Fanfic: The Hunter's Revenge Three (Generator Rex)

Jul 06, 2014 13:45

Title: The Hunter's Revenge: Three
Fandom: Generator Rex
Characters: Rex, Noah, Agent Six, Dr. Rebecca Holiday, Bobo Ha-Ha, OC
Words: 2,125
Overall Rating: R
This Chapter Rating: PG-13
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance, Action, Mystery, Multi-chapter
Warning: Noex (Noah X Rex)
Summary: While Rex continues to fight and cure EVOs he is being watched and studied by someone who shall have his revenge.
Author's Notes: Can someone explain to me why it has taken me three years to post this here?


Noah had grown quiet again, which made Rex flush with nerves. He felt his good mood drain as he looked at Noah. His blond friend was facing the PNS as Kevin tuned the device, but his eyes were slanted and focused on Rex. The Hispanic teen returned the look. The two friends held each other's gaze, trying to silently communicate their thoughts.

Kevin seemed oblivious to the true significance of Noah's silence. To him Noah's sudden speechlessness meant the teenaged blond was highly impressed by the PNS, but Rex was apprehensive, he knew better.

A quiet Noah was an angry Noah.

But Rex knew. A hollering, stomping, pissed off rampaging Noah came out when he was frustrated and needed to vent that frustration, but a quiet Noah? A quiet Noah was dangerous.

Rex had only seen Noah truly upset twice before and both times he wished he had been fighting mucus spitting EVO bugs than get hit with the blunt force that was an enraged Noah.

He could handle a pissed off Noah, all he had to do was make Noah laugh with a dirty joke or with some physical humor and all would be forgiven, but an irate Noah had to be treated with more care than Rex currently possessed.

Rex didn't have the energy to deal with Noah's anger but he knew he needed to find the root cause of it if they were going to have any fun hanging out together.

Rex didn't have a plan for angry Noah. Up until now he just let the blond stew in his rage until he ranted and raved about what was bothering him. At least then Rex would know what he had done wrong. Because he knew that Noah wasn't just angry, he was angry at Rex.

He barely heard Kevin's voice instructing him to lay flat so he could start running the scanner over him head to toe. Rex lay on his back and closed his eyes, letting his mind wander.

He heard Noah shifting his weight in his chair, followed by a short, impatient sigh. Rex opened one eye partially, enough to peek at his friend. Noah's mouth was turned down and his legs and arms were crossed, closing himself off from anything else but his raging thoughts. Rex looked up at the shorter teen, flabbergasted. Noah couldn't be upset about the Portable Nanite Scanner, could he? No, there had to be something more to it, Noah didn't get angry easily and for no reason.

Noah's indignation was contagious and soon Rex felt his annoyance grow until he felt as awful as he had in the truck with Ashley and Samantha.

Rex's eyes snapped open at the same time as his mouth. "What's going to happen to Ashley and her mother?" He asked, craning his neck to search for the scientist.

Kevin stood in front of Rex's left knee, paying close attention to the Portable Nanite Scanner. "You mean the Thompson's?" He asked without looking up from his work. He didn't wait for Rex to answer his rhetorical question and continued. "Nothing, so far as I know. Their bodies scanned to make sure the nanites are completely inactive and after a load of paperwork, they will be released. Head down, please." He coaxed Rex's head back onto the table with a gentle push of his fingers on the teen's forehead.

Rex relented and stared straight at the ceiling, listening to the scanner beep, the sound loud near his head, but grew faint as it went from his head down his body.

He heard Noah shift again and Rex moved his gaze so he could catch the blond's eyes, but Noah's line of sight was on Rex's mid-section. Rex was tempted to say something, but what could he possibly say? He settled on saying nothing, choosing to stare at the blond instead.

Noah's eyes traveled up Rex's stomach to his chest making Rex feel hot and suddenly highly self-conscious.

"Is something wrong, Rex?" Kevin asked somewhere near his ankle.

"What?" Rex blinked and tearing his eyes from Noah and raising his head slightly.

"Your heart rate has increased. Are you feeling all right?"

"Yeah," he nodded and took a deep breath. Closing his eyes he exhaled and rested his head on the table again. "I'm fine." He insisted, refusing to look at anything but the backs of his eye lids until Dr. Stevenson released him.


"Did you know about the PNS?" Noah demanded.

Rex huffed and didn't say anything. He expected this, was waiting for it. Finally, he was going to figure out what was bothering Noah.

At least the blond had waited until they were alone in Rex's quarters before he started yelling, though Rex suspected the privacy was more for Noah's benefit than his own.

"Did you?" Noah repeated.

"I knew Dr. Stevenson was developing a nanite reader for the EVO on-the-go, but I didn't know how far he'd come in making it, or that it could provide a vaccine," he answered honestly, and shrugged his shoulders.

"And you just chose not to tell me about it?"

"What's there to tell? I thought it was just a normal scanner, only smaller, all right?" Rex felt his own temper rising to meet Noah's and with it, his tact. "How come you're so pissed off? Aren't you excited at how awesome the PNS is? I know I am. To be able to detect who will turn EVO and when, once Kevin perfects it. Isn't this the answer we were just talking about? The PNS is going to make my job easier, which means missions will end sooner, and I'll have more time to hang with you." Rex said, gesturing at Noah.

Noah's neck reddened and he swallowed. "You swear you didn't know?"

"Of course I didn't know. Do you honestly think I could keep something that huge from you? Not all of us lie about our secrets, you know."

Rex instantly felt ashamed of himself as he said the words. Bringing up Noah's betrayal was a low blow and he knew it.

Noah looked at him, his expression unreadable. "Yes, I do," he answered slowly.

"Noah, I'm sorry," Rex said, not quite sure why he was the one apologizing when it had been Noah who had hurt him.

There was a tense moment between the boys when Rex thought his day had officially become the worst day he could remember, when Noah exhaled sharply, taking all the tension with it.

"Okay then," he squared his shoulders and did what all men do when at a loss; he changed the subject. "What do you wanna do now?"

Rex grinned, relieved that they were on decent terms again, if not good ones. "Hoops at the usual place?" he suggested.

Noah shook his head. "It'll have to be somewhere else. The court in the park is being repaired."

"Still? I thought it was fixed."

"It was, until a certain EVO and his bunny friend destroyed it, again."

"Oh yeah," Rex replied, looking up at the memory. "That did happen last week. Man, I really hate bunnies." Rex claimed, rubbing the heel of his hand into his eye.

"The feeling's mutual." Noah teased, his tone not completely friendly.

Rex inwardly winced. So, Noah hadn't completely forgiven him yet. He opened his mouth to suggest another basketball court when his stomach gurgled, making an odd gurgle in his throat.

Noah laughed and gave him a more natural grin. "You wanna grab a bite?"

Rex closed his mouth and nodded.


The sky was a mix of oranges, pinks and violets when Noah and Rex made it to. Noah's jeep. The gray 1998 Jeep Cherokee was parked in its usual place near the exit of the visitor parking structure.

"Shot gun!" Rex shouted as he sprinted towards the truck and hopped into the front seat.

He saw Noah roll his eyes as he pulled out his keys and sat on the driver's seat.

"Doesn't White Knight prefer you on a tight leash? How'd you manage for us to sneak out the front door?"

"I have my ways," Rex winked and crossed his leg over the other.

"Their tracking us, aren't they?"

"Yup," Rex replied with a laugh.

Noah rolled his eyes again and buckled his security belt. After quickly checking his mirrors, he started the jeep. It roared to life, the radio blaring rock music. Rather than turn the music down to speak Noah just raised his voice.

"So, where to?" He yelled.

Rex replied in kind. Placing a gloved hand over his stomach and looked up thoughtfully. "Hmm, feels like a burger sized hole." He shouted back.

"The Shack?"

Rex gave Noah two thumbs up and a bright smile.

"The Shack it is." Noah switched gears and exited the parking lot, heading for their favorite hangout.

The two friends drove the twelve miles to the main road, listening to the loud music thumping in their ears and their appetites whetted for the best fast food in the county.

Rex placed his hands on the back of his head and leaned back. This ride was much more fun than the last one. He was going to enjoy every moment he could with Noah. If there was one thing his years working for Providence has taught him it was even though the good times felt they will last, they rarely do. Something always manages to get in the way. Rex didn't know how long this good time would last so he planned to relish every moment.

They made it The Snack Shack in record time. There were a few patrons about, eating red baskets full of greasy food on the tables outside. They ignored Rex and Noah as they approached the restaurant. Rex inhaled deeply loving the smell of Frenched fries and suspiciously prepared meat.

He wondered if he should get the big combo or the super combo when he jerked up in surprise as he felt a sharp sting on his neck. "Ah, what the fu-" He slapped the back of his neck and felt something stuck in it. He pulled it out and examined it. His eyes widened in fear.


"Yeah?" the blond responded, turning to face his friend.

"Run." Was all the warning the teen EVO gave as his nanites activated, causing his Smack Hand to form.

"Rex what are you doing? Put those away. You're freaking people out." Noah reached out to hide Rex's transformation.

"Urgh...'t..." Rex gritted with effort as he fought for control of his body. He swung wildly hitting some of the tables outside. Thankfully they were unoccupied and the only things damaged were the tables themselves pulling him off balance.

He heard screaming and chairs being thrown back as people fled the area. He pushed Noah away from him and tried to run in the opposite direction of the crowd when his Legs built themselves and he jumped 50 feet in the air then his nanites retracted in mid- air and he free fell, crashing hard into the earth.

Pain bloomed as in his head and back he lay in a small crater, twitching and groaning on the ground as electrical sparks discharged from him.

"Rex." He heard his name being called and was able to turn his head towards the sound. Noah stood nearby, his hand shielding his eyes from the bright flashing light off of Rex's body. He was inching his way towards Rex. Fear shot through Rex.

"Noah. Run." He managed.

"No, I'm not leaving you."

Rex placed a gloved hand in his ear and with a shaky movement took out his communicator. "Call...Six." He instructed, tossing the comm link, before his head jerked back violently and he screamed.


Noah grabbed the link and placed it in his ear, ignoring the gritty sensation he felt from the dirt and sand that caked it. He tapped it like he had seen Rex do hundreds of times before and heard a click as the channel was opened.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" He shouted.

"Go ahead, Rex."

"Six!" He shouted.

"Noah? What are you doing with Rex's comm link?" The green clad agent asked. Noah could detect concern and confusion in the older man's tone.

"Something's wrong with Rex." Noah explained. "His nanites are going berserk. It's like they're taking control, like he's going EVO, but he can't be right, can it?"

"Is he still able to speak?"

"Sorta, is that good?"

Six didn't reply. "Where are you?"

Noah didn't think twice as he answered. "The Snack Shack."

"Okay. Make sure no one gets hurt, that includes you. Stay hidden. I'm on my way."

"Just hurry!" Noah pleaded weakly, running for cover behind the restaurant as Rex transformed again.


2014, rex, noah, generator rex, the hunter's revenge, noex, my fics

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