
Dec 09, 2010 00:23

(I go through these kinds of days a LOT more than what I let on - more even than what Flávia knows. So don't take it too seriously, it's probably just a thing of the moment. And I'm really down at the moment, so. Yeah. Don't think I'm depressive or anything, I'm just blergh :/)

There are days in which I cannot stand my writing. Everything that I ( Read more... )

real life: ):, about: my writing, real life: rambling

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Comments 3

mycheesycake December 15 2010, 12:50:35 UTC
Even though you posted this days ago, i just wanted to comment so badly cause i think you're wrong.
Actually for me, there are no boring nor irrelevant parts in your fic/fics. I think they're written nicely. ^_^)b
Even though i know you have no idea who i am and that says that i have no right to say something about this but i really think you shouldn't stop cause i think you're extremely awesome at writing. ^^ But whatever makes you happy or anything it's up to you. (:


brandnewwind December 23 2010, 00:48:52 UTC
Even though you commented days ago, I'll reply to it :)

It actually means a lot for me that you took your time to take a glance at my personal account and even was as thoughtful as to drop me such a nice comment ♥
You're right, I don't know you, but that means nothing. The fact you cared and tried to cheer me up is all that counts >v< I really appreciate your kind words and your understanding, they mean a lot to me!

Thank you for being so gentle, this really made me happy and more confident ♥


(The comment has been removed)

brandnewwind January 4 2011, 02:32:15 UTC
It's no problem replying a little late lol

Wow, it makes me happy that you like it so much *-* I can't quite believe you read it this many times LOL But thank you!

I knooow, what's with the fading 2Shin now? )': It's such a fantabulous little thing ):

I know, I do feel I'll only improve if I keep on, but it's just so tiring not being able to like what I write these days :/ But I'll try to get over it :)
I miss posting too, I'm just being stupid LOL It'll pass, I think.

I LOVE that emoticon rofl
And thank you for being so sweet and commenting on this entry, this means so much to me you don't even know. Thanks ♥♥


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