Jun 05, 2011 03:32

[How? How did it become like this? Red doesn't know, and he doesn't care to ( Read more... )

letty is a sadist, !ic

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Comments 179

we should make a revenge plot against Cri and her enablings. :|b spiritedingly June 5 2011, 07:58:39 UTC
[While Red lays down on the ground trembling with pain, his own younger self appears, crouching down right next to him and shaking his arm, telling him to wake. He somehow worries of his older self's state after seeing him on the ground like that.]

Hey... Hey, wake up. Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay...


Well... I sorta enabled her into Bad End Blue, so... /derps it up livingisdeath June 5 2011, 08:08:15 UTC
[Wake? No... Red's not asleep. He can't sleep. He can't escape even like that. Nevertheless, something is shaking his arm... His arm, you may notice, is entirely covered with scars and stitches. So is his other arm, and almost all the rest of his skin, too.

He slowly, slowly moves to look at you... Himself? No, it must be a clone... God knows there's more than enough of them. He just closes his eyes. What's the point? He's nowhere near anything that could be called okay, but this is as good as life will get for him.]


/derps with then :U spiritedingly June 5 2011, 08:23:38 UTC
[He did notice those stitches and scars. He tries his best not to show any disgust on his face, but still...]

Man, you look awful...

[He blinks at his older self's reaction and decides to repeatedly poke his cheek instead. Don't mind how annoying this kid is, but that's how Red is.]


livingisdeath June 5 2011, 08:32:14 UTC
... [Red groans after a minute. He feels so sick... He couldn't get up if he wanted to.]

... I feel worse.


hohohohohohohohoho 8)c losesthrice June 5 2011, 18:14:22 UTC
[Oh, another challenger so soon. He stopped counting after his fifth one. When he lifts his gaze to the new challenger he stares. Why is he on the ground? Why didn't he stand up and send out his first Pokémon?

Let's see...who to start out with. ...it didn't matter. He loses anyway. No need to start right away right? He ponders while gazing at the Poké Ball he doesn't remember taking out, in his hand.]

... ...hey. Challenger. Are you just going to lie there?


\o/ livingisdeath June 5 2011, 18:26:59 UTC
[It takes him a few moments to register your voice. Isn't that...? But it can't be, they wouldn't have let Blue live, especially not as a gym leader, right? Still.. He just wants to see his best friend again... To be free, and have his best friend, his only friend, again...]

.................. B-... B-Blue...?


losesthrice June 5 2011, 18:30:44 UTC
[The moment Blue hears that voice he drops the Poké Ball to the ground followed by a loud crack. Slowly he approaches Red closer, staring and staring more. It couldn't be, it can't be, he saw him die-]

... ...Cassian...?


livingisdeath June 5 2011, 18:57:22 UTC
... N-... N-No... I-It's me...

[What was his "name" again...? He doesn't even remember. He doesn't even have a label anymore. Just a number. A number a number a number. He's been stripped of every single thing he ever had.]

... Z-Zero...


noteventhrice June 6 2011, 04:11:04 UTC
[ It wasn't until exactly one hour later...that Lucas walks through the same Gym doors. He was enthusiastic (probably like the other seven times he's been here), until he spots what s lying on the floor. ]

...Oh my god. [Lucas runs to the boy on the ground.] What happened to you?


livingisdeath June 6 2011, 04:30:59 UTC
[Red groans... They never use anesthesia on him anymore. They've changed the process, slightly, for him, as a punishment. Just so he can suffer more.]

... Pro...jec...t...


noteventhrice June 6 2011, 23:43:47 UTC
Project...? What is that? What is the Project?

[Pierce is horrified. The poor guy can barely move!] We need to get you some help, like right now!


livingisdeath June 7 2011, 00:09:15 UTC
........... Nnnnnnno... N-No doctors, no hospital... N-No nnnnurses... No nurses...

[Even in his weakened state, he hates anything and everything medical. If you can help him without anything medical, do so, but he won't consider anything medical as "help".]


thedreambetween June 6 2011, 04:17:25 UTC
[The domain of the gym. Green likes to be here. Green was never much of a battler. But the atmosphere of a gym was wonderful. The challengers were of good spirit. He normally only lost once a month, lucky kids who beat him too.

Today was different. Today was one of those "Piss off, why am I even a Gym Leader" days. He'd left Red at home- Red was still weak. Recovering from the Rocket fiasco.]

Huh? What was that noise? [Green leisurely strolled to the front of his Gym. The heap on the floor, the face. The striking look of pain.] Red, who did this to you?

Red. I told you not to leave the house!


Holy typo, Batman! livingisdeath June 6 2011, 05:54:55 UTC
[Red stares up at your face, weak, unable to register exactly what he's seeing. The change from the last time you saw "him" should be mystifying. He looks tired, so tired... And not just from lack of sleep. Older, haggard, weak...

There's no light to be found in those crimson eyes of his. They know nothing of trust. They know even less of hope than they do of trust. Something, someone has hurt him terribly. His clothes are stained with blood and growing ever redder from his most recent injuries. He has more scars than skin at this point.]


Eeek! thedreambetween June 6 2011, 23:29:29 UTC
[Green leans down and strokes Red's hair. This was painful to see. So painful to see. To witness Red in this much pain. Green was already at an emotionally unstable point, his stomach is twisting in his midsection.]

Red. Are you awake?


livingisdeath June 7 2011, 01:07:34 UTC
[Red takes another few moments, trying to register what's going on... He nods. Yeah, he's awake... He wishes he weren't.]


a wild not bad end!Blue appeared :D reachforfreedom June 7 2011, 02:14:55 UTC
[Blue was taken by surprise when his gym doors burst open. He turns around expecting to see Chris (he was brash enough for that--) only to see an all too familiar figure on the floor.

Dashing over, Blue kneels down, placing a hand against his back and silently looking him over. At first, he had thought it may have been Cassian but upon closer inspection this was Red. But how? Red was--...was he...Red's second clone?]

...keep still. You're going to be alright.


:DDDDDDDDDDDD Letty sent out Angst! livingisdeath June 7 2011, 02:40:44 UTC
[Red's eyes roll in his head, he's dizzy with the pain. Still, when he manages to recover enough to register his surroundings, when he sees your face... There's a look of recognition. He... He knows you. He silently mouths "Blue" at you, telling you he remembers you and hoping you understand.]


IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE! reachforfreedom June 7 2011, 04:09:42 UTC
[Blue will take note of that look, and how he's mouthing "Blue". Then this really was Red? Pausing for a brief second, Blue nods back in response. In an attempt to soothe Red, he runs his hand against Red's back.]

...save your strength, Red. Close your eyes, rest. I'll watch over you.


POKEBALL GO! livingisdeath June 7 2011, 04:22:59 UTC
[He has so, so many scars, you may be able to feel the deeper ones through his clothes. He does close his eyes and try to rest, though. Even after everything, he can still trust you. Even with all his barely-cared-for injuries... He knows he can afford to drop his guard with you.

Nevertheless, his entire body is quivering in pain. They've wreaked havoc on his muscles and ligaments, he can't bring himself to really relax. He is, in simplest terms, a mess.]


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