"In Treatment" is back, and
my man Gabriel is as pretty and amazing as ever! It's also an awesome show with great cast and scripts.
2) The happiness suits my boys.
Golfing together is obviously ♥ and...
convenient? LOL
3) I have discovered, in this past weekend,
the (unintentional) hilarity that is RPattz.
This song melts my fangirly heart. Love
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Comments 18
Chyeah, I can see their chemistry through PICTURES. I don't even have to see them actually do anything together, lol.
*deep breath*
bb, i don't see the appeal in rpattz =( idg all the love for him/twilight.
LOL, believe me, it took me a very long time to see the appeal in RPattz. I tried to stay away from his posts and stuff in fact, but since I happen to love his BFF, it was inevitable that I got to know a little bit about him too. And well, in real life he's oblivious to the point of hilarity, and also a wicked musician, and that's pretty much all it takes for me to get into someone, lol.
Btw, i wanted to ask, can you upload Lucky by Mraz for me? I have a version that is cut. :(
For that, have a Jensen! (I LOVE THIS ABSOUTELY GHEY PIC!!!! Boy, where is your style, and those clingy shirts and bracelets and shopbags when you used to get caught on camera strolling leaisurely NOW?????? )
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Wow, never seen that Jensen pic before. How manly of him, haha. And... is that the famous watch that Jared got him? As for Jensen's fashion, he dresses better than most people, male OR female.
Is Jared pic recent? Haven't seen it either. You're such a ninja, lol.
Here's the link to "Lucky" song: http://rapidshare.com/files/218585594/03-jason_mraz-lucky__feat._colbie_caillat_.mp3
Hope rapidshare works for you. <333
I dont recall the brand of the watch Jared gave to Jensen. But this one looks cool. :) AND COSTLY!
Well, let's agree that Jensen's attire at LA was...eh....below any criticism, ok? :)
Thanks for the link! Gah, I SO want to have a J2 vid made to that song!
Nah, im not a ninja. As I said in PM, these are pics I foudn in that JA pcis folder I downloaded from a torrent. Funny, but not at all unexpected, about 40 pics there are of him and Jared, and about 20 - of him and ex gfs. And a few semi naked manips. LOL. Some good pics of him and Jared with fans (that I havent seen before) and a couple of Jensen+a baby. And a cute one of Jared and a 6-7 yo boy.
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I love that song, and thought it was so perfect for J2 that I made some icons with the lyrics. I posted some here: http://bowie28.livejournal.com/38611.html
Haha, the fan with Jensen looks super gay, and the look he gave the camera, lol. Do you think you can send me some of these unseen pics? I mean the pics you think I haven't seen. My email: bowie28@gmail.com Thanks!
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