Jun 05, 2011 03:32

[How? How did it become like this? Red doesn't know, and he doesn't care to ( Read more... )

letty is a sadist, !ic

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hohohohohohohohoho 8)c losesthrice June 5 2011, 18:14:22 UTC
[Oh, another challenger so soon. He stopped counting after his fifth one. When he lifts his gaze to the new challenger he stares. Why is he on the ground? Why didn't he stand up and send out his first Pokémon?

Let's see...who to start out with. ...it didn't matter. He loses anyway. No need to start right away right? He ponders while gazing at the Poké Ball he doesn't remember taking out, in his hand.]

... ...hey. Challenger. Are you just going to lie there?


\o/ livingisdeath June 5 2011, 18:26:59 UTC
[It takes him a few moments to register your voice. Isn't that...? But it can't be, they wouldn't have let Blue live, especially not as a gym leader, right? Still.. He just wants to see his best friend again... To be free, and have his best friend, his only friend, again...]

.................. B-... B-Blue...?


losesthrice June 5 2011, 18:30:44 UTC
[The moment Blue hears that voice he drops the Poké Ball to the ground followed by a loud crack. Slowly he approaches Red closer, staring and staring more. It couldn't be, it can't be, he saw him die-]

... ...Cassian...?


livingisdeath June 5 2011, 18:57:22 UTC
... N-... N-No... I-It's me...

[What was his "name" again...? He doesn't even remember. He doesn't even have a label anymore. Just a number. A number a number a number. He's been stripped of every single thing he ever had.]

... Z-Zero...


losesthrice June 5 2011, 23:27:14 UTC
[..."Zero"? But Cassian was... what number was it again? Five? ...

Slowly he gets onto his knees, reaching out with his scar filled hands. Cassian-...Red? Which one? Was he dreaming again? Blue will place his hand closer to lightly touching strands of his hair.]

Red...Red... ...are you here to kill me?


livingisdeath June 6 2011, 00:40:32 UTC
... R-Red... That's r-right... [That's right. Red... Red was the "name" they'd forced on him.

Red shifts slightly, slowly,, so he can see you. It's just a simple stare, with dull red eyes that know nothing of trust and less of hope.]

... C-Couldn't... I couldn't e-even if I wanted to... B... Blue... ... Blue... H-Help me...


losesthrice June 6 2011, 12:07:40 UTC
[Blue stares back as well. He was tired, looked it too. He stares at Red, trying to keep focus on what he's say. Help...help...Red, Red needed help and he couldn't even-]

I-I'm sorry...Red... I'm sorry...

[He'll murmur while reaching to place his arms around Red. It was all he could think to do. This had to be a dream, it had to be if he was here right now with him. When did he fall asleep? It was hard keeping track.]

All my fault...I'm sorry...


livingisdeath June 6 2011, 18:32:57 UTC
... It's nnnnnnot.... ["It's not your fault" was what he had thought to say. He tenses, twitches, and grunts at the contact, but he's trying to move to return the embrace.]

... H-Help me... P...lease...


losesthrice June 6 2011, 21:32:20 UTC
[Help. He said "Help me". ...what did he mean? No, no was he dying? No...no...]


[He's latching onto Red a bit more. He had to think. What? What would he have done...? ...why did it even matter? This is just a dream isn't it? He'll wake back up on that damn table sooner or later.]

... ...kill me. Kill me. Isn't that why you're here?


livingisdeath June 6 2011, 23:10:14 UTC
... Nnnno, no... No... [Kill... Kill Blue? No, he could never... He would never...]

... Blue... Blue, help me... G-Get me... Get me out... Please...


losesthrice June 6 2011, 23:15:42 UTC

[Tilting his head Blue ponders to himself. Out, out where? ...but if he helped Cassian (Red?) he would be happy. Right? Happy, happy, happy he wanted him to be happy-]

...where? How...?


I am horrible for wondering how past!Blue would respond to this. /shot x10000 livingisdeath June 7 2011, 00:02:47 UTC
... Out... O-Out of here... Out of th-the P-Pro... [He's interrupted by a harsh coughing fit. He's in horrible condition. They care nothing for him beyond how many times they can kill him and force him to battle.]

... Anywhere... A-Any way... Please...


...well I could tag this post with him 8)c losesthrice June 7 2011, 00:14:44 UTC
[He inhales a little too sharply at the sound of Red's cough. He wanted out. He wanted to be away from the Project. He wanted to be safe, safe and and and-]

... ...Red...don't worry. Don't worry...it'll be...

[He trails off while forcing a smile. So tired, he was so tired. Yet Cassian was here and alive and he had to help him and not let him die again and again and again.]

...I'll take you anywhere. Somewhere far...


... :3? livingisdeath June 7 2011, 01:32:10 UTC
[Red doesn't want to die anymore. Somewhere in him, his self-preservation instincts have been awakened. He's being selfish, he knows, but he can't take any more of this.]

... Th...a...nk... Y...ou... [He's relaxing a bit... No, he's passing out in your arms. He's still alive, but the pain has him knocked out for the moment.]


8) losesthrice June 7 2011, 01:46:59 UTC
[Unfortunately for Red, blue is on the opposite end of this spectrum. He was sick and tired of living but he had to hold on. Especially when Red needed him. When Red passes out however, Blue panics. No, no, no no-]

Cassian! Cassian!

[His hands begin to roam against Red's body, trying to feel that he was still warm. He was still breathing and alive. He's still alive. It takes yet another moment or two for Blue to calm down.]

Have to...have to leave...


:3?! livingisdeath June 7 2011, 01:59:51 UTC
[Yes, Red's still alive. His dreams, though, are a tempestuous whirl of the pain he feels, though. The agony of death. The anguish of captivity. Please, please Blue. Save him.]


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