What up, yo?

Apr 06, 2012 11:44

Hello virtual world!  *waves with both hands*  I don’t know if anyone is reading this journal anymore but I thought I’d jump in and babble for a while since the stars have aligned and K is actually NAPPING.  OMG.  A miracle.  *pees pants out of excitement*

Nattering about TeeVee and potties and much needed vacations )


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Comments 14

yourlibrarian April 6 2012, 16:41:16 UTC
Traveling with two kids that age seems plenty adventurous enough for me! Glad you got some R&R.


bowtrunckle April 16 2012, 02:19:38 UTC
This was our first plane trip that T got her own seat, so that helped a lot. Luckily she's happy as long as she has a DVD player to watch videos on and K was/is still in the very transportable stage. IMHO, it's not actually traveling with the kids that's difficult, it's traveling with all the stuff you need for the kids.


llywela13 April 6 2012, 20:28:43 UTC
Hey, you! Best of luck with that potty-training.

I can't believe she's that age already. Where did those years go? I'm sure they were here a moment ago...


bowtrunckle April 16 2012, 02:23:11 UTC
Thanks for the luck. It started off well enough, but we've stalled for the last 2 days. T seems to understand that if she doesn't drink a lot and eats minimally that she won't have to use any potty. *headdesk*

Where did those years go?

Tell me about it. I feel like she was just born (but paradoxically it also feels like she's been in the terrible two's for FOREVER). Just think, in no time, we'll be toilet training K.


copper_season April 6 2012, 22:10:44 UTC
Hey, bb!


I'll be rooting for you this weekend! You can do it! And she can T!



bowtrunckle April 16 2012, 02:24:58 UTC
*hugs back*

Thanks for all the rooting. The weekend went well enough, now we're doing the long haul, which is ~3 months bare bottomed at home. Arrhhhhh....


noirbabalon April 7 2012, 07:33:44 UTC
good luck :-)


bowtrunckle April 16 2012, 02:26:53 UTC
Thanks so much! The luck paid off (at least for the weekend). Now we'll see how sustainable this method of training will be. I fear that I might cave and start running for the diapers. ;)


galathea_snb April 7 2012, 10:37:29 UTC
Ahhh, potty training can be a challenge. My best friend just went through that and she was ready to throw the towel - literally, as her son simply didn't care about wet pants and just peed wherever he sat/stood. LOL

Btw, I am with you on New Girl. I love it. Very funny, skirting the silly, but with genuinely emotional moments between the characters.


bowtrunckle April 16 2012, 02:37:44 UTC
her son simply didn't care about wet pants and just peed wherever he sat/stood.

After a good start this past weekend, we've stalled and T is doing what your friend's son did although she knows exactly what's going on and does care that it's on her/her clothes. I think our incentives aren't enough of a draw. I may have pull out the big guns and resort to bribing with some sort of food.

with genuinely emotional moments between the characters

Yes! This is exactly why I keep watching. To be honest, I'm surprised that I'm hooked on a sitcom as I usually don't find the characters or their relationships that interesting. I've tried "Community", "How I Met Your Mother", and "The Big Bang Theory", and while they're funny, they're not something I make time to watch as the characters haven't drawn me in for some weird reason. But something about "New Girl" since the pilot had me totally rooting for Jess and wanting to see where her crazy self took her.


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