I’ve been meaning to post this for a while, just for one reason or another, haven’t gotten to it before now! So without further ado, in no particular order, the Things That Have Made Me Happy Recently list:
Real life.
1) MY FATHER’S GONE FOR A WEEK, WOOHOO! He’s off on a business trip to the Middle East, flitting from Dubai to Abu Dhabi to other
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Comments 123
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And omg, I just noticed the Kyubey figure! *snickers*
Who's the chick in that, btw? She looks familiar but I forget her name? Unless they all look alike and I don't really know her.
this icon sums up the whole show
it also doesnt make sense until you know the story...
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Oh how nice to get you the dress. And YAY pockets! I do that on skirts a lot of the time. *snort*
Secret Steps is a WiP that is SO TOTALLY AU but very awesome.
And a completed fic of hers (that's part of a series, although I didn't read it as such) that completely wins my heart, Symbiosis.
Other than that...yeah, slim pickings of late. I'm mostly reading new chapters of old fics by established authors, I haven't found too many new ones that are worthwhile. I have already rec'd The Professor's Discretion, yeah?
Um...anything else pops, I'll let you know!
IKR?! She's so lovely and sweet and I feel like I'm taking advantage of her, but it's hard to say now when she's offering something I want! And oh, you understand! Pockets in dresses/skirts are awesome, I just love them.
I read Symbiosus (and the prequel chapter) today very nice stuff.
I'll get to the others soon. Yes, I've been reading The Professor's Discretion but I see there are now new chapters yay! I kind of didn't want to have to go through all my links to check for new chapters I might have missed when I wasn't reading HP fic. ;)
Any really good ones that have been updated in the last say... month? That I might be following already. (Yes, I am being lazy here)
But thanks for those. :)
Yes, exactly. I kind of wonder if I manage to see my cousin before/during/after my own birthday this year if she will get/buy me anything...
I guess its even more so for me because I used to get annoyed with no pockets on shorts because I needed them to carry tennis balls when serving/playing tennis. I just like back up spaces. ;)
Caeria's Pet Project's been updated recently...that's all I remember for now. *pouts* Where are all my writers at?
Hee, hope you get to see your cousin and you luck out! *squish*
Ohhh, yeah, okay, tennis balls are not an issue with me, hehe. I certainly wouldn't be playing tennis in the dress I got! :P I always find it so odd how many tennis balls players keep on them, like, how it doesn't fall out before and how it doesn't put them off balance boggles my mind!
I WANT SNAPE IN MY ROOM! Well, technically he IS in my room, in poster form, but a life-size Snape would be so much better. Also, those icons are amazing...I wish someone would make pretty ones for me, haha!
OMG, NEW FIC TO READ! It sounds perfect...I love the slow buildup of their relationship too. Definitely going to read that one!
Ooh, what were your dresses like? And for a special occasion or just 'coz? I confess, I buy 'coz I like dresses, but I pretty much never go out, so...yeah. >_<
Cool, you got a poster! I was looking for posters for ages and couldn't find anything, but I'm ECSTATIC over my life-size Snape. :D *twirls giddily* It was funny 'coz he scared mother a few times, hehe, but I liked rolling over in bed and seeing him there.
I feel so grateful for my shiny icons. ^_^ You know you can take if you want, right? They're not exclusively for me.
Also, in case you're looking for icons, I had some other requests here and in the comments here. I had to stake out a lot of icon request posts to get ones I like, believe me ( ... )
I had to do some searching for my poster, and I think I either got it on wbshop.com or maybe even on eBay? But I think a life-size one would be way better...I would love to wake up in the morning and be like oh, hello there Severus haha!
Really? I can take some? Thank you! I won't take too many but I think I will take advantage of the request posts!
I wish there'd been more Snapes, I think they'd've made for great presents for fellow fans. But he was the last!
I felt so guilty, lol, every request post I came across, I swamped with requests for SSHG icons, I think that prob made some people all O.o but I think I have enough now not to harass anyone anymore!
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