Rare Bpal bottles/imps (DeSade, Banshee Beat, Gothabilly, Loviatar..)

Nov 07, 2017 23:20

Shipping is a flat $3.50 (USPS First Class w/Tracking) for any amount! (US to US) $10 min. please. I can hold items for 24 hrs. or let me know if you need more time!

Rare BPAL bottles

Banshee Beat (a little under half bottle, full bottle went for $119) $25 SOLD
Gothabilly (Approx. 70%, wand cap) $65
The Candy Butcher (Original Carnival Diabolique ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

ginkaruja November 9 2017, 04:46:23 UTC
Is DeSade still available? I will take it, if so!


ctfrancesca November 9 2017, 21:33:03 UTC
Hi, yes it is! :) Ok, the total would be $18.50, my paypal: claudiafrancesca03 [at] yahoo [dot] com


ginkaruja November 9 2017, 22:25:06 UTC
Sent! It'll be from karjasancroix [at] gmail[dot] com. I forgot to put a note as to what for.


ctfrancesca November 9 2017, 22:49:42 UTC
Thanks for the quick payment! No problem, I'll make a note. I should get this out tomorrow, will confirm back when it's shipped! :)


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