Title: To the Frenchmen and the Indians...1/?
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Characters/Pairings: Logan; Logan/Liz (OFC).
Word Count: 6168
Rating: R, but the other chapters might be higher.
Spoilers: Through 309, plus
Getting Ready,
Getting Set,
Go and
Picture of You.
Summary: Logan finds his way to a new college....
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated
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Awkward!Logan is pretty fun, I have to say, and I'm glad it came across as believable here. I mean, no one in Neptune really had that feeling of being in a place totally new, but hopefully I don't have Logan being too self-deprecating later on.
Oh, your shotout has a purpose, and that's really because I'm too lazy to try and use some of my other real friends from college.
I think you'll be the only person to know how much of Amherst is really in this fic, but that's ok. We'll giggle about all of that because we can.
Hearing that Liz is likable right now is really good to know, too. I mean, I was going for some slow-burning issues here, which hopefully are coming across well, but I never know until someone else reads.
You know there will be more of this. I just wanted to make sure that I had something posted before the 1st.
I can't promise the Sarah's tee shirt will get any better, but I'll try.
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