Title: Rainbow’s Freedom (Shadow Of The Bat Arc) (3/35)
Author: BradyGirl
Pairings/Characters: (this chapter): Clark/Bruce, Alfred
Series Notes: In the 23rd century, Earth is a technologically-advanced society that practices the ancient institution of slavery. The wealthy freeman Bruce Wayne acquires a highly-prized pleasure slave whom has fallen
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Comments 27
Then the hawt sex that follows after the cleaning of Clark's wounds.. Your sex scenes are getting hotter and hotter..mmmm SMEXY!!
Glad to have you commenting! :)
It certainly underlines Clark's vulnerability, doesn't it?
Then the hawt sex that follows after the cleaning of Clark's wounds.. Your sex scenes are getting hotter and hotter..mmmm SMEXY!!
Thank you, MsSupafan! :) I'm glad the sex scenes work. I must be getting more comfortable in this fandom. :)
i'm surprised bruce doesn't put a chastity belt and an iron mask on clark- he's so possessive and doesn't want him violated- make certain nobody can get into clark's holes or penis- isn't bruce a genius
i'm hoping the batman will give carl a good beating on clark's behalf.
i'm surprised bruce doesn't put a chastity belt and an iron mask on clark- he's so possessive and doesn't want him violated- make certain nobody can get into clark's holes or penis- isn't bruce a genius
He certainly could do all that! Bruce is never without inspiration. :)
i'm hoping the batman will give carl a good beating on clark's behalf.
Carl will show up much later in a future arc and gets his just desserts! :)
Not to mention he was kind of bugfuck. Poor Clark! D:
Not to mention he was kind of bugfuck. Poor Clark! D:
I'd say Carl's not the brightest bulb on the tree. ;)
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