What up, yo?

Apr 06, 2012 11:44

Hello virtual world!  *waves with both hands*  I don’t know if anyone is reading this journal anymore but I thought I’d jump in and babble for a while since the stars have aligned and K is actually NAPPING.  OMG.  A miracle.  *pees pants out of excitement*

I’ve been watching Gordon Ramsay’s “The F word” on Hulu.  It’s a show about food that doesn’t know what it wants to be, the dog’s breakfast of variety food shows with the only through line being Gordon Ramsay himself.  Is it a reality TV show about his family and five turkeys with two good feet and a gimpy one with an abscess?  Is it a reality TV show with weekly cook-offs?  Is it an elimination reality TV show with wanna-be cooks?  Is it a reality TV show with celebrity guest stars cooking?  Is it a how-to cook show?  Is it a reality TV show with an “Important and Evocative Message” a la Jamie Oliver’s Food Nation?  No, it’s ALL OF THESE THINGS!  Roar!  But the most befuddling thing is the opening montage featuring Ramsay taking his clothes off and putting on his chef’s shirt interspersed with extreme close-ups of his giant face.  Erm.  What?  Alarmingly intimate for a food show.  I won’t even mention the segments featuring his trusty side-kick food critic doing unsavory and undignified tasks such as piecing together and eating a three-course meal out of garbage bins and going on a head-to-head (ha, the pun) sperm-count match with a hamster named … (wait for it) Gordon.  Oops, my bad, it just slipped out. ;)  Despite its raging case of schizophrenia, “The F-word” is strangely addicting and weirdly entertaining, but I’m over thinking again-it’s about food, it features cooking, there are turkeys and, yeah, mmmm food.  *loves food*

I’ve also been watching “Touch” on Hulu.  Kiefer!!!!!!!!!!  I have to say after the 3rd season of “24” I tuned out as Jack Bauer became too much of a Superhero MacGyver Man-Robot to hold my interest.  I suppose it’s telling that my favorite moment of that show was Jack CRYING near the end of S1.  Yay, manpain and crying (I’m sure it’s not apparent why I started watching SPN whatsoever)!  But back to “Touch”.  The pilot blew me away and, yes, I teared up at that one part which I won’t mention in case anyone wants to watch it.  Anyway, I imagine it’s the perfect storm for network TV as it features a motherless mute boy with amazing abilities, a loving and fallible father on a mysterious mission, and the kind-hearted-do-gooder-yet-antagonistic-soon-to-be-reluctantly-drawn-into-the-story social worker.  Plus building into the story the ability to add/remove/keep a variety of interesting characters that don’t necessarily have to be (at the onset) logically related could keep things fresh, and the fact that it seems to be a dramatic vehicle to deliver a feel-good message about relationships, connectedness (or disconnect) and the human condition is something that seems to be missing among the slew of crime procedurals and reality TV shows.  Anyway, it’ll be interesting to see if “Touch” can sustain itself as the premise and the episodic formula could get repetitive and predictable and/or thin and untenable.  Or not.

My screamlaugh-I-have-to-replay-that-scene-10 gazillion-times show of the week this season is “New Girl”.  OMG.  These people.  Who are these hilarious people with such chemistry?  Zooey Daschanel (which I always in my head want to pronounce “zoo-ie”) you and your huge blue doe-in-the-headlights peepers and bangs and whiney, hoarse voice that makes every word have an exclamation point behind it kill me.  And Jake Johnson or whatever your name is?  You do look like an angry turtle!    This show is like the reincarnation of Friends only with a douche-bag jar and spontaneously sung dialogue.  And to show just how immature and easily entertained I am, here are a couple of clips I think are freaking comedic genius (and, you know, now there here for easy viewing when I want to rewatch them 10 gazillion times +1).  If you’re not watching this show, what’s wrong with you!? ;) 

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Rusted Root, ha!  I did an interpretive dance and wrote a “process journal” to this song in college.  Yep, seriously.  It was me, the geology major, and a bunch of shorts-and-black-socks-and-jazz shoe-wearing theater majors in a Dance and Movement Class (and if that isn’t grounds for a short story I don’t know what is).  They were there because they had to be and I was there by choice.  So apparently I like dancing so much I wanted to pay to get a grade for it.  Don’t even get me started on my propensity to take courses that had nothing to do with my major JUST BECAUSE (whistles “one of these things is not like the others”), like my Sociology of Gender course and the slew of women’s studies courses, and a film class classified as a 4th year English course.  I don’t even remember how I got into those courses or if I had the required pre-requisites in the first place-the profs must’ve taken one look at my major on the course roster and wondered if I’d accidentally keyed in the wrong class code.

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Other than that, RL has been full of kids and kid stuff and more kid-like things, topped with Kid.  We are doing a Potty Intervention with T over Easter Weekend.  After months of on and off potty training, a kid who strips and rips off her dirty diaper in 20 seconds flat, and many bottles of Bac-Out, we’re now resorting to three-Day Boot Camp: no pants or diapers, no carpet, lots of liquids, and potties strategically placed everywhere.  This is the only weekend out of 7 consecutive weeks where A and I will both be home and we won’t have vistors, so, yeah, no outside egg hunts for us this Easter.  But yesterday I realized my plan’s fatal flaw-A decided to schedule meetings today even though he has the day off *headdesk* so this isn’t a 3-day weekend for us. *facewall*  So we’re starting Potty Boot Camp tomorrow, which means on Monday I get to do it by myself while juggling the demands of a 5-month old.  I don’t know how that’s going to happen or if I’ll be sober by the end of the day.  This entire endeavor could be a crash and burn, and I fear T will be pooping her pants until she realizes it’s socially unacceptable.  And judging by the way she just does what she wants regardless of life’s rules that may not be until college or … *glances at previous paragraph* … ever.

We also managed to take a real vacation finally! \o/\o/\o/  We went to Puerto Vallarta and had the kind of vacation A and I thought we’d never do back in the day when we were young, adventurous, and didn’t have kids.  We were at a resort and hung out at the pool, ordered food, got massages, and didn’t leave except for going out to dinner for my b-day.  I hate to say it, but it’s what we needed.  Maybe when T is at the age when she won’t spontaneously bolt away and K can walk (and won’t spontaneously bolt away), we’ll do a more adventurous vacation.  I’ll post some pictures soon-ish.  Ta ta, f-list, have a wonderful weekend!


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