Title: Merit (Part 7 of A Change of Heart)
bratanimusRating: PG for this chapter, R for some others
Spoilers: This story, begun post-Eclipse, is my version of Breaking Dawn. First person Edward POV.
Warnings: Mild language, mild violence, references to sex.
Pairings: Edward/Bella, all other canon pairings
Word Count: 6,462
Summary: I had no idea
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Comments 38
I'm coming back here, don't worry.
Gosh I just want to hug Edward. I love that he was right in the middle of this epiphany when Alice called. Oh, Edward!
I can't wait for the next chapter!!! This one was so vivid and had lovely details and imagery. <3
The writing is rich without being purple- it's perfect!
Oh trust me, there's still lots of interest. I still see/hear it getting rec'd. <3
Oh, thank you, hon. That means a lot. I do strive not to be purply, so it's good to know you think I've been successful.
And thanks for letting me know that interest in this story is not dead. I'm going to finish it even if you're the only one who reads it, lol. ;)
BTW, Did I tell you I just sent this to my MIL? She's a HUGE Twi-hard, too, and I only discovered that a couple of months ago! She was amazed to hear there is fanfic out there. Of course, I had to direct her straight to this one!! ♥
You did tell me about your MIL and that you'd graciously rec'd my fic to her. Thank you again! ♥
The cliffie...killing me! I'm glad we know where Bella is, but the fact the Volturi are waiting for Alice? Not good. And running won't do any good either. Eeeek!
So sorry about the cliffhanger. *evil laugh* You're right, running won't help. I wonder if Alice will run or not? *maniacal laugh* And what's going to happen to Bella??? I guess I'll have to keep writing to find out. ;)
Thanks for reading. :D
I really enjoyed the different story line and the fact that it is written for a more adult audience. You take it the extra step I longed for in the books. ooh la la
And I agree, you are a better writer technically then Steph..sorry Steph.
Can't wait for chapter 8
Thanks- Psiri
I'll try to post chapter 8 as soon as possible! Thanks again for reading and for your lovely comments. :D
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