SPN 6x06

Oct 29, 2010 22:09

6x06, episode reaction, spn

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Comments 26

hugemind October 30 2010, 20:43:12 UTC
I can see where you're coming from and I've seen a couple of reactions so that I know that my reaction is likely the odd one out, but I have a 'but' coming ( ... )


bowtrunckle November 16 2010, 17:22:32 UTC
All your points are well taken. I don't think that Sam in innocent in this all of this, in fact, he's doing Very Bad Things. First and foremost all his lying need to stop. He's practically pathological, it's hard to believe anything that comes out of his mouth anymore *is sad*. Dean is frustration and anger are definitely justified for a number of different reasons ... first and foremost Sam's lying. What had me up in arms is the brutality and severity of Dean's beat down and the fact that it was one-sided. Yes, Dean hits the things he care about the most, fact (not that this is a good thing, though). Yes, he's entitled to his emotions. But the buck stops there, IMHO, when it becomes abusive. It really bothers me when I see that people (fictional or not) behaving in such an ugly way to other people, let alone people they're supposed to care about. And that's probably why I don't watch war movies or CSI-type shows that feature realistic violence and cruelty. So, like I said above, this is really, really an emotional response ( ... )


fannishliss October 31 2010, 03:29:51 UTC
I was totally with you, and screaming at Dean to STOP. I understand WHY he was so angry and violent, but he was still WRONG.

And it was so unfair to Sam, who had finally come clean. D:


bowtrunckle November 15 2010, 03:35:07 UTC
So the only way to make this horrific scene any better was to imagine that after the screen faded to black, Dean gave Sam a big, fat hug and apologized and then they went rollerskating and Dean gave Sam all the purple Nerds from the concession stand. ;)

Your icon is so pretty. *ogles* Smooth Sammy skin.


twilightshours November 5 2010, 23:14:07 UTC
First off, I gotta say, I LOVE YOUR MIND. :D You analyze things so beautifully, even for a not-meta rant. Haha.
Now, I totally feel with you there! I get so IRKED when Show has extreme cliffhangers like that. But, after I finished watching it, it seemed like a pretty predictable episode.

I do agree that POV needs to be more Sam-oriented, or at least he should have more screen time, but it's pretty much never been like that. I remember one of your metas about it, I think? It's been so long, but I'm reckoning the gist is it's mostly Dean's point of view because we learn about Sam. But the thing is, Sam is being portrayed as the mystery, and not the brother, so it's been unbalanced.

I'm mainly interested about the massive beatdown at the end as well. I'm pretty outraged myself, but not nearly as much as you! Of course I don't think Sam deserved it, but I saw it coming. I mean, there really wasn't any point for Sam to tell the truth before, until his life is literally on the line. I don't think this was totally about the vampire thing ( ... )


bowtrunckle November 16 2010, 17:51:06 UTC
Hi! *waves* RL has my replies being far and few between and usually late. Gah. But it doesn't mean that I don't appreciate interesting discussion.

the gist is it's mostly Dean's point of view because we learn about SamAhh, the plot/motivation tiger meta. I was just joking with blackjedii in the comments above about writing a follow-up crack!meta called: "Sam Winchester, Man of Mysterious Mystery and Off-Screen Action: Why Being the Plot Tiger Sucks", which would pretty much address the paradox of being invisible even though the story is about you. ;) The whole issue, though, sort of falls through the cracks when examining Dean's angel plot in S4/S5. Dean was the plot tiger in that instance but he still got plenty of characterization and his motivations were clearly elucidated, while, I think, Sam's motivations were still largely left to be interpreted/surmised/imagined. Part of me just wants to chalk it up to Kripke and Co. being excited about the new-found angel subplot (shiny!) and wanting to explore that more than Sam's ( ... )


zazreil November 12 2010, 01:08:12 UTC
Though I rather Dean had not pummeled his brother quite so much I do understand it on several levels. First you're Dean, you know Sam lied, you know he set you up, he admitted to knowing about the cure and not telling you, which he could have done with out admitting that he let Dean be turned and you know that he knows you enough to know that you will go to Lisa to say good buy before you die, he said so in 5-18 after all. But if he had told you that there was a chance to cure you and that all you had to do is resist drinking human blood until Samuel got there you would have never gone to Lisa. So why didn't he tell you except that he wanted you to go to Lisa and scare the poo out of her. What's more he knew something was wrong for a long time and he never asked for help. Yeah Dean should not have gone to Lisa but ultimately Sam's body is at fault ( ... )


bowtrunckle November 20 2010, 23:00:26 UTC
I think that Dean has a right to his feelings and Sam's definitely not blameless in this situation (far, far from it), but nobody deserves a beating like that. I wish Sam had gotten a good punch in there, so the fight scene would've just been the standard Winchester vs. Winchester blow out instead of coming off as Dean using Sam as a punching bag (again).

Sam is behaving like a Sociopath

He certainly has the characteristics, doesn't he?

what he really wanted and needed was DeanThis is exactly what I'm having trouble understanding this season. I agree, that Sam wants Dean, but FOR WHAT? He said that he doesn't care about Dean, so it's got to be for completely self-centered reasons. The only reason I can think of is that he thinks Dean can help get him his soul back, a means to an end. And while that reasoning makes sense for this Sam, it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. However, it's no new news that I'm not jazzed about this season and how character motivation seems to have become part of the "mysterious mytharc" instead ( ... )


zazreil November 21 2010, 00:03:04 UTC
I agree that Sam is a little like Dexter Season 1 and because he is a thinking and reasoning being is why he did not totally go off the reservation to become a human monster. On the other hand even humans who have souls do things, awful things for all kinds of reasons including possessiveness and love and I think Sam loves Dean, but because he has no soul that love is a selfish one. What he did and continues to do is an expression of that emotion. Yeah even with the Fairies, it was very dog like to me, I look for my toy and I can't find it so I am upset but then my master offers me dinner and I forget I wanted my toy, but oh boy next day my master gives me my toy back and I remember it and I am so happy to see it. Yeah Sam is smarter but even with a soul he would rationalize things and that has not changed, all leads dried up and there is nothing more I can do, why can't I have sex? Hey logically makes sense ^_ ( ... )


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