I feel like doing this meme again, but... PRIVATE-ISH, PLEASE

Jun 24, 2011 08:44

(Trigger warning for stalkers, it's that Last words meme so there will be death, violence, possible gore, suicide, etc. Stalk/participate at your own discretion/risk.)

injury, letty is a sadist

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Comments 155

Kris || Pokemon/+Anima crossover AU || 5 and 1 cutofthesky June 24 2011, 13:03:17 UTC
[It's been months since the incident. The army had struck its first victory against Kris's party of rebel activists. They'd been leading a strike and been separated during the fighting. Kris never worried about the others, they were either able to take care of themselves or not worth keeping around.

She'd been outnumbered and captured. Now, she's disgusted with herself for being unable to fight them off and unable to escape. She's been forgotten in her cell, left to rot. Kris hasn't eaten in months, and she's grown lethargic. She doesn't feel her stomach pangs anymore, it's just a dull ache. She barely notices the passing of time.

Whether Kris realizes it or not, she's fading. A bitter laugh escapes her lips. She's failed.]


wantedforarson June 24 2011, 13:14:16 UTC
[Stupid army and their stupid traps. It took at least a week for Gold to bust out, another to get back to mainland Johto. By that point, Kris had already been shut away somewhere and he didn't at all like the amount of time it took for him to get his answers. The idea that she might not be alive was discarded- he wasn't going to give up until he saw her corpse with his own eyes.

And that's how he ended up in this underground hallway with far too many rooms and a dying guard whimpering by the exit. He was just getting annoyed at how many there were to try when he hears a faint laugh.

Kris, your cell's door is now being suddenly and violently ripped out of the wall, bolts and all, by Gold's Tyranitar.]


cutofthesky June 24 2011, 14:04:27 UTC
[Kris is lying on the floor in the middle of the cell, filthy and bone thin. She can't seem to gather enough strength to react properly to your entrance beyond a weak annoyed glance and a raspy whisper.]

You're late.


wantedforarson June 24 2011, 14:46:54 UTC
[...oh thank Arceus it really is her. He doesn't care if she looks like garbage and it's kind of dark in here to see, she's the most gorgeous thing he's seen in months. Gold slips right in.]

Oh, shut up. [Except not really, he missed hearing you.] They dumped me off on a freaking island. Jacking a boat is harder than it sounds.

[He walks up to her and just kind of... slumps into a kneel a foot away, not invading her space. Is that relief? Why yes, it is, not that he's going to say anything to imply it.]


Adrian || Pokemon (AU) || 1 and 3 4thegoodofnone June 24 2011, 13:19:48 UTC
[A kitchen accident, of all things... Adrian is a talented chef, and no one who knew him would probably ever have thought he'd die thanks to his kitchen. But the world works in strange ways.

There had been some kind of defect with the stove. He'd been cooking, and had heard it making strange noises and gone to investigate. He hadn't expected it to blow up, or... He doesn't really remember exactly what happened, except that there was a lot of fire and some flying debris. Anyway, he'd woken up in the hospital with extensive burns and various injuries.

He didn't really understand what the doctors told him, he's never been too good with technical stuff. All he really knows is that there's some heavy internal damage and nothing that can be done. They told him he won't last a week. Thanks to his burns, he gets to spend his last days in a hospital bed.]


...Pretty damn sure this was meant to be, thanks RNG. aquaboss June 24 2011, 15:39:15 UTC
[It's been awhile since he's seen Adrian. Guess what he found when he started looking? Adrian's in the hospital, probably dying.]

[...At least it wasn't drowning this time.]

[Still, it's not a good thing to find out at all. Would it kill you guys to tell him about this sort of shit every once in awhile?]

[Anyway, he didn't particularly care to listen to whatever the nurses had to say - it was mostly complaints about how Adrian couldn't be visited by just anyone or something - and so Archie just barged straight into the room, like how he always does.]

Adrian! [Yep, just shutting the door to keep the nurses out.] When the hell were you plannin' on tellin' me you'd injured yourself!?


Yeah... It works pretty perfectly 4thegoodofnone June 24 2011, 16:02:08 UTC
[Adrian turns his head as you enter. He's awake and a pretty ugly mess of bandages. He has burns everywhere.]

... Archie.

[He ignores the question altogether. After all, you asked when, not if.]


The derpiest relationship ever. HNG. <3 aquaboss June 24 2011, 16:07:35 UTC
[...Oh Adrian... You look horrible. Archie pulls up a chair and sits beside you awkwardly, not entirely sure what to do with himself.]

So you weren't plannin' on tellin' me, huh? Why the hell not?

[Aren't we kind-of-sort-of-friends?]


Lucas | Pokemon (PokeMagi AU) | 6, 1 wished4forever June 24 2011, 13:39:14 UTC
[It's broken. Well, breaking. Whatever it was that picked a fight with Lucas this time, it got him good and has his Soul Gem. He needs a certain amount of magic to turn things back, and he doesn't have that much left. That's what he gets for letting himself be emotional, he supposes as he just lies there and stares at the sky. But he was sick of listening to those screams, and he just moved without thinking.

After all that time, it's finally going to end. Lucas couldn't keep his promise and he couldn't even make a difference. How pathetic.]


1 :|a bsodrival June 25 2011, 01:15:03 UTC
[Barry over and over again has seen Dawn or either Lucas face dangerous situations head on. So at that moment he walks over and kneels down, laughing. Thinking that maybe Lucas just lost a Pokémon battle. Nothing serious, right? They never face serious consequences before...]

Lucas! Hey Lucas, wake up!


XD wished4forever June 25 2011, 08:02:52 UTC
[Oh, it's Barry. He's alive. He's okay. He's laughing. That... makes Lucas feel a little better. If this is the last thing he hears... then maybe he can trick himself into thinking that his friends are going to live happily ever after.

He smiles.]

I'm awake, silly. Just... taking a rest.


bsodrival June 25 2011, 08:19:34 UTC
You're taking a rest?

[But why was Lucas laying down here of all places? Barry decides not to question that as he promptly plops himself next to Lucas' side.]

In that case I wanna join too!


Ella/Blue || Pokemon (Cyborg AU) || 3 and 3 andwasitworthit June 24 2011, 13:42:35 UTC
[Oh, Ella's know it's been coming for a while now. She's been planning on it, after all. Her enhancements are unstable anyway, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't going to die.

She's so tired of this life as a prototype weapon. She was planning on sacrificing herself, heroically, but she can't see enough progress to think that escape is realistic anymore. So she'll make sure she'll escape... Permanently.

She's not really the best with technology, so the results aren't as quick as she'd like, but it'll do. She's infiltrated one of the lab rooms and messed with some of her circuitry. It won't do anything yet, but she's pretty sure she's caused enough damage to kill herself. She should die within the next few days. She stares at her crudely butchered synthetic skin, wondering if she should do a little more just to be sure, or just leave it as it is.]


sadness ensues mindached June 24 2011, 15:46:15 UTC
[Something's not right at the moment. And Ross can feel it.

He's following your trail, sensing traces of your presence as he enters each lab. And then, he arrives and gives Ella a wide-eyed stare, horrified at her current state.

He even looked through your thoughts and memories, and starts to tear up a bit.]



Bring on the heartbreak! andwasitworthit June 24 2011, 16:12:53 UTC
[Ella looks up in mild surprise; she wasn't expecting anyone to find her.]

Ross...! ... It would be better if you forgot about me. [There's nothing you can do for her now. She doesn't look too happy with this choice, but it was going to happen anyway... She only helped it along. Her icon keywords are astoundingly appropriate.]


mindached June 25 2011, 05:04:15 UTC
But... why Ella? [He tries to hold back his tears. She plans to die. She wants to die.] ...Don't leave. I... don't want to leave you.


Lyra || Pokemon || 6 and 1 blazethetrail June 24 2011, 13:53:56 UTC
[That... That couldn't have been right. Battles were for Pokemon... You weren't supposed to attack the trainer. But then, hadn't Team Rocket proved time and time again that they didn't play by the rules? She'd nearly foiled their plans, too... She just couldn't react fast enough when they changed their target from her team to her.

Her Pokemon tried to help her, but panic and confusion never help a battle effort. Without her guidance, her team was taken out quickly. She's bleeding all over the floor, finally realizing what the villains in her comic books meant when they said "a world of pain".]


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