of his bigoted statements. "Oh, sure. Of course he does," he tells Sl'ren blithely, offering the new brownrider his nicest smirk. He shoots a dark look at Margan, but more or less seems content to let Jaeni fend for herself against him, even as he enjoys her touching of his leg. Then: "Mopiness?" he repeats Tirya, looking confused. "I'm not mopey, am I?"

Striding into the living cavern is Venra the newly-minted bluerider. She gives an almost challenging look as she goes around to find something to eat. In stark contrast, Orielle hovers near the entrance, her strained expression one of warring happiness, injury, and sympathy. She waits near the doorway, apparently not wanting to upset anyone or put herself forward.

Bele frowns a little and crosses her arms. "Surely you getta eat *something* Sinet. You've been out on the sands with me and have gotta be as hungry as I am for that." She drops her voice a little bit and leans closer, "can I slip ya something?"

Spotting D'mer first, D'ven heads over to where the new greenrider is sitting. Smiling at his fellow, the older man settles himself into a chair next to the younger.

K'rien smiles back to Tirya as warmly. "I'm holding up alright. Check back in a few days and the weyrlings may have gotten me." He jokes raising a hand to wave to K'lian as he spots the new blue weyrling come in through the crowd. He dips into his food before looking back over to Tirya. "And how are you holding up?"

Sinet shakes his head quickly at Bele, looking around to make sure noone heard her offer, "Don't get into trouble Bele! You know I'm still on punishment duty!" his voice still low. He smiles gratefully, "Thanks though, I'll just eat dinner like I normally do and where I normally do."

K'lian seems to have taken one of the longest to find himself in the Caverns. Already, he's rubbing his throat a bit with a sort of concerned look on his features. However, once he joins up with the crowd and spots K'rien's wave, the look fades into one of joy and he quickly moves to meet his Assistant Weyrlingmaster, "Where's the food?" Well, Twylaeth got to eat. What about K'lian?

D'mer doesn't seem to mind that the sets around him are completely barren of those willing to park themselves in the chairs, however allows a brilliant smile to D'ven when the newly impresses bronzerider comes to sit beside him. "Hey there." he says softly, relief painting his features.

Remmi shifts his way past the last couple of people in the cavern perhaps bumping into a few of them as he forces his way out and to the undergroup stream cavern and away from the crowd.

Margan runs a hand through his hair and then leans on the table comfortably. "Ahh, my apologies, Wingleader," he says smoothly. "I would Margan, or, perhaps I should be called Doormat," he notes in a joking manner, lifting his brows and shooting that word and a small challenge at Sh'drian as he does so. The man then smiles again, showing his sense of humor.

Bele scowls just a bit then tilts her head. She whispers her next piece. "You sure? I hate seeing ya hungry, even if you are a pain in the neck." She stays there for a moment, secure that she's not noticed in such a crowded room.

d'ven, kelara, winter, bele, sh'drian, orielle, sinet, d'mer, dannah, venra, k'rien, liandra, alina, jaeni, tirya, bresis, sl'ren, remmi, k'lian, margan

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