SPN 6x06

Oct 29, 2010 22:09

6x06, episode reaction, spn

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hugemind October 30 2010, 20:43:12 UTC
I can see where you're coming from and I've seen a couple of reactions so that I know that my reaction is likely the odd one out, but I have a 'but' coming.

But. Sam could've told Dean about his struggles with emotions when Dean returned to the hunting life. It wasn't like Sam was cursed so that he couldn't tell anyone about it which makes things worse. It's been months (well, what, 1.5 months to be exact?) and Sam's put other people at risk on several hunts, screwed things up for Dean (and risked Ben and Lisa's lives as well), and followed a S4-ish path of being so focused on the big bad that never mind the consequences. And Sam really should know better by now. What if Sam's lack of humanity hadn't been forced to come to light now? He would've continued on the same path, risking more people, and I think Dean had some of that in mind (along with a lot of frustration and anger from feeling scared that Sam was maybe a monster) and not just his family when he let go. A couple of punches less would've driven the point home, though, but also all the fight goes out of Dean just before the end credits when he looks around and comes off as a little bit scared and desperate.

As for Sam asking for help (technically he just recognized he needs help instead of directly asking it from Dean *is annoying*), I saw it as very childish. He was like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar and saying sorry only because he got caught.

Sam made the decision to let Dean be turned (the implied reason why Dean beat Sam up), but Dean also made the decision to go visit Lisa and Ben in his altered state.

For me, the key issue here is that Sam didn't really know what would happen when Dean turned. He couldn't be sure if Dean could fight it. What if the vamps had attacked Sam and new!vamp!Dean when they were on their way back to the motel and fed Dean? ...Oh man, what is it with me and the depressing what-if's today? Make me shut up already!

I agree with you on the general blame magnetism, though. In S2 Sam had demon blood and was possibly evil, in S3 he worked with a demon, in S4 he started drinking demon blood and then in S5 he paid for that and then finally the scales of blame became balanced. So Show going back to the "evil-ish or at least morally questionable"!Sam would be a bit too much. If we find out that this time someone did this to Sam (steal his soul or whatever to make him a cold-blooded hunter), then okay, I'll live with that, but making him out as the "bad guy" is getting old. I'd really like to see more of the boys where they both are flawed but they also balance each other out. And I really want to see more Sam on screen. I know that Dean is the more popular character and I love him dearly, too, but I also love my Sammy and want to see things from his perspective.

Anyway, I really can't give you any reasons, not this close to the ep at least, but the ep left me feeling hopeful. (Okay, one reason for this could be that I've been high on sugar and caffeine the whole day.) It's like this was the Winchester version of kiss and make up.

Sorry I splooged all over your post. Everybody has a right to vent and not being told "but you're not allowed to feel this way". And I'm not too surprised if I feel more like you do now when I watch the ep again before 6x07.


bowtrunckle November 16 2010, 17:22:32 UTC
All your points are well taken. I don't think that Sam in innocent in this all of this, in fact, he's doing Very Bad Things. First and foremost all his lying need to stop. He's practically pathological, it's hard to believe anything that comes out of his mouth anymore *is sad*. Dean is frustration and anger are definitely justified for a number of different reasons ... first and foremost Sam's lying. What had me up in arms is the brutality and severity of Dean's beat down and the fact that it was one-sided. Yes, Dean hits the things he care about the most, fact (not that this is a good thing, though). Yes, he's entitled to his emotions. But the buck stops there, IMHO, when it becomes abusive. It really bothers me when I see that people (fictional or not) behaving in such an ugly way to other people, let alone people they're supposed to care about. And that's probably why I don't watch war movies or CSI-type shows that feature realistic violence and cruelty. So, like I said above, this is really, really an emotional response to a triggery situation. I love Sam and Dean and I just hate seeing them behaving like this. The only way I think this wouldn't have been so bad is if Sam threw a couple of punches in there.

I also love my Sammy and want to see things from his perspective.

Me, too. I feel like I've been saying this since S4. *sigh*

Sorry I splooged all over your post.

No apologies, sweets. It's good to hear others' perspectives. Sometimes it helps to feel better about a not-so-great episode. And having a good discussion is what episode reaction posts are all about, no? :D


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