Snowed in? HA!

Dec 16, 2007 20:55

I'm sitting here all warm and toasty in my living room, unable to see across the street due to the layer of frost that coats my windows. The headache that I've had since last night seems to have abated for now. I hope it stays away - it was so bad that it woke me at 7 this morning. I stumbled into the bathroom and took an Excedrin for migraine - ( Read more... )

keyword-331, keyword-140, keyword-56, keyword-323, keyword-70

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Comments 18

the_pirate_show December 17 2007, 03:00:33 UTC
Snowed in? Worse... I got snowed out. Three friends and I were making the trip home to the Annex from Scarborough this afternoon, and it took us over three hours. First the subway was down, then the shuttlebuses only went halfway downtown, when we finally caught a streetcar going more or less the right way it hit a frigging parked car... I wish I'd managed to be as productive as you.


boywhocantsayno December 17 2007, 04:15:25 UTC
Yikes. slaughteredewok posted that he was also caught in the subway shutdown from Kennedy to Woodbine and had to wait for the shuttle bus. I don't know why the TTC can't do a better job of planning for these kinds of weather emergencies where they know there's going to be a problem. After all, this storm was predicted a couple of days ago.

The only things I can think of are a) most of the buses are in use during the day already, or b) union issues preventing the drivers from being able to work overtime. (Or not enough drivers being willing to come in on their off-days.)

And how the hell does a streetcar hit a parked car? Either the car was parked in the middle of the road (incredibly stupid, not to mention illegal) or the streetcar derailed. I suspect it's not the latter as you would no doubt have specifically mentioned it. ;)

Aren't there laws against parking on major streets during snowstorms, anyway? (Personally, if I were a driver, I wouldn't want to park on a major street during a snowstorm like this one, as I'd be afraid of being plowed


the_pirate_show December 17 2007, 04:48:20 UTC
It seems that someone parked next to the monster snowbank on freshly-plowed Gerrard Street, assuming the the curb was in there somewhere since the lines on the pavement (and, presumably, the streetcar tracks) were good and buried. This positioned it smack in the line of fire of our vehicle. The mystery for me is that the streetcar driver failed to notice a parked car on the tracks...


boywhocantsayno December 17 2007, 04:53:57 UTC
It seems that someone parked next to the monster snowbank on freshly-plowed Gerrard Street, assuming the the curb was in there somewhere since the lines on the pavement (and, presumably, the streetcar tracks) were good and buried. This positioned it smack in the line of fire of our vehicle.

Okay, I can kind of see that happening.

The mystery for me is that the streetcar driver failed to notice a parked car on the tracks...

Yeah, that's quite strange. Maybe he was distracted by a passenger being in the way, or visibility was poor? I suspect he probably won't be driving streetcars again any time soon.


msvu20 December 17 2007, 03:27:13 UTC
Did the writer of that shirt receive royalties? :P


boywhocantsayno December 17 2007, 04:18:30 UTC
Apparently, yes. :P

There's another one for sale from the site that has the caption "We write. They wrong." Under the picture, it says:

LAW & ORDER writer Matthew McGough submitted the slogan but says he can't take credit for it. He could take money for it - his 2.5% residual - but has decided to donate that to the Union Solidarity Fund. Thanks, Matt.


kairi_kiss December 17 2007, 03:32:21 UTC
the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the ONE....

its not as potent without the whole quote.

That makes me cry everytime, *sigh* still, its a sweet shirt


boywhocantsayno December 17 2007, 04:20:53 UTC
its not as potent without the whole quote.

Actually, IIRC, the scene goes like this:

Spock: In any case, were I to invoke logic, logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Kirk: Or the one?

Since they're just crediting Spock's words, it's right to end it there.

But I take your point. :)


kairi_kiss December 17 2007, 04:29:59 UTC


boywhocantsayno December 17 2007, 04:34:06 UTC
"If I recall correctly".


mencc1701 December 17 2007, 05:52:55 UTC
Record snowfall here in Ottawa. 35 centimetres was the final tally reported, beating the previous record of 30 in 1977.


legostargateman December 17 2007, 13:47:18 UTC
>I was actually surprised that the subway was running north of Bloor - last time we got this much snow in such a short period of time, the subway couldn't run in the above-ground sections of the system.

That's because it didn;t snow during rush hour ;)


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