I feel like doing this meme again, but... PRIVATE-ISH, PLEASE

Jun 24, 2011 08:44

(Trigger warning for stalkers, it's that Last words meme so there will be death, violence, possible gore, suicide, etc. Stalk/participate at your own discretion/risk.)

injury, letty is a sadist

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Red || Pokemon (AU) || 1 and 2 exileforfreedom June 24 2011, 14:34:07 UTC
[Red had often thought about his death. How could he not? He's a fugitive on a dangerous mission. But of all the ways he thought he might die, he'd never imagined it would be a training accident. He'd survived so many of those already...

He'd been training up on Mt. Silver. It had been pretty standard, all his Pokemon drilling their moves... And then an attack went way off course and managed to trigger an avalanche. Red had seen it coming and recalled all his Pokemon except Igni. He handed the Pokeballs to the Charizard to make sure they'd be alright, but he couldn't climb on in time. The snow caught up with him.

He's freezing and he can't move, trapped who knows how many feet under the snow. He can barely breathe, but the real problem is just the sheer cold. He can only hope his Pokemon got away and can get help before he freezes and try his best to stay awake.]


ehehehehe 83c losesthrice June 24 2011, 16:27:30 UTC
[Finally, finally, he escaped his gym. Finally no scientists to revive him back to life. He can die here and stay dead and... and...

Where was he now? He wasn't really sure. In fact he didn't know why he brought along his Pokémon either. Maybe he should just release them now that he's finally up here. Right. First you can go, Pidgeot. Was it even the same one he raised years ago?

He didn't know as he watches his Flying type reluctantly leave behind its trainer. There, now-...now what? Oh wait, is that a Charizard? Weren't they not found in the wild? He'll head closer, mostly out of sick curiosity. Maybe if it's a wild one he'd attack him on spot...]


SQUEE~ exileforfreedom June 24 2011, 17:03:31 UTC
[The Charizard doesn't attack, but cries out almost mournfully. It's holding seven Pokeballs and seems to be searching for something in the snow.

Red, meanwhile, continues trying to stay awake and dig himself an exit or something, he can't die here... He still has so much to do...]


\o/ losesthrice June 24 2011, 18:49:01 UTC
[Blue will stare watching Charizard seemingly search through the snow. ...what was he doing?

... ... ...]


[He has no idea why but felt he should help him. Blue ignores how cold the snow feels against his bare hands, as he begins to dig through the snow. What was he looking for? Would he know if he finds it?]


exileforfreedom June 25 2011, 00:29:39 UTC
[Eventually, you'll dig deep enough and find a hand. It's purple from the cold, and twitching feebly. Charizard gets very frantic once Red's hand is uncovered, and tries to dig him out faster. It was trying to find its trainer, Blue.]


losesthrice June 25 2011, 00:54:17 UTC
[A hand...it's a hand. Someone's hand. He assumes this Charizard's trainer. He's hands were aching from the cold, but Blue didn't seem to care. Pain just reminded him of the fact he's still alive. He'll continue to push away more of the snow, while trying to tug Red out.]


exileforfreedom June 25 2011, 01:33:18 UTC
[It shouldn't take too long to get Red's head uncovered... It's as brilliant a shade of purple as his hand. He's fighting to keep his eyes open; he knows it's all over if he falls asleep. Do you recognize your freezing old friend, Blue?]


losesthrice June 25 2011, 01:52:45 UTC
[Yes. Yes he does. In an instant Blue picks up his speed as he's clawing at the snow, shoving it aside frantically while trying to pull Red closer in to himself.]

Red! Red!


exileforfreedom June 25 2011, 02:48:33 UTC
[Red's skin is frigid and his movements to help get himself out are sluggish. Your touch is warm enough to make Red wince, he's so, so cold... He's a little delirious as he looks up at you, his voice a distant and raspy whisper.]

... Blue...? Blue...?


losesthrice June 25 2011, 02:56:04 UTC
[He's cold. So cold. Blue immediately nods, while still trying to pull Red closer, and out of the snow.]

You're alive...you're...

[He's smiling even if it doesn't reach his eyes. He's grasping at Red, in an all too desperate manner.]

Red...Red! You're alive...you're really...real...


exileforfreedom June 25 2011, 03:26:16 UTC
... I'm... ...... ........ [He trails off, unable to finish the thought. So cold... So tired... He has to stay awake, he has to... Oh yeah, he was saying something, wasn't he? What was it...]

... H-Here, B-B-Blue... I'm h-here...


losesthrice June 25 2011, 03:34:22 UTC
[Blue waits and waits for Red to continue what he was going to say. He waits and waits and waits - until he's hugging Red closer. He's here he's here. He's alive - ]

Cassian...you're...why...? I thought...Red...you're alive...I'm so happy...


exileforfreedom June 25 2011, 03:58:42 UTC
[Bad news, Blue. Red's entire body is purple, and so cold to the touch. He has frostbite for sure. He's shivering violently, each gulp of breath is a struggle.]

.... S... So tired... Blue... [He wants to sleep, but... You're here, and he missed you so much. You're here... His eyes are starting to close.]


losesthrice June 25 2011, 04:15:06 UTC
[Red felt too cold. He would have fretted and fussed but after days of sleep deprivation he doesn't think about it. He just holds Red as carefully as possible.]

...then...then sleep. If you're tired, sleep...I'll be right here.


exileforfreedom June 25 2011, 04:45:18 UTC
[Oh, Blue... If only you were thinking properly. You said to sleep, and Red's so tired... If you told him to, it's okay, right? Yeah... Yeah, it'll be okay...]

... Thank you... F-For finding me... F-F-For... F-For being my... B-Best friend...

[Red's eyes close as his body relaxes. But... Isn't he going a little too limp? His lips are blue, his breathing slows, then eventually stops altogether.]


losesthrice June 25 2011, 04:58:04 UTC

[He'll smile and clutch Red close. Of course it doesn't sink in how limp Red had become, or the fact Red has stopped breathing until few minutes later. Slowly his eyes grow wide as he shakes him. No. No!]

...Red! RED! ...why...why...

[He'll bury his head against Red and quietly sob. He'll just remain in this very spot until he suffers the same fate as Red. There was no point to live if Red was dead.]


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