Fanfic: The Hunter's Revenge Four (Generator Rex)

Jul 06, 2014 13:50

Title: The Hunter's Revenge: Four
Fandom: Generator Rex
Characters: Rex, Noah, Agent Six, Dr. Rebecca Holiday, Bobo Ha-Ha, OC
Words: 2,675
Overall Rating: R
This Chapter Rating: PG-13
Genre: Friendship, Humor, Romance, Action, Mystery, Multi-chapter
Warning: Noex (Noah X Rex)
Summary: While Rex continues to fight and cure EVOs he is being watched and studied by someone who shall have his revenge.
Author's Notes: Can someone explain to me why it has taken me three years to post this here?


Following Six's instructions to check that no one else was in the immediate vicinity Noah dared to look out from his hiding place behind the restaurant. His eyes darted back and forth, scanning the area. It didn't look like anyone was still around, but Noah couldn't be sure, it was getting harder for him to see through the lightning storm radiating from his friend.

Noah focused his attention back to Rex as the hair on his arms and legs started standing on end as the electricity increased around the EVO. He watched with haggard breath as Rex's arms sprouted two electric blue bladed axes, burying themselves into the pavement.

Rex roared in anger, trying to remove the blades.

Noah flinched and ducked back to the safety of the brick wall. Where the Hell was Six? He thought, his heart pounded rapidly in his chest and his head buzzed with questions while he took in his surroundings; what was happening to Rex, would he be okay, could Providence even stop him? He took several deep breaths to compose himself. He knew one thing for sure if Providence didn't get here soon things were going to get worse, a lot worse.

As if they were summoned by an unseen cue Noah heard the familiar, and welcomed, grinding sound of a Providence airship rapidly approaching. No sooner had he heard the airship than he could see the stark white plane descending from the darkening sky like a gift from Heaven.

Noah stayed hidden unsure of what to do next, he watched as cables were thrown down and a dozen Providence agents were lowered to the ground. Their backs were to him as they concentrated on Rex's electrical storm. They circled Rex, each agent pausing after a certain amount of steps, careful to keep their distance from Rex.

Noah immediately recognized that they were forming a perimeter around the crater Rex had created. He remembered practicing this very same drill in Team Exercises from his time in Basic Training. It was one of the first things his Drill Sergeant had taught him. They formed a boundary to cut off an EVOs escape route. It was an odd scene, witnessing Providence agents deploy those same tactics Noah had enacted himself, though at the time he never suspected they would be used against Rex.


The blond jumped and spun around his hand raised to strike. There was pressure on his hand as Six easily blocked his blow by grabbing Noah's wrist

"Ow. Jeez, Six. You really shouldn't sneak up on people."

Six ignored his suggestion. "What happened?" He demanded, letting him go.

"I don't know. We were getting food one moment and the next Rex turned into the world's biggest bug zapper. He gave me his comm link and told me to call you."

"How'd you leave HQ without setting off the alarms?"

"We went out through the garage."

"Who authorized that?"

"I don't know. I thought you did." Noah gestured to Six, which made something clicked in his mind. "What a minute, when I called you, you asked me where we were, why is that?"

Six seemed surprised by the question. "I needed to know where to go."

"But Rex said the only reason he was able to leave was because he was being tracked."

Six shook his head. "Not by me. Perhaps, Doctor-" Six was cut off by the sound of Rex screaming. His voice sounded distorted and metallic as if he were listening to him over a telephone line that was cutting in and out. Noah shivered as he watched his friend disappear into a monster in front of him.

"You don't think," Noah paused as his mouth tried to catch up with his thoughts. "You don't think he was tricked?"

The two men shared a look.

"We'll finish this later," Six said.

Noah hoped he meant their conversation. Providence needed to act fast or... Noah couldn't bring himself to finish the thought. Six tore his gaze away from Rex and looked around. What for, Noah wasn't sure, but followed the Providence Agent's eyes as best he could through his shades.

Noah gasped as Six grabbed his upper arms.

"Get behind me and no matter what happens still hidden."

Noah nodded mutely and trailed Six as the top agent sprinted from the restaurant across the parking lot to the vacant plot nearby. Six was really fast, and even with all the conditioning he received Noah had a hard time

Noah stopped mid-stride when he heard Rex howl in pain and remove the blades from the concrete floor, as he regained his footing.


"Will be fine." Six grabbed Noah by the forearm again and Noah allowed himself to be lead by Six, letting the older man take control of him.

"Noah, focus."

Noah felt a ribbon of shock, as he turned his attention back to Six. There in the short grass was Six's personal fighter jet. He had assumed Six had flown with the other Providence Field Agents, not in his personal jet. His shock was short lived as Six opened the hatch. A hiss of air escaped and Noah looked in, trying not to look as impressed as he felt at the hi-tech layout of the jet's console.

Six's gruff voice next to him caught Noah's attention.

"Get in and stay down."

Wordlessly Noah scrambled into the pilot's seat, twisting his body around so he could face Six.

"Open the glove box and hand me what's inside."

Noah ran his hands above the console trying to figure out which button would open the correct compartment.

"Which one-"

"Third button on the right," Six snapped.

Noah pressed it and heard a click as the glove box unlocked and fell open. He plunged his hands inside. Goose flesh rose on his arms and back at the spongy texture he felt, he winced then laughed as he pulled out a pair of thick rubber gloves.

"You actually keep gloves in the glove compartment?" Noah asked incredulously, handing them over to Six.

"Where else would I keep them?" He replied, showing he used them quite a bit by swiftly pulling them on without looking at them. "Now, remember what I said."

"Uh, stay down?"

Six gave Noah a curt nod and hopped off the side of the jet.


Mark sprinted to the largest Providence airship wanting to shout and sing and laugh as he watched Providence fail to control their EVO pet.

His plan was going better than he dreamed it could. It was almost too easy he was surprised more Providence malcontents hadn't done it. Granted the first step was the most difficult, but once he had contracted a spy inside Providence Mark acquired detailed accounts of his target's movements and habits, which Mark himself had verified with his own research before continuing to the next step in his plan.

It was a simple, but delicate step; inject Rex with a high dosage of epinephrine. In a normal human epinephrine, commonly known as adrenaline, increases heart and respiratory rates providing the energy for the fight or flight response when humans are under stress, but in EVOs is stimulates their infected nanites by enhancing the nanite activity into overdrive, producing massive amounts of kinetic energy.

And everybody knows that kinetic energy has to go somewhere; it appeared Rex was releasing his energy by emitting it as electricity.

Mark was also feeling a heightened sense, but his was due to endorphins responding to his excitement rather than the fear induced by epinephrine. Mark allowed himself a chuckle. It wouldn't be long now before Providence will have to use their more drastic measures in order to resolve the situation, he thought gleefully. All Mark had to do was push the stakes higher.

With a short jump he easily entered the airship. There was no one around to accost him, everyone having gone outside to fight the EVO pest; Mark had the ship to himself.

He grinned and looked around. The bay was very bright; the whole plane was bathed in light and predictably painted white. The walls were a cascade of monitors and equipment. Mark ignored them and headed to the rear of the ship. According to his intel there were spare Providence uniforms in SN9, or Storage Niche Number 9. Each storage unit was the height and width of a high school locker, at least to Mark that's what they looked like, though he hadn't been to school in years. They were labeled with large block lettering in black paint, making them easy to read even he were in dim light, which Mark suspected didn't happen often.

Mark jogged past SN3 and SN4 scanning each label, his heart rate increasing as he got closer to the niche had wanted.






Joy coursed through him as he punched in the security code and the door automatically opened before him.

He pulled out the first white suit he saw and began to strip off his clothes.

He was going to make Providence do the work for him.


Noah crouched as low as he could in the pilot's seat without blocking his view of the scene. With the darker shading of the hatch's glass Noah was able to see Rex better, though his new vintage point was almost pointless since the scene hadn't changed, Rex was still glowing light blue and sparking, still surrounded by Providence Agents hesitant to approach him. With good reason, Noah thought. His EVO friend was keeping the agents on their highest guard, whenever they got too close to him a spark of light would strike out and hit the nearest metallic object it could find, which more often than not was a piece of equipment on the Agents field uniform, including their headgear. More than one agent had gone down before the others learned to keep their distance.

Slight movement in the corner of his eye jarred his focus away from Rex. He lowered his head and squinted, leaning forward unconsciously until his head hit the glass as he tried to make out what it was that had caught his attention. Fortunately, there was a sudden flash of light, illuminating the field which allowed Noah to clearly see Six approaching the perimeter. The highly trained agent demonstrating his skill as a hunter by staying low to the ground as he neared Rex.

The throbbing burn in his throat and chest and spots dancing in front of him warned Noah he was holding his breath and forced himself to exhale. The spots cleared instantly and the pain in his throat vanished. He swore loudly as the image of Six was obscured by the heat of his breath on glass and he quickly wiped away the condensation with an agitated hand. He was too eager to wait the few seconds it would take for the precipitation to dry up and fade away on its own. When he returned his attention to the crater Noah's breath hitched without his permission or knowledge as he spotted another Providence Agent getting too close Rex.

Noah couldn't help the fear pounding in him as he pressed a hand on the glass. "Rex, stop!" He shouted as loud as he could.

He knew it was highly unlikely Rex heard him, even if the bulletproof glass wasn't also sound proof, there was a lot of activity going on, easily drowning out any pleas or warnings Noah could cry out. Even knowing how pointless it would be didn't stop Noah from acting as though his friend could hear him, but had chosen to ignore him, rather than being out of control of his actions.

"Rex, I swear if you hurt anyone you're going to regret it for the rest of your life. I'll make sure of it!"

Then suddenly it was like he was watching a movie, everything went in slow motion as Rex spun on his heel, turning to face the nearing Providence Agent, a bolt of lightning forming around his arm.


Slowly Rex raised his arm, the lightning growing larger and brighter as Rex targeted the agent. His wrist flicked, like he was summoning the agent to him and the electricity discharged, heading straight for him. And then Six intervened, his steel knives drawn out instantly attracting the deadly light.

Guess, that's why he wanted the gloves, Noah thought stunned. A sudden wave of pride crashed over him as he watched Six redirect the lightning so it flashed harmlessly into the air.

At least, Noah hoped so.

Normally when Providence gets involved in an EVO incident all traffic, whether the traffic was in water, on land, or in the sky, gets diverted as a safety precaution. Noah vaguely wondered if there had been enough time for White Knight to organize, or delegate, or do whatever it he does in that blinding room of his, a temporary no fly zone over the area. He checked his watch, surprised to find that it had been twenty minutes since he and Rex had stopped here for a burger, and just barely over an hour since they left Providence HQ.

And now look at us, Noah thought with a frown. He pushed his hair out of his eyes and behind his ear only to flinch and cry out as feedback from Rex's comm link went off in his ear.

He pulled it out and stared at it, despite having told Six that Rex had given him the link, Noah had forgotten he still had it. He waited until the feedback stopped before holding it to his ear, but not actually in his ear. He was hesitant to have the high pitched signal pierce him again, but was eager to listen to the Providence communications. In the end his curiosity won over his caution and Noah stuffed the link back into his ear.

It would be a decision he would be grateful for.


It's official, white has got to be the worst color for a uniform ever, Mark decided, admiring his reflection in a dark monitor screen. He barely recognized himself, the ill-fitting uniform made him look like every other Providence Agent, which was the point, after all, to become another clog in Providence's machine.

He stuffed his clothes into the utility bag that never left his side and moved away from Storage back to the middle of the plane. His next objective was to get a radio and for that he needed to go to the Communications Center. Funnily enough the communications were located in the center of the ship.

"Providence humor," Mark commented with a roll of his eyes.

Mark took a deep breath and held it for as long as he could. Just before he passed out he exhaled and held his breath again, this time jumping up and down and breathing though his nose. He repeated this process twice more before he achieved the affect he wanted. Panting heavily and throat rough and burning Mark reached for the radio and turned it on.


Noah did could not stop the panic setting in him as he listened to the frantic transmittance between Providence HQ and an agent.

"Red Bird to HQ. This is Agent Davidson. Acknowledge. Over."

"HQ to Red Bird. Davidson acknowledged. Over."

"Are you seeing this? He's out of control. We need back up now!"

"Negative. Unable to send reinforcements. The readings are spiking too rapidly for deployment to be any use. If a solution isn't reached at 17:50 Zulu Protocol Zeta will be activated."

Noah went cold. Protocol Zeta-3 was one of the Last Resort Protocols Providence had in their arsenal to fight EVOs. It was effectively a nuclear bomb to wipe out all life forms in the blast radius. One of the first stories Rex told him when they became friends was how he and Six once stopped Providence from using Zeta-3 on a mission to lower Manhattan. Noah hoped Six was able to do it again because it would be 5:50PM in thirteen minutes.


2014, rex, rating: pg-13, noah, generator rex, noex, my fics, fanfiction, agent six

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