I figured I'd do some reviews since I'm sniffing bottles and testing scents. I got my Anniversary order today and I did a boogie all night long knowing it was waiting for me when I got home.
I'd like to hold onto The Great Sword of War, but I can swap you the other three imps. Since I'm getting a bottle of B&C, I will happily pass along the others to you. :)
I loved the original. They blended so well, but the revisited just ... it's nothing like that. I'm very sad.
that makes me sad, about 3W - there's always that chance that the blend won't blend just right, you know? Do you have anything you're looking for, swap wise?
About Three Witches: A few people on the Board mentioned that they detected no difference in formula, and that the issue (loved the 'Original,' dislike the 'Resurrected') might be a new vs aged thing. You may have fallen for an aged imp; some blends (Snake Oil comes to mind) change quite bit as they get older. Maybe keeping it in a cool, dark place for a few months might turn it into the blend you loved? Just a thought. ;D
Me, I adore my Resurrected bottle (it's all earthy, spicy cinnamon stick on me), but then, I'd never tried it before then, so I've nothing to compare/contrast it to. *hugs bottle*
I'm going to hold onto one bottle and age it. I'm a huge fan of aging when amber scents are involved so I'm hoping that'll happen with TW even though there isn't amber in it.
It morphs into almost the same scent. It's just the horrible burnt chicken drydown that gives me a migrane that I can't stand.
Comments 13
I am nervous about three witches too.
I loved the original. They blended so well, but the revisited just ... it's nothing like that. I'm very sad.
Me, I adore my Resurrected bottle (it's all earthy, spicy cinnamon stick on me), but then, I'd never tried it before then, so I've nothing to compare/contrast it to. *hugs bottle*
It morphs into almost the same scent. It's just the horrible burnt chicken drydown that gives me a migrane that I can't stand.
Nah, it's yours, dear. I really do like it a lot and it doesn't turn icky on me like most sugary scents, but it's not anything I'm going to wear.
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