Title: Rainbow’s Freedom (RobinSong Arc) (13/41) (Part 1)
Author: BradyGirl
Pairings/Characters: (this chapter): Hal/Steve, Iris West, Althor and his slave
Series Notes: In the 23rd century, Earth is a technologically-advanced society that practices the ancient institution of slavery. As Bruce and Clark try and adjust to being lovers as well as Master and slave, on a warm spring night a new member of the Wayne Household is added: a little boy whom Bruce sadly identifies with. Dick Grayson further pushes Bruce along the path of Abolitionism as the child brings further Light into the Manor. The entire series can be found
here. Genres: Drama, AU
Rating: (this chapter): PG-13
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Steve and Hal are on a mission in the Outer Rim.
Date Of Completion (First Draft): September 13, 2007
Date Of Posting: May 19, 2008
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 793 + 859 + 1327 (Total: 2979)
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Stars sprinkle
My windows
Like lights
From heaven.
Of The House
Of Jorelle
1961 C.E.
“This is Major Steve Trevor of Starfleet, Earth Division, of the Galactic Empire. Requesting permission to establish orbit.”
“Permission granted, Major Trevor.”
Steve shot Hal a smile as they maneuvered the sleek vessel into orbit around Cestus II, one of a string of rocky outposts here on the Galactic Rim. The two astronaut pilots smoothly achieved orbit, both men on high alert.
“The shuttle will dock with you at 0830.”
“Thank you, Cestus II.”
Both pilots relaxed slightly. “Sounds like everything’s A-OK,” Hal observed.
“Fine by me.” Steve slipped out of his chair. “Did you set out those extra pillows in the stateroom?”
“Yes, Mother.”
Steve stuck his tongue out and Hal laughed.
The blond major quickly checked the small stateroom. He and Hal always shared the other cabin, so it had been easy to prepare this one.
Steve decided that he was satisfied with the state of the stateroom. Nothing fancy, but certainly comfortable enough.
He visited the head, then returned to the pilot’s seat. Hal stretched, his green eyes sparkling.
“So, are the scented soaps all arranged in their basket and did you put a chocolate on the pillow?”
“Ha ha,” Steve said as he hid his smile. “Get ready to receive shuttle, wiseguy.”
Hal smirked and he turned to the console.
The small outpost shuttle was flying their way. Steve and Hal initiated the sequence for docking, and a soft thump! was their reward as both ships joined.
Both men hurried to the docking hatch, and they greeted their passenger as the tall brunette woman in the shimmering scarlet cloak smiled as she exited the airlock.
“Welcome aboard, Amabassador West.”
“Thank you, Major Jordan.” She extended a slender hand and shook hands with both men.
Iris West looked approvingly at the interior of the sleek little ship. Her light-blue metallic gown shimmered as she moved.
“Your cabin is this way, Ambassador,” Steve said, and he escorted her to the stateroom.
“Thank you, Major Trevor.”
While Iris freshened up, Steve returned to the cockpit.
“Lovely lady,” Hal said as he supervised the undocking procedure.
“ETA Earth four weeks.”
“Yet another month cooped up with you?” Hal shook his head.
“Just lucky I guess, my friend.”
Hal snorted.
“Gentlemen, I thank you for bringing me home.”
They turned to see their relaxed passenger standing behind them.
“Sorry they didn’t send a starship, Ambassador. It’ll take us a little longer to get home,” Hal said.
“Perfectly fine. A starship has way more people, exponentially creating the chance for leaks.”
Hal frowned. “Should we be on war alert?”
“No.” Iris crossed her arms. “In fact, I believe just the opposite.”
Steve asked, “So the Collective isn’t planning to attack us?”
“Not full-scale invasion as the Empire feared, no. Just the usual skirmishing we see in this Cold War.”
Steve felt relief. He had no wish to go to war with the mysterious Collective.
“Please have a seat, Ambassador,” Hal invited. He pressed a button and a third chair popped up from the floor. It was set between and behind them but close enough for easy conversation.
Delighted, Iris took the seat. “Thank you.” She arranged her skirts and cape around her in stylish fashion. “You gentlemen are of the highest clearance, so I can tell you that the bigger threat is probably the Kadorans.”
“Agreed. While the Collective would be difficult to fight as we know so little about them, but the Kadorans are a savage warrior race that lives for war.”
Steve could feel the answering tension in Hal. Stories of Kadoran savagery were legendary. If you were unlucky enough to be captured, you would consider yourself lucky to be killed instantly rather than be subject to the experiments the Kadorans performed on prisoners. Contemptuous of enemy soldiers who didn’t’ commit suicide upon capture, POWs were considered fair game to be used in any way possible to benefit their captors.
“Almost makes you wish for the Collective,” Hal said with a grimace.
“So what are the Collective like?” Steve asked.
“Shadowy, amorphous, very difficult to pin down.”
“How do you communicate?”
“Universal translator.” Iris frowned. “I got a sense of contempt for the Empire, but that’s not surprising. The Collective consider themselves superior.”
“Don’t we consider ourselves superior to primitive races, at least in the area of civilization?”
“We do.” Iris smiled. “It’s all in point-of-view, I suppose.”
Hal chuckled. “I can see why you’re such a successful diplomat, Ambassador.”
“Gentlemen, since we’re going to be together for four weeks, call me Iris.”
Both men beamed. “It’s Steve and Hal, then,” Steve said.
& & & & & &
Part 1 of 3