Title: To the Frenchmen and the Indians...1/?
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Characters/Pairings: Logan; Logan/Liz (OFC).
Word Count: 6168
Rating: R, but the other chapters might be higher.
Spoilers: Through 309, plus
Getting Ready,
Getting Set,
Go and
Picture of You.
Summary: Logan finds his way to a new college....
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated
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Comments 26
BRADLEY AIRPORT and the PV Transport=love!
I'm really enjoying seeing Logan in an atmosphere where he ISN'T totally comfortable--it speaks a lot about the whole displacement when you're going away to college, and yeah, he had Hearst, but this? TOTALLY different. As in NOT IN NEPTUNE, CROSS-COUNTRY different. I really love how Liz questioned the living in a hotel and stuff, and how really STRANGE Logan's life *would* be to...well, someone not from Neptune :).
And, really, may I say that Sarah, the RC, is an inspired character? I mean, HELLO. A Buffy fan from New York who just HAPPENS to be obsessed with JAMES K. POLK OMGYAY? SO, SO GOOD ;).
“I can tell you that Sarah isn’t crazy; a bit eccentric, but not crazy."HEEEEEEEE ( ... )
This is really interesting, very unique! I like the fact that Logan's interested in making friends, because we never really see that side of him in Neptune. He's usually more interested in shutting people out, or not giving a flying f*$# about what people think. He's so different here, trying to blend in, trying to move a little towards normalcy.
Liz is interesting, too. Easy-going, independent (even if she does get him to take the bags), fun. It scares me a little that she shares a name with a famous New York gossip diva, but I'm just going to chalk that one up to coincidence for now!
I'm really excited to see where this is headed! Looks like you have a crack team helping you develop, and God knows my request was really left of center. Now I'm going to have to go update my post from last night! I didn't want to leave my vm_santa ( ... )
Logan trying to do something different is what I was going for, so I'm happy to hear that it's working so far for you.
The idea of Logan in a dorm is a bit hard, I know, but so much of the college experience is being in the dorms that I figured if he left Hearst, he'd give it a shot.
Liz being likable is a bit thing in this, so thanks! I know that there are tons of people who won't like to see him with someone who isn't Veronica, but I'm going to try and make her as real and spunky as possible.
Well, for all of the things that I know Jen wanted, this isn't even close to being done.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
I'm glad you liked this, especially Logan being a bit out of it and Liz being real.
V is so out of the picture. She's not going to be around at all, except in Logan's head, but I think that's going to die as this goes on.
Hopefully I'll get more soon, but I need a bit of a break.
The OCs are based on friends of mine, yes. Liz is mirrored after one of my friends.
I know that tons of people want Logan to end up with V, but rejeneration had a very specific thing she wanted, and this fits it for the most part.
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