The Tale of Peter Rabbit: Stargate Edition

Aug 06, 2007 20:27

Title: The Beatrix Potter Stargate Edition: The Tale of Daniel Jackson
Author: brainofgk
Rating: G
Summary: "Peter was most dreadfully frightened; he rushed all over the garden, for he had forgotten the way back to the gate."
Disclaimer: No claim to copyright. Beatrix Potter is in the public domain. Stargate is not.
Archive rights: Absolutely none. My journal only. brainofgk

Once upon a time, there were four little teammembers. Their names were T'ealc, Samantha Carter, Cameron Mitchell and Daniel Jackson. They lived with their general in a base underneath the root of a very big mountain.

"Now my dears," said old General Hammond. "You may go to PX5-771 or the Land of Light, but don't go into Mr. Apophis' stronghold. SG-3 had an accident there. They were put into a pie by Mrs. Amonet."

"Now run along and don't get into mischief. I am going offworld."

Then old General Hammond took a pack and his P-90 and went through the Stargate to the Jaffa Headquarters where he met with the Jaffa Council to develop new gou'ald butt-kicking strategies.

Teal'c, Sam and Cam, who were good little bunnies, went to the Land of Light to gather soil samples.

But Daniel, who was very naughty, gated straight away to Mr. Apophis' stronghold and squeezed through all the defenses guarding the Gate.

First, he stole some staff weapons, then some zats. And then he stole a couple of shock grenades. Then round by the end of the naquadah mine, whom should he meet, but Mr. Apophis?!

Mr. Apophis was on his hands and knees, inspecting some poor quality naquadah. But he jumped up and ran after Daniel, calling out, "Jaffa! Kree!"

Daniel was most dreadfully frightened. He rushed all over the complex, for he had forgotten the way back to the Gate. He lost his P-90 amongst the armor and an alien artifact in the Death Glider hanger.

After losing them, he ran faster, so that he might have got away altogether, if he hadn't unfortunately run into a force shield and got caught by the Jaffa closing in from the other side.

Daniel gave himself up for lost and shed big tears but his sobs were overheard by some undercover Tokra, who ran over to greet him in excitement and implored him to exert himself. But Mr. Apophis came up with a hand device with which he intended to blast Daniel. But Daniel wriggled out just in time, leaving his pack behind him and rushed into the maintenance bay and jumped into a storage crate which would have been a great thing to hide in if it had not had so much oil in it.

Mr. Apophis was quite sure that Daniel was somewhere in the maintenance bay, perhaps hidden underneath a workbench. He began to sweep under each carefully with a staff weapon. Presently Daniel sneezed, his allergies giving away his position.


Mr. Apophis was after him in no time. He tried putting his foot upon Daniel, who jumped out an airlock, upsetting three disassembled engines.

The airlock closed too quickly for Mr. Apophis and Mr. Apophis was tired of chasing Daniel. He went back to his work.

Daniel sat down to rest. He was out of breath and trembling with fright. He had not the least idea which way to go. Also, he was very damp and dirty with sitting in that storage crate.

After a time, he began to wander around going "lippity, lippity," not very fast and looking all around.

He found a door, but it was locked and there was no room for a fat little archaeologist to squeeze underneath. An old service droid was running in and out, carrying unprocessed naquadah and other raw materials to the processing plant. Daniel asked the way back to the Stargate, but the droid had such a large load that its speaking element was blocked and it could not answer. It only blinked its light at him.

Daniel began to cry. Then he tried to find his way straight across the fortress, but he became more and more puzzled. Presently he came on a water plant where Mr. Apophis got water for his naquadah manufacturing. A Jaffa guard was staring at some immature symbiotes swimming in the dark water. He sat very, very still. But now and then he twitched the tip of his staff weapon. Daniel thought it best to go away without speaking to him. He had heard about Jaffa guards from his friend, Colonel Jack O'Neill.

He went back towards the maintenance bay. Suddenly, quite close to him, he heard the noise of power tools - bzzzzzzz, clatter, crash. Daniel scuttered behind some equipment. But presently, as nothing happened, he came out and climbed up on a large naquadah cart. The first thing he saw was Mr. Apophis, tormenting his workers. And beyond them was the Gate.

Daniel got down very quietly from the naquadah cart and started running as fast as he could go along a straight wall behind some more equipment. Mr. Apophis caught sight of him at the corner, but Daniel did not care. He dialed the Gate and was safe at last at the Land of Light. (He couldn't go back to the SGC without his GDO.)

Mr. Apophis hung up Daniel's pack and his P-90 and the alien artifact as trophies of his single-handed "defeat" of "the famous SG-1."

Daniel never stopped running or looked behind him til he found the rest of the team collecting soil samples and gated home with them.

He was so tired that he flopped down upon a bed in the infirmary and shut his eyes. Dr. Frasier was so busy with an alien virus outbreak that she only had time to wonder why he was sleeping in the infirmary.

I am sorry to say that Daniel was not very well during the evening. Dr. Frasier put him in bed and put him on an IV drip and she told him he could not have any coffee.

But Teal'c, Sam and Cam, who were good little bunnies, had coffee, chocolate, and steak for supper.

Read: The Tale of Jack O'Neill (Benjamin Bunny).

Read: The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies.

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