Jun 05, 2011 03:32

[How? How did it become like this? Red doesn't know, and he doesn't care to ( Read more... )

letty is a sadist, !ic

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hohohohohohohohoho 8)c losesthrice June 5 2011, 18:14:22 UTC
[Oh, another challenger so soon. He stopped counting after his fifth one. When he lifts his gaze to the new challenger he stares. Why is he on the ground? Why didn't he stand up and send out his first Pokémon?

Let's see...who to start out with. ...it didn't matter. He loses anyway. No need to start right away right? He ponders while gazing at the Poké Ball he doesn't remember taking out, in his hand.]

... ...hey. Challenger. Are you just going to lie there?


losesthrice June 10 2011, 01:51:56 UTC
[Blue couldn't get himself to sleep for long. He kept dozing and snapping awake, clutching at Red. Eventually Pidgeot lands over in Sevii, mostly to rest his wings. Oh, okay. Sevii...

He'll slowly nudge at Red trying to get him to wake.]

...Red, hey Red... ...


livingisdeath June 10 2011, 02:09:19 UTC
[He's still out. Though he does unconsciously make a face at your attempts to wake him. He's so tired... He wants to sleep.]


losesthrice June 10 2011, 02:18:22 UTC
[He'll stop when it seems like Red's not waking up. Okay, they can just stay here until Pidgeot seemed willing to continue onward. To some place far...further than Sevii...somewhere...]


livingisdeath June 10 2011, 02:43:09 UTC
[And then Red will wake with a start, coughing hard. He's coughing up some blood and looks like he's in a good deal of pain.]


losesthrice June 10 2011, 02:56:01 UTC
[Blood, blood, he's coughing out blood-]

...Cas- Cassian!

[No, no, no! What does he do? How does he stop it?]

Cassian, Cassian! Don't die-!


livingisdeath June 10 2011, 03:13:00 UTC
[Eventually, the coughing fit will pass. Red will settle back down, tears streaming from his eyes and blood trickling from his mouth. It hurts... Why? Why did the Project do this to him? To anyone? He can't see the profit in causing anyone this much suffering.]


losesthrice June 10 2011, 03:21:48 UTC
[Blue's shaking at the sight of blood and tears from Red. It was setting off memories he didn't want to remember. Taniyah, laying there and red, so much red - ]

... ...R-Red... [He's trying to wipe away the blood, with his own sleeve.] ... ...sorry...


livingisdeath June 10 2011, 03:27:05 UTC
[He gets his jaw moving, unable to get sound for a few moments.]

... Wwwhhy...? [Why are you apologizing? You've done nothing wrong.]


losesthrice June 10 2011, 16:22:54 UTC
...hurt. You're hurt...

[And he couldn't help. So therefore IT IS HIS FAULT. It makes sense in his mind, clearly.]


livingisdeath June 10 2011, 20:33:32 UTC
.... It's nnnnnnot... It's not your f-fault... [He's hurt, he's hurt, he's hurt... The words ring around and around in his head, reminding him of his failure.]


losesthrice June 10 2011, 22:19:50 UTC
[Blue just shakes his head. He's hurt, he's hurt and bleed and...]

...d-...don't die...not again, not again...


livingisdeath June 12 2011, 09:29:49 UTC
[Dying? Maybe. Who can even tell anymore? He thinks he's been dead inside for a long time. A long time...]

... D-don't... I don't wwwant to d-die, Blue... I don't w-want to...


losesthrice June 14 2011, 22:37:58 UTC
[Blue's shaking his head furiously now as he reaches to clutch Red closer to himself.]

N-no...no! NO! Don't die, don't die don't die, please, please...Cassian...


livingisdeath June 16 2011, 23:18:13 UTC
[Red winces as you accidentally grip one of his injuries. He's going to try to hug you now, despite another forceful cough ejecting more blood from his lungs.]


losesthrice June 17 2011, 00:02:20 UTC
[Blue stares as some of that blood manages to get on him. N...no...no...Red, Red Red-]

R... Red...

[He'll try to wipe away the blood with his own sleeve.]


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