Sep 06, 2007 23:56

More color crazy SPN meta.  OMG.  Someone.  Stop.  Me.

Light and color are the most basic and powerful elements in visual storytelling. Television shows employ certain lighting techniques and/or repeat specific color combinations to create a signature style that eases viewers into a visual comfort zone. Light and color also contribute to the mood ( Read more... )

supernatural meta

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sadelyrate September 7 2007, 10:58:31 UTC
OMG. Someone. Stop. Me.

But it's all so deligtful! More? Please?

And you notice the niftiest things... The reflections and the lights, the colours... *adores*
Holy fuck, girl.
There's no words for how bloody much I love you right now...
Am I allowed to freak out now? I'm wearing yellow. Like...everything. And I'm usually the one in blues and blacks...

*wantses the DVDs NOW*
*wantses the 3rd Season*

Holy fuck.

But you forgot about baby!Sam's eyes flashing yellow in the 'flashback' in All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1 (2x21).
So...what do you have on blue? ;)


bowtrunckle September 7 2007, 21:26:20 UTC
You're wearing yellow?! Oo. Have you had any naughty, evil-ish thoughts lately? Hmm, how's that fic of yours coming along, eh? *grins* I swear, once it's finished I will read it. See, I have this thing about not reading a multi-chapter fic until it's completely posted because I get impatient with cliff-hangers and I worry that the author will never finish it (erm ... which I have a horrible tendency to do *hides*) and then what? I'll be left all dangly. :(

*wantses the DVDs NOW*
*wantses the 3rd Season*

I'm so with you! What day is it ... Sept 11 yet? *still curses Best Buy* Have you seen the new S3 Promo!? No spoilers whatsoever.

But you forgot about baby!Sam's eyes flashing yellow in the 'flashback' in All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1 (2x21).

Heh. That's reserved for Part II. :) Sammy, Sammy what are we going to do with you and your demon blood? *cackles* Spin crazy metas, that's what!

So...what do you ( ... )


sadelyrate September 9 2007, 16:35:03 UTC
Have you had any naughty, evil-ish thoughts lately?
Nah, just the normal hurt/angst/mess up the Winchesters for good... :)
I understand your worry about WIPs, because I, sort of, share it. And that's why I've also tried to avoid plotbunnies/wolves/dragon hatchlings that have even the slightest whiff of 'multi-chapter' about them. Because I know that if I loose the red thread with Precipice, I may never find it again.
Luckily, seems like the story's slowly approaching an end... :)

Thank You for that link! Oh, if all Supernatural's promos/teasers/trailers would be so friendly for us spoiler-phobes... which sort of defeats their purpose, though.
And I do not think there's a curious detail in that voice over. I do not! *is hopeless*If the yellow-eyes are in the Sam-meta... okay, I'll forgive you ( ... )


bowtrunckle September 28 2007, 06:13:38 UTC
Because I know that if I loose the red thread with Precipice, I may never find it again.

Hold onto it with both hands because from my experience, once it's dropped it's difficult to find. Working up the momentum to get back into a story is a painful process.

And I do not think there's a curious detail in that voice over. I do not! *is hopeless*

Oo, really? *raises eyebrow and grins* Are you in a sharing mood?

But I should get that addendum on the War out before the Third Season begins, and work on a few other metas...

Yes you should. Definitely. Ah, not that you're not already writing a million other metas and fics or anything. ;) Productive people like you make me wish I had a "faster" button plugged into my brain.

Mary and Blue are on hold, though.Is this the religious-slanted Mary Mother of Sam meta I've been waiting for? And darn that blue/red/yellow meta for being overly difficult. But on a positive note, I finally got my hands on the S3 DVDs (don't those boys look pretty on a large, non-computer screen?)! It's ( ... )


sadelyrate September 28 2007, 10:16:36 UTC
That voice-over just sounds like it's not a direct quote, but a combination of two. There's this...hitch? that bothers me betwixt "evil" and "raise"...
See? This is why I can't let myself watch/listen to anything even distantly spoilerious...;)

Yes, it's the Mary/Mary-meta. Which isn't going anywhere, at the moment, and I dread await eagerly what S3 brings about...

Oh, goody! You've got the DVDs! Go forth and elaborate! *rubs hands excitedly*


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