I feel like doing this meme again, but... PRIVATE-ISH, PLEASE

Jun 24, 2011 08:44

(Trigger warning for stalkers, it's that Last words meme so there will be death, violence, possible gore, suicide, etc. Stalk/participate at your own discretion/risk.)

injury, letty is a sadist

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Comments 155

Wallace || Pokemon AU || 2, 2 cantyetdance June 24 2011, 13:55:50 UTC
["Ow", Wallace thinks belatedly as he finally looks down at the gunshot wound staining his pretty contest costume red. It didn't hurt as much as you'd think it would, since he was just so shocked. He knew there were peope who didn't like Mama and Uncle Stone, but they weren't supposed to be bad enough to go after their children. The boy slides down to the ground, his back against the wall.

Luvdisc is fluttering around in a panicked way, though there's probably no one around this dark part of the building to hear its distressed cries. No one friendly, at least. Wallace reaches up with his less bloody hand to snatch her out of the air and hold her close- it wouldn't do for another bad guy to come back and finish her off, too.

He'd get up and hide, but... he just feels so dizzy right now.]


Red || Pokemon (AU) || 1 and 2 exileforfreedom June 24 2011, 14:34:07 UTC
[Red had often thought about his death. How could he not? He's a fugitive on a dangerous mission. But of all the ways he thought he might die, he'd never imagined it would be a training accident. He'd survived so many of those already...

He'd been training up on Mt. Silver. It had been pretty standard, all his Pokemon drilling their moves... And then an attack went way off course and managed to trigger an avalanche. Red had seen it coming and recalled all his Pokemon except Igni. He handed the Pokeballs to the Charizard to make sure they'd be alright, but he couldn't climb on in time. The snow caught up with him.

He's freezing and he can't move, trapped who knows how many feet under the snow. He can barely breathe, but the real problem is just the sheer cold. He can only hope his Pokemon got away and can get help before he freezes and try his best to stay awake.]


ehehehehe 83c losesthrice June 24 2011, 16:27:30 UTC
[Finally, finally, he escaped his gym. Finally no scientists to revive him back to life. He can die here and stay dead and... and...

Where was he now? He wasn't really sure. In fact he didn't know why he brought along his Pokémon either. Maybe he should just release them now that he's finally up here. Right. First you can go, Pidgeot. Was it even the same one he raised years ago?

He didn't know as he watches his Flying type reluctantly leave behind its trainer. There, now-...now what? Oh wait, is that a Charizard? Weren't they not found in the wild? He'll head closer, mostly out of sick curiosity. Maybe if it's a wild one he'd attack him on spot...]


SQUEE~ exileforfreedom June 24 2011, 17:03:31 UTC
[The Charizard doesn't attack, but cries out almost mournfully. It's holding seven Pokeballs and seems to be searching for something in the snow.

Red, meanwhile, continues trying to stay awake and dig himself an exit or something, he can't die here... He still has so much to do...]


\o/ losesthrice June 24 2011, 18:49:01 UTC
[Blue will stare watching Charizard seemingly search through the snow. ...what was he doing?

... ... ...]


[He has no idea why but felt he should help him. Blue ignores how cold the snow feels against his bare hands, as he begins to dig through the snow. What was he looking for? Would he know if he finds it?]


Touko || Pokemon/+Anima crossover AU || 3 and 1 hasnohalo June 24 2011, 14:53:28 UTC
[Yeah, there's... Nothing for her anymore, is there? Her friends probably hated her after finding out she'd been in league with the government's scientists, and her Anima was gone, thanks to a stupid promise she'd made...

She can't really hear anything besides her own slow breathing as she climbs up on the edge of the Driftveil Drawbridge... Where it started. Where it'll end.]


shockingdisplay June 24 2011, 15:32:54 UTC
[Touya's starting to get really tired after all this running- he just had a bad feeling when none of them could find Touko anywhere. He feels relieved for a split second halfway across the bridge when he looks up and sees her, only to freeze a second later. She doesn't have her Anima, what is she doing up there?]

...Touko! [Almost breathless, but not just because he's nearly out of it.]


hasnohalo June 24 2011, 16:30:49 UTC
[Is that... Touya? She looks over her shoulder, confused. Why would Touya be here? She doesn't speak, unable to find the words... All her friends are gone, so why...?]


shockingdisplay June 24 2011, 16:44:33 UTC
[His feet feel heavy after all that running, but Touya straightens up and starts over to where Touko is standing. It's dangerous up there, what if she falls what if she wants to fall--]


Ashton || Pokemon Nuzlocke AU; 3, 2 whatismoral June 24 2011, 19:08:49 UTC
[Dim. Everything was beginning to get dim. Why did he even bother anymore. .regretting what he's just done. Ordering Vodka to hit him with a poisin sting attack. He wanted it to end. He wanted it to be over.

He couldn't handle the monstrosity of being a Pokemon Trainer. So here he lies, outside of some town- he couldn't read the name of it. Dying, and quickly. There wasn't more than an hour or two left in him.]


2 have a horrible bro nogoodhero June 24 2011, 19:15:51 UTC
[Finally his lovely Lyuba evolved into an even more lovely Feraligatr. He was in the greatest of moods until he stops, spotting Ashton on the ground near the entrance of town. He rushes over, kneeling down in front of him eyes wide.

No one was supposed to die. Not on his watch. He promised, he promised - ]

Ashton? ...what happened?


hey bro ;.; whatismoral June 24 2011, 19:29:16 UTC
Couldn't take it anymore. I. . told Vodka to hit me with Poison Sting. Stupid, right? It's pretty mind numbing.

[A shaky breath.] Vasily. Will you take my Pokemon? Fuego finally evolved into Blaziken, he could be of some use to you one day. .


I do not have appropriate icons for this 8((( nogoodhero June 24 2011, 23:22:58 UTC
... ...stupid. It's stupid! You're not supposed to die! What about Dad? You...you said you'd challenge his Gym and win...

[He's quiet not sure what to say in response. ...was that his last request?]


[...he's dying. He's dying. No. Why? WHY?]

...okay. I'll take good care of Fuego. He'll be safe with me. I promise. I won't lose him. Not to anyone.


Lucas "Pierce" (AU) || Pokemon ; 2,1 noteventhrice June 24 2011, 19:15:33 UTC
[Who would do this to him? Why would they do this time him? What did he do wrong? Pierce never did anything wrong. Pierce was just a normal boy, despite his map of scars and lack of memory.

The knife in his stomach said otherwise. It hurt, oh god did it hurt. There was still a stunned look on his face. Ow, ow, OW.]

What did I ever do...wrong? [Og Pierce....you won't die completely.]


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