Fandom on Fandom

Oct 20, 2008 15:45

Hey guys, I (or my journal, the tiger meta, rather) unknowingly ended up in a SPN fandom vid (a fanvid about fandom) a couple of times.  It debuted at Winchestercon this past weekend.  Wow, am I a dork or what?

Also, my fellow flister-fangirls, kentawolf  and erinrua, are in the vid, too.

image Click to view

Thanks to maharet83 for the heads-up.  You can leave comments for the vidder here.

supernatural meta

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Comments 32

hugemind October 20 2008, 23:18:45 UTC
I was so totally going to bed but ended up refreshing my flist for one last time before powering down. And this? \o/

You big geek with your awesome geek!brain! Of course you deserve a spot in the vid. *squishes you* Tables and EEEE, PLOT TIGERS!!! *pets the Tiger!chesters*


bowtrunckle October 21 2008, 17:13:03 UTC
I am a BIG GEEK (I first wrote "Greek" *facepalm*)! <--See?

But at least fandom has other great people who will embrace BIG GEEKS and enable them to do very geeky things. *smish*


copper_season October 21 2008, 00:10:28 UTC



bowtrunckle October 21 2008, 17:14:25 UTC
Thanks for the hugs!

How was the trip? Did you ride the log ride for me?!


copper_season October 21 2008, 23:32:38 UTC
The trip was a lot of fun.

I have to admit, my feet were killing me by the end of the day. Hahahaha.

And, I did ride Splash Mountain. They put me up front, BD. Up front. Why do they feel the need to do that? I was soaked head to toe. Lord. Have to admit, it had been a little warm out and I cooled off quickly, but then it got really cold that night. Had to go back to hotel and dry off.

How was your week?


bowtrunckle October 22 2008, 00:10:33 UTC
They put me up front, BD. Up front.

!!! Oo, more splashes for you. I hope you stuck your arms in the air and screamed your lungs out as you were going down the hill. :)

Why do they feel the need to do that?

Because you look like the type of gal who knows how to have fun!

How was your week?It was good. I had a field trip this past Saturday (and the Saturday before and one this upcoming Saturday). It was a new trip so I had to run around last week and make sure everything was in order (like the rocks were all there and the tides were right and the ferries were running). At the end of the day, I took the students on a short hike (20 minutes one way) where they managed to get lost on a trail not 5 minutes from the parking lot. They ended up at the base of this cliff just sort of looking lost. Awww, poor city kids. I had to yell to them to just turn around and go back the way they came and I'd meet them. My lesson? Never assume anything. Nothing. As I was hiking back up with them I was secretly wondering if I should've ( ... )


kjpzak October 21 2008, 03:48:52 UTC
Oh, you geek you! I'm honored to get to have coffee with you! Wh00t!

So, I have to ask, do you know where the song came from? I may just out-geek you here which is very hard to do when it comes to SPN if you don't. :) (see icon)

Gotta love fandoms that honor those that make them great!

BTW, you probably know this, but Entertainment Weekly listed SPN on it's "Must See/We love this" top 10 last week. Pretty spiffy, eh?!


bowtrunckle October 21 2008, 17:21:12 UTC
Speaking of coffee, I could go for one right about now ... or Thursday. *grin*

do you know where the song came from?

Do you want to enlighten me? And, I think, you're going to out-geek me on this one. :)

(see icon)

*squints* What is your icon? At first it looks like a wooden robot squatting over a flaming chocolate cake. But I have a feeling that's probably not quite right.

Entertainment Weekly listed SPN on it's "Must See/We love this" top 10 last week.

WHOOT! I didn't know that and that news has not been posted on any SPN fan/news LJ communities yet. You are on the cutting edge and totally in-the-know. I think I need to hang out with you more, maybe it'll rub off on me. *wink*


kjpzak October 21 2008, 18:54:51 UTC
Do you want to enlighten me?

Oooo, a Portal Playdate! Did I tell you the story of my pink Xbox controller? It's all Mike's fault. He gave it to me for my birthday and I felt obligated to use it because he spent so much time and effort and thought on the gift. Being a non-gamer, I asked him which game I should try and he gave me Portal, a non-gamer's puzzle game with a psychotic computer that keeps promising you cake at the end. It is a game I bet you would love! Wanna come over and play?

it looks like a wooden robot squatting over a flaming chocolate cakeWhy yes, it is a robot reaching over a chocolate cake to put out the candle. Because the cake is a lie! (That makes more sense once you've played the game ( ... )


bowtrunckle October 21 2008, 19:27:27 UTC
Wanna come over and play?

YES! Except I think there should be REAL cake at the end or at least something with sugar in it. I've been itching to make something dessert-ish. ;)

Why yes, it is a robot reaching over a chocolate cake to put out the candle.

Are you serious? No way, it really is a robot over a cake?! LOL!

Couldn't have said it better myself!

I think the person that wrote that must be a fangirl or else entertainment journalism is jumping on the "fictional math = yay" bandwagon ... which = YAY! ;)


sadelyrate October 21 2008, 04:16:20 UTC
Thank You for this!
One of the first things to see in the morning and gods, I'm not in the right state of mind to deal with this...

Downside to pregnancy: bloody hormones. I think they're getting to me with this one. *sniffles*

This is awesome! So, so awesome... "Spot the Fan(s) behind the Nods". \o/


bowtrunckle October 21 2008, 17:25:07 UTC
bloody hormones. I think they're getting to me with this one. *sniffles*

Aww, *pets*. But in the end you'll have a beautiful baby. *happy sigh*

"Spot the Fan(s) behind the Nods". \o/

It was fun to try to recognize familiar works at a glance. There's nothing more entertaining and enlightening than turning the collective fandom mirror around and taking a good long look.


sadelyrate October 23 2008, 19:11:46 UTC
Yeah, in the end, if all goes well, I'll have this tiny little thing, all curled up and wrinkly and all... And I'm guessing it's just the addition of a job when the days are getting shorter and shorter that's really behind my emo-fits. The pregnancy just 'helps'. :)

Something like this vid is always a delight to see. Thank you for giving us a heads up!


zazreil October 21 2008, 06:16:57 UTC
Congrats You deserve the recognition



bowtrunckle October 21 2008, 17:27:09 UTC
Oh, thanks. :) You should've seen my face. I was giggling and smiling along with the song and then, "Wha--Bhuz?"


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