7 is In my Life by the Beatles, 12b is I Want You but I Don't Need You by... Momus, is it? (though I heard it from Amanda Palmer), and 23 is For What It's Worth by Buffalo Springfield!
I know exactly how the tune to "Gee it's great to be back home" sounds but I can't place the artist right now. Maybe it will come to me. Good meme though, I might pinch it (even though my ipod contents are deeply embarrassing!)
It is a fun little meme. I'm not very good at guessing other people's music when they post. Most of the time it is because I just don't listen to much modern music and sometimes it is just because without the music I fail to recognize the lyrics of a song that I actually do know.
This is such fun! Unfortunately I don't recognize any of these ^^ I am super bad with artists and titles anyway. There are songs that have been on my ipod for years and I still don't know who sings them and what they are called.
There are songs that have been on my ipod for years and I still don't know who sings them and what they are called. I have a friend that will frequently ask me what a song is playing off my iphone when he rides in my car and is always teasing me when I can tell him the title but have no clue on the artist. He thinks I should know it all if I own the song. I keep trying to explain that there are certain artists I love so of course I know their songs that way but a lot of what I have are random 1960s compilations so I might only own that one song from the artist and have no clue about anything else he/she/they has/have done.
Comments 6
I have a friend that will frequently ask me what a song is playing off my iphone when he rides in my car and is always teasing me when I can tell him the title but have no clue on the artist. He thinks I should know it all if I own the song. I keep trying to explain that there are certain artists I love so of course I know their songs that way but a lot of what I have are random 1960s compilations so I might only own that one song from the artist and have no clue about anything else he/she/they has/have done.
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