Title: Laughter, Joy, And Love (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Clark/Bruce, Steve/Diana, Ollie/Dinah, Hal (past Hal/Steve implied)
Genres: Challenge, Fluff, Humor, Romance, Slice-Of-Life
Rating: PG-13
Claim: For the
dcu_freeforall Challenge
(Diana/Steve)Prompt: T 11; P 8: Laughter
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Comments 16
I loved Clark's observations of everyone, of Steve and Diana being so happy, and Clark and Bruce being just as happy, just... more quietly! LOL. I really liked Bruce entwining his fingers with Clark's under the table! :)
Thank you for sharing it with us, Brady! :)
I loved Clark's observations of everyone, of Steve and Diana being so happy, and Clark and Bruce being just as happy, just... more quietly! LOL. I really liked Bruce entwining his fingers with Clark's under the table! :)
Thank you for sharing it with us, Brady! :)
I'm glad you enjoyed, Star! :)
I wanted the 3rd person POV for Steve and Diana, and Clark just naturally wanted the job! :) Then I began thinking of the differences/similarities and had a story! :)
Glad you liked! :)
Thank you, Catwoman! :)
I seem to be in a sappy mood lately. :)
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