Jan 29, 2009 09:32
I just had the wierdest fucking dream. Two creepy, flirty older customers from work were suing me for sexual harrassment. And I suddenly had vertigo. What?
Aug 19, 2008 04:18
How long will I have to wait?
Jul 23, 2008 22:07
I wish this song didn't describe the past year of my life so accurately.
Jun 19, 2008 12:55
Does anyone want to go see Wolf Parade at the Crowfoot in Pontiac on July 7th? Tickets are 15 bucks and though I can't drive, I'll be happy to fork over some gas money in return for someone to go with.
Apr 26, 2008 02:13
"Nessun Dorma!"
Just... wow. Never gets old.
Apr 09, 2008 18:11
So...I still only like "Teenage Riot" and "Eric's Trip."
(edit) Well, "The Sprawl" and "Hey Joni" are pretty cool.