
Dec 09, 2010 00:23

(I go through these kinds of days a LOT more than what I let on - more even than what Flávia knows. So don't take it too seriously, it's probably just a thing of the moment. And I'm really down at the moment, so. Yeah. Don't think I'm depressive or anything, I'm just blergh :/)

There are days in which I cannot stand my writing. Everything that I like or am proud of having created just seems so damn disgusting and ridiculous it makes me cringe.


I'm truly thinking of just... stop trying. Better yet, stop posting. I could never stop writing, the ideas just crumble inside my head and pester my brain until I type the whole thing out. But posting is the troublesome part and the most easily fixed one too. The thought of never posting again scares me but also seems comforting. That would be a good bye to my multi-chaptered stories and the ones I intended to post, which seems good now, but I know that soon I'd regret doing it.


This is to frustrating ): I want to throw it all away and just get rid of this mental obligation that haunts my alone moments. But, at the same time, I want to keep making what I write known and have people give their opinions on it, even if they are negative ones.

(I know I've said that before and even before that, but) 1+1=3 is seriously this close of being dropped. The more I think about the series, the more retarded and stupid it seems to me. Their personalities aren't loyal (that's given when you take a glance at Dongho, anyway), the writing style is absurdly unbalanced, there are plot holes, irrelevant information, obvious lack of planning for certain parts, numerous boring parts - I don't see why I should keep that up. Sad thing is: all my fics are very likely to be like that, so I should just stop writing multi-chaptered at once.

And for some foreign, disturbing, twisted reason, I love that fic. With those obviously noticeable flaws and all, it's been my sweetheart all year long. Right now, I sort of hate it and want it erased for good, but I know it'll pass and tomorrow I'll be like "oh, I should totally update it now". But I also can't take these emotional swings.

Writing is a big deal for me. Honestly, sometimes I give it my best, sometimes I just write anything I want. But it's always a huge thing. I really love doing it and it is a hobby, though also inevitably a responsability. And now that these days in which I think nothing I come up with is satisfatory are becoming more often, I can't stop feeling this growing urge to give up.

I'd like to have a reason not to, but I think I do not.


real life: ):, about: my writing, real life: rambling

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