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Comments 10

sockkpuppett February 14 2012, 05:26:54 UTC

Although I adored the brotherly back-and-forth, it was the palette that took the honors home this week. I was not pleased with so much of the episode, but the *colors* OMG.


bowtrunckle February 17 2012, 03:59:11 UTC
it was the palette that took the honors home this week

I know, right!? It's pretty amazing what Show can look like. And it seems that I don't really notice what's "missing" color-wise until I get the opposite in contrast. If you look at the first set of caps above, you can sort of see how the brightness and saturation have changed over the seasons. It's almost as if S1 was shot in black and white.


fannishliss February 14 2012, 12:10:57 UTC
Another copycat issue was the similarity between Howard and that one really annoying Waiter with the buttons and the suspenders?

I'm sorry to be so vague. Apparently it's at ep 137 that I lose my ability to instantly recall tiny details from random episodes. :P

I too was waiting for D&L to make a gross error in tone. They pulled it off! AT LAST. They are the writers that fill me with fear, like, okay, are they about to squick me? Are they? ARE THEY??? this time they didn't! Husband totally loved the ballwasher joke, while I just rolled my eyes. yay, defusing D&L's crass-bomb with a mild "ballwasher" totally worked for me. :D

AND HOMGYAY ABOUT THE UNICORN. All our icon prayers have been granted!


bowtrunckle February 19 2012, 01:18:22 UTC
and that one really annoying Waiter with the buttons and the suspenders?

I know exactly who you're talking about, I agree! I can recall the scene, the seating arrangement, and what Sam was wearing, but I can't remember which episode it was in. Argh. My capacity for retaining Show details has obviously reached its capacity at 100+ episodes, too.

They are the writers that fill me with fear, like, okay, are they about to squick me? Are they? ARE THEY???

I think I'm to the point where I see their writing credit on an episode and I just expect the worst (or an episode that's not to my liking at least, not to say other people can't like it). Maybe it's a weird defense mechanism. But then on the off chance the episode is actually not half-way offensive or full of weird plot holes, I can be happily surprised.


*high fives* :D


hugemind February 15 2012, 22:05:40 UTC
*points to your post* YES TO EVERYTHING YOU SAID.

So imagine my surprise when this episode wasn’t a complete ball of flaming wreckage plummeting from the sky.

XD You really don't have high expectations for D&L's episodes. :)

--or maybe it’s because the humor was played in a way that lent to brotherly bonding--

I'm gonna go with this. "Ball washer" definitely falls into this category, because it's not Dean getting the last word, but Dean getting a reaction out of Sam. Plus it's the annoyed little brother reaction of "what are you? twelve?".

You have pointed out all the stuff I could've used for spnematography! And then you added a couple of things I didn't really notice, like the walls o' crazy (gotta love your cap where you point out the crazy XD). I'm totally going over there and linking to this.

Now I’ll go hide in the hole of RL for another year before I comment on another SPN episode….

Oh no you don't! *drags you out into the sunshine* There, that's better. ;D


bowtrunckle February 18 2012, 21:56:33 UTC
XD You really don't have high expectations for D&L's episodes. :)

To be honest, I don't. I know they've turned out some good episodes like Jump the Shark (and Dark Side of the Moon?), but I think my initial impression of them was so strong that they'll forever elicit the "Oh no" response from me. Plus, I think they're really uneven writers, meaning some stuff is good and some stuff is just grossly offensive in the worst of ways.

it's not Dean getting the last word, but Dean getting a reaction out of Sam

So true. Yes, there's a big difference there. Dean being the big brother know it all and Dean just being a big brother.

gotta love your cap where you point out the crazy

Heh. Well, I thought Dean was a substantial distraction so pointing out the obvious was a necessity. ;)

*drags you out into the sunshine*

Ahhh. *basks* I needed that. Thanks!


yourlibrarian February 16 2012, 00:16:41 UTC
I wasn't especially fond of this episode but I did like seeing your comparisons, a few of which I noticed as well even though I hadn't paid attention to the writing credits. Also that "Right Friggin' Now" was one of my favorite moments of the episode.


bowtrunckle February 17 2012, 04:03:45 UTC
even though I hadn't paid attention to the writing credits

I feel like D&L have one of the most recognizable writing styles. One of these days I should purposefully not look at the credits and see if I can figure out who wrote the episode.

"Right Friggin' Now" was one of my favorite moments of the episode.

Mine, too. Though I somehow missed it the first time around. My flist was laughing over it and I had to wonder if I'd watched the same episode as I couldn't recall the joke.


annspal February 17 2012, 04:24:26 UTC
they have to recycle pink shirts.

And long gray sweaters. The witness Dean interviews at the ballfield after the unicorn killing is wearing the same sweater as the publisher of the Supernatural book series in "Monster At the End of This Book." (I believe that actress also wore the same sweater in her earlier appearance, but those details are eluding me at the moment.)

I spotted the changed placement of the shark artwork as I went through screencaps too. I'll choose to smile at the thought it might be more than an accidental production error. Love you noting the walls of crazy, and I'd include the unicorn striking right through the "safety" of the outfield wall.


bowtrunckle February 19 2012, 23:08:58 UTC
Hi! Welcome to my LJ.

that actress also wore the same sweater in her earlier appearance

That sweater, yes! Good catch. That actress/sweater were also in "Usual Suspects". What are the chances that she's stuck in the same sweater for 2 different characters played years apart?

... )


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