Sep 06, 2007 23:56

More color crazy SPN meta.  OMG.  Someone.  Stop.  Me.

Light and color are the most basic and powerful elements in visual storytelling. Television shows employ certain lighting techniques and/or repeat specific color combinations to create a signature style that eases viewers into a visual comfort zone. Light and color also contribute to the mood ( Read more... )

supernatural meta

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Comments 42

iceandlime September 7 2007, 10:36:37 UTC
I really can't say just how amazing I think this meta is. You put forward such a convincing collection of information that even the most hardened skeptic would have to have second thoughts as to how planned all this is. I used to be such a skeptic myself, but not anymore.

I'll definitely be joining that new community of yours.


bowtrunckle September 7 2007, 21:09:03 UTC
Thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was interesting to write (the "homework" certainly was enjoyable *wink*).

Hope to see you are spnematography. :)


iceandlime September 7 2007, 21:14:49 UTC
Oh I'm sure it was :D

I'd love to come up with something like this myself, but I'm not quite sure where I'd start. Though I am tempted to go and watch over the show for all those visual cues now. I have too much time on my hands.


bowtrunckle September 7 2007, 21:35:22 UTC
I'd love to come up with something like this myself

Oh, it's not hard. You just pick some obscure, barely noticable detail and fixate on it until you begin to see it everywhere. *laughs* But seriously, we're going to have some short meta prompts at spnematography (like dissecting a single screen cap), so that might be a fun way to play around without having to come up with topics to ponder over by yourself.

I am tempted to go and watch over the show for all those visual cues now

Oh good! The more eyes the better. Some sort of SPN viewer's guide would be cool to have ... hmmm, sadelyrate are you reading this? *nudges and pokes*


sadelyrate September 7 2007, 10:58:31 UTC
OMG. Someone. Stop. Me.

But it's all so deligtful! More? Please?

And you notice the niftiest things... The reflections and the lights, the colours... *adores*
Holy fuck, girl.
There's no words for how bloody much I love you right now...
Am I allowed to freak out now? I'm wearing yellow. Like...everything. And I'm usually the one in blues and blacks...

*wantses the DVDs NOW*
*wantses the 3rd Season*

Holy fuck.

But you forgot about baby!Sam's eyes flashing yellow in the 'flashback' in All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1 (2x21).
So...what do you have on blue? ;)


bowtrunckle September 7 2007, 21:26:20 UTC
You're wearing yellow?! Oo. Have you had any naughty, evil-ish thoughts lately? Hmm, how's that fic of yours coming along, eh? *grins* I swear, once it's finished I will read it. See, I have this thing about not reading a multi-chapter fic until it's completely posted because I get impatient with cliff-hangers and I worry that the author will never finish it (erm ... which I have a horrible tendency to do *hides*) and then what? I'll be left all dangly. :(

*wantses the DVDs NOW*
*wantses the 3rd Season*

I'm so with you! What day is it ... Sept 11 yet? *still curses Best Buy* Have you seen the new S3 Promo!? No spoilers whatsoever.

But you forgot about baby!Sam's eyes flashing yellow in the 'flashback' in All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1 (2x21).

Heh. That's reserved for Part II. :) Sammy, Sammy what are we going to do with you and your demon blood? *cackles* Spin crazy metas, that's what!

So...what do you ( ... )


sadelyrate September 9 2007, 16:35:03 UTC
Have you had any naughty, evil-ish thoughts lately?
Nah, just the normal hurt/angst/mess up the Winchesters for good... :)
I understand your worry about WIPs, because I, sort of, share it. And that's why I've also tried to avoid plotbunnies/wolves/dragon hatchlings that have even the slightest whiff of 'multi-chapter' about them. Because I know that if I loose the red thread with Precipice, I may never find it again.
Luckily, seems like the story's slowly approaching an end... :)

Thank You for that link! Oh, if all Supernatural's promos/teasers/trailers would be so friendly for us spoiler-phobes... which sort of defeats their purpose, though.
And I do not think there's a curious detail in that voice over. I do not! *is hopeless*If the yellow-eyes are in the Sam-meta... okay, I'll forgive you ( ... )


bowtrunckle September 28 2007, 06:13:38 UTC
Because I know that if I loose the red thread with Precipice, I may never find it again.

Hold onto it with both hands because from my experience, once it's dropped it's difficult to find. Working up the momentum to get back into a story is a painful process.

And I do not think there's a curious detail in that voice over. I do not! *is hopeless*

Oo, really? *raises eyebrow and grins* Are you in a sharing mood?

But I should get that addendum on the War out before the Third Season begins, and work on a few other metas...

Yes you should. Definitely. Ah, not that you're not already writing a million other metas and fics or anything. ;) Productive people like you make me wish I had a "faster" button plugged into my brain.

Mary and Blue are on hold, though.Is this the religious-slanted Mary Mother of Sam meta I've been waiting for? And darn that blue/red/yellow meta for being overly difficult. But on a positive note, I finally got my hands on the S3 DVDs (don't those boys look pretty on a large, non-computer screen?)! It's ( ... )


hugemind September 7 2007, 11:27:43 UTC
Dude... You posted it, and it's brilliant! And there will be more. No wonder your meta-writing takes time, there's so much stuff in here! *weeps* I'll never reach this level of brilliance...

First of all, I had noticed some instances where red light was used, but this meta takes those and more and the yellow color and wraps them in a nice box with a pretty pink bow on top.

the camera pans over a monkey dressed in a yellow jacket with a red bow tie

I found this very amusing, random and creepy at the time and wondered why on earth would the camera linger on something like that. But the monkey is clearly evil!... Um, or rather it's a sign that sinister forces are on the move. Like this monkey dressed in red in 1x09 Home (this even made a sound to alert everyone of those evil things). And I've found it also curious that demon attacks seem to occur at about 8 p.m. (And what does it mean that the digital display on Ash's watch seems to read 7:09, an hour less than the analog display?... Crack!meta ( ... )


bowtrunckle September 7 2007, 21:53:15 UTC
No wonder your meta-writing takes time, there's so much stuff in here!

No, mostly I'm just slow. *snort* But thank you for your kind words.

The monkey in "Home" is creepy. I think it's in reference to a Stephen King story featuring an evil toy monkey.

And what does it mean that the digital display on Ash's watch seems to read 7:09, an hour less than the analog display?... Crack!meta?

LOL! I thought I was imagining that! OMG, thank you for confirming that my eyes still work. And it means that Ash, for all his MIT brillance, can't tell time. I'd love to see a crack!meta about this. We should do it. And where is your wonderfully cracktastic flamingo meta? *laughs just thinking about it*

Now I'm afraid to watch the new eps because after this my brain will be in over-drive!

Maybe we should get an icon of a brain that says "Warning: thinking may cause combustion" with a SPN S3 thingy on there somewhere. :)

I did see the 3x01 stills! Very pretty. That 7-pointed star is veryinteresting. I'm afraid that I'm going to be a ( ... )


hugemind September 7 2007, 22:58:17 UTC
I totally fail at Stephen King references. I've been meaning to read and see some much stuff for a while now, but I never seem to find the time to do it all. *sigh*

Why is the crack!meta taking over my brain? Ash's watch has been bugging me since the ep aired. Either he can't tell time or he can't operate his watch. Yes, that needs to be meta'ed ;) And the flamingos will get their turn probably tomorrow.

Maybe we should get an icon of a brain that says "Warning: thinking may cause combustion" with a SPN S3 thingy on there somewhere*flails* Yay, we should! Although just watching may cause combustion ;) Also, I've been thinking about a macro icon with a comical picture of a devil carrying a pitchfork, and a text saying 'Im in ur detailz, filling ur brainz'. Yes, I know, it sucks. :P ( ... )


bowtrunckle September 13 2007, 04:50:45 UTC
Why is the crack!meta taking over my brain?

Because crack!meta is a good excuse to occupy the brain without fear of accidentally breaking it (OK, maybe that just applies to me). I keep imagining a crack!fic about Ash in hell with his broken watch or arguing about which time zone hell is in (referring to fact that, as you pointed out, the digital and analog displays were an hour different). *snort*

I've been thinking about a macro icon with a comical picture of a devil carrying a pitchfork, and a text saying 'Im in ur detailz, filling ur brainz'.

LOL! I love it! I just wrote a long reply about the "Readers' Guide" idea to Sadelyrate in this post and said something about devil being in the details. :) Just so you know, I'm an icon whore and will snatch anything that makes me laugh. Hehe.


bobrhyn September 8 2007, 16:08:26 UTC
.... You know, I honestly never thought there'd be a time where anything involving the words 'cinematography community' would make me go REALLY OH MY GOD YES. Oh, Supernatural fandom, never leave me. *_* And the same goes for this analysis - holy crap this is incredible, both that you put it together and that Kripke & Co did so much. Awe.


bowtrunckle September 11 2007, 04:45:37 UTC
Oh, thank you for your enthusiam and thanks for reading. It's always nice to hear about someone else who's interested in pretty pictures, I mean, in depth and totally serious thinky metas (erm ... yeah).

But, yes, kudos to Kripke and his creative team for giving us so much to play with. Hopefully S3 will provide us with tons more to think about.


Supernatural Gone Plethora of Colour Mad anonymous September 9 2007, 20:13:38 UTC
My dearest Bowtrunckle... you have completely and utterly gone mad with Dean and Sam's adventures into the realms of the supernatural.

Blimey! Colours, interpretations, DVDs, Music and everything! I am totally dumbfounded.

Well done, you!



Re: Supernatural Gone Plethora of Colour Mad bowtrunckle September 10 2007, 05:10:15 UTC
Hi Lourdes,

I'm embarassed with this diversion into mega-geekdom and ... uh ... stopped working on it even though it was about half done for almost four months. I still feel slightly weird having posted it. It's rather long. Thanks for leaving your thoughts.


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